Friday, February 26, 2010

[ED-TECH] wordle - Fun Friday Video 006

Each Friday I release a video on an interesting educational-technology product or service. The videos are short (less than 10 minutes) and demonstrate what the product is and how to install or use it.

This week's video is on wordle, a free service to create word clouds. This is fun to do, and can provide an easy way to introduce textual analysis to your students in almost any field. Please take a look at this, and the previous five videos, by going to the<> web site.

For a set of articles on how to use wordle in the classroom, go to the<> web page.

Bill Vilberg<>

Friday, February 19, 2010

[ED-TECH] Fun Friday Video 005 - Invisible Hand

Invisible Hand is an amazing price comparison add-on for Firefox and Google Chrome. If you shop on the web you MUST go to and watch this short (six minute) video.

One of the best features of Invisible Hand is that you install it and forget about it. If it finds you looking at a page that sells an item, it checks for better prices and warns you if you could do better than the current page's price. There are other price comparison sites, but this add-on requires NO effort on your part.

The video is only six minutes long. As usual, the first half demonstrates the item and the second half walks through the installation, so take three minutes and see if this isn't something that you would use.

Gp to to view the video. Remember that you can increase the resolution to 720p and go to full-screen mode to see the details better. I hope you had a great week and enjoy this technology tidbit.

Bill Vilberg<>

Friday, February 12, 2010

[ED-TECH] Fun Friday Videos 004 - RadioLab

Fun Friday Videos 004 - RadioLab - is now available from the web site. This episode is less than nine minutes long. If you don't know about RadioLab, I really think you will enjoy this episode. If you know about RadioLab, I share your joy.

RadioLab is, surprise, a radio show. As a frugal innovation (see<>) you can use it in your classes to engage students and help them to understand the complexity of our world and the pleasure in learning about it. Or you can use it to expand your own understanding and wonder on an incredible range of topics.

By the way, I have NO IDEA when this is broadcast on the radio, and I don't care. I subscribed to it on iTunes so I can listen on my iPhone at my convenience. My wife listens to NPR in the car during her commute and told me about a number of the episodes. Now my children, love listening to it in the car, too.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement<>

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Re: [ED-TECH] on-line training now available

Hi - just a clarification - our current license is limited to 5 simultaneous users, so there's a chance you may be turned away if all licenses are in use. If so, just try again a little later.

Again, we're very interested in feedback from anyone who uses the product, so send your comments to:

Thanks, cheryl

Cheryl Gowing
Director, Information Mgmt & Systems
University of Miami Richter Library
Coral Gables, FL 33124-0320

(305) 284-6018 (305) 505-2898 (cell)
(305) 284-4721 (fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: UM Educational Technology List [mailto:ED-TECH@LISTSERV.MIAMI.EDU] On Behalf Of Herzog, Bryanna Valentine
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: [ED-TECH] on-line training now available

As an additional note to this, if you cannot log in because the reserved seats are full, please send an e-mail to We are trying to get an idea of how many more seats we will need to purchase in the future.


Bryanna V. Herzog
Digital Media Services Manager
University of Miami Libraries
1300 Memorial Drive Rm. 120
Coral Gables, FL  33124
Phone: 305-284-2548 .:. Fax: 305-284-4027

-----Original Message-----
From: UM Educational Technology List [mailto:ED-TECH@LISTSERV.MIAMI.EDU] On Behalf Of Vilberg, William R.
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:09 PM
Subject: [ED-TECH] on-line training now available

Ed-Tech list members,<> has an incredibly large collection of computer training classes. UM now make<> available through the Media Center of the Richter Library. Go to and locate the<> link toward the bottom of the page. If you are off-campus, as I understand it, you will need to enter your CaneID. On-campus you just get right in. Then you can search by topic or for keywords. If there is some program or language or service you want to learn about,<> probably has a course already available. Take a look.

I have found hours and hours of training I want to complete: the Apple iWorks suite of programs, CSS and Jquery, Web design, and more. Now, to find the time. I should really pretend it is a course I am taking, and leave my office every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for an hour to work on this material.

Bill Vilberg<>

Re: [ED-TECH] on-line training now available

Great stuff Bryanna. You guys have some excellent classes that I want to take. I clicked on one of the classes and I got this message:

Permission Denied

Your organization's licenses are currently all in use. Please try back again later.

If you find you are unable to access the site on an on-going basis, please contact your administrator about the purchase of additional licenses.

If you have questions or need additional assistance please contact at 1-888-335-9632x2 or

Thank you for your interest in

Ken Gamber
University of Miami
Instructional Advancement
Classroom Technology Manager
8-6239 786-356-4024
From: UM Educational Technology List [ED-TECH@LISTSERV.MIAMI.EDU] On Behalf Of Herzog, Bryanna Valentine [bherzog@MIAMI.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: [ED-TECH] on-line training now available

As an additional note to this, if you cannot log in because the reserved seats are full, please send an e-mail to We are trying to get an idea of how many more seats we will need to purchase in the future.


Bryanna V. Herzog
Digital Media Services Manager
University of Miami Libraries
1300 Memorial Drive Rm. 120
Coral Gables, FL 33124
Phone: 305-284-2548 .:. Fax: 305-284-4027

-----Original Message-----
From: UM Educational Technology List [mailto:ED-TECH@LISTSERV.MIAMI.EDU] On Behalf Of Vilberg, William R.
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:09 PM
Subject: [ED-TECH] on-line training now available

Ed-Tech list members,<> has an incredibly large collection of computer training classes. UM now make<> available through the Media Center of the Richter Library. Go to and locate the<> link toward the bottom of the page. If you are off-campus, as I understand it, you will need to enter your CaneID. On-campus you just get right in. Then you can search by topic or for keywords. If there is some program or language or service you want to learn about,<> probably has a course already available. Take a look.

I have found hours and hours of training I want to complete: the Apple iWorks suite of programs, CSS and Jquery, Web design, and more. Now, to find the time. I should really pretend it is a course I am taking, and leave my office every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for an hour to work on this material.

Bill Vilberg<>

Re: [ED-TECH] on-line training now available

As an additional note to this, if you cannot log in because the reserved seats are full, please send an e-mail to We are trying to get an idea of how many more seats we will need to purchase in the future.


Bryanna V. Herzog
Digital Media Services Manager
University of Miami Libraries
1300 Memorial Drive Rm. 120
Coral Gables, FL  33124
Phone: 305-284-2548 .:. Fax: 305-284-4027

-----Original Message-----
From: UM Educational Technology List [mailto:ED-TECH@LISTSERV.MIAMI.EDU] On Behalf Of Vilberg, William R.
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:09 PM
Subject: [ED-TECH] on-line training now available

Ed-Tech list members,<> has an incredibly large collection of computer training classes. UM now make<> available through the Media Center of the Richter Library. Go to and locate the<> link toward the bottom of the page. If you are off-campus, as I understand it, you will need to enter your CaneID. On-campus you just get right in. Then you can search by topic or for keywords. If there is some program or language or service you want to learn about,<> probably has a course already available. Take a look.

I have found hours and hours of training I want to complete: the Apple iWorks suite of programs, CSS and Jquery, Web design, and more. Now, to find the time. I should really pretend it is a course I am taking, and leave my office every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for an hour to work on this material.

Bill Vilberg<>

[ED-TECH] on-line training now available

Ed-Tech list members,<> has an incredibly large collection of computer training classes. UM now make<> available through the Media Center of the Richter Library. Go to and locate the<> link toward the bottom of the page. If you are off-campus, as I understand it, you will need to enter your CaneID. On-campus you just get right in. Then you can search by topic or for keywords. If there is some program or language or service you want to learn about,<> probably has a course already available. Take a look.

I have found hours and hours of training I want to complete: the Apple iWorks suite of programs, CSS and Jquery, Web design, and more. Now, to find the time. I should really pretend it is a course I am taking, and leave my office every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for an hour to work on this material.

Bill Vilberg<>

Monday, February 08, 2010

[ED-TECH] Fun Friday Video - Jing (and Frugal Innovations)

Fun Friday Video 003 - Jing

Go to<> to learn about Jing, a free screen capture program. You can use it to demonstrate some computer process, show a tech support person what steps you are following when an error occurs, or create a short (under five minute) presentation for your students.

The first demo of Jing describes Frugal Innovations, a concept developed by the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Group to promote inexpensive, easy to learn techniques that can improve instruction. The short Frugal innovations video has content that may interest you, and it also demonstrates how you can create a "pre-class" activity for your students.

The is the video that was supposed to be released this past Friday. Things came up and I couldn't get it produced on time. My son, John, is a Boy Scout and will be doing his Eagle Scout project on February 20th. Almost all of our time this weekend was spent getting things ready. I will try to get this week's FunFridayVideo done earlier so it can really come out on Friday.

Bill Vilberg<>

Friday, February 05, 2010

[ED-TECH] Pelican Journal of Sustainable Development

The February 2010 issue has been posted:

Page 1 is a book review of

State of the World 2010:
Transforming Cultures from Consumerism to Sustainability
By Erik Assadourian & Staff, Worldwatch Institute, 2010

and three invited articles:

Truth and Consequences on the Last Frontier
by Richard Steiner, University of Alaska-Anchorage, USA

Woman as "Other" in Monotheistic Religious Discourse
by Zilka Spahic-Šiljak, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina

A Path to Sustainable Energy by 2030
by Mark Jacobson & Mark Delucchi, Stanford University, USA


Luis T. Gutierrez, Ph.D.
The Pelican Web
Editor, PelicanWeb Journal of Sustainable Development

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

[ED-TECH] Online Science Homework System - Sapling Learning

On Monday, February 15th,<> will be on campus to demonstrate their online science homework system. The session will take place in the University Center Ballroom, Room 256 A, from 2:30 pm until 4:30 pm. There are a number of such specialized home systems for different disciplines. If you are involved in the sciences at UM, I encourage you to attend this presentation so that we can determine interest in such a system.

Please sign up for this session by going to<> and clicking on the Events link.

Bill Vilberg<>