Tuesday, May 09, 2017

[ED-TECH] Tips for saving time with polling and quizzing

Dear Colleague, 

Have you considered using a student response system (student polling) in any of your classes? There is a webinar on Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 2pm at which a former English professor will discuss "ways you can incorporate polling without sacrificing your valuable class time or those lesson plans you've spent years perfecting. [She] will also discuss ways in-class polling and quizzing can be used to save time, giving you even more freedom for instruction." 

Register here:

Bill Vilberg

On May 9, 2017 at 9:05:48 AM, iClicker | REEF (email@iclicker.com) wrote:


Webinar: Polling in No Time


Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 2:00 PM ET

Presented by:
Natalie Dougall | Faculty Consultant

Register Now

Want to bring in-class polling to your classroom but feel like there's just no time? Join us on Wednesday, May 17 at 2PM EDT. Faculty consultant and former English professor Natalie Dougall will present ways you can incorporate polling without sacrificing your valuable class time or those lesson plans you've spent years perfecting. Natalie will also discuss ways in-class polling and quizzing can be used to save time, giving you even more freedom for instruction.

Register Now

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Wednesday, May 03, 2017

[ED-TECH] Innovate, Innovate, Innovate!

Dear colleagues,

As the semester ends, this is a time to reflect on your classes during the last year and think about things you would like to try next year. Faculty are "reflective practitioners" (1) You practice, select, adjust, and repeat. It is time to reflect.

What problems did your students have? What techniques have you heard of that you would like to add to your toolbox? What management changes could be made in your classrooms?

Innovation is not about how you use technology. Innovation is not reserved for the few. Innovation is not solely a "product". (2) Every time you try something new you are innovating. So take 30 minutes and reflect on one of your classes. Identify one thing you would like to do that might increase learning. Then start planning to put it in practice in the fall. 

Congratulations on completing an EXCELLENT semester and year. Now, how can you do better next time?


Bill Vilberg