Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[ED-TECH] Seth Godin video

I recorded the Seth Godin video. You MUST see it. He really has a great vision of the future and focuses on Higher Education.

Do good things,


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

[ED-TECH] Seth Godin and more, starting tomorrow from EDUCAUSE

Ed-Tech listserv members,


The EDUCAUSE conference sessions start tomorrow, from Philadelphia, PA. This conference deals with technology in higher education. The keynote speaker tomorrow at 8:20 AM is Seth Godin, author of Linchpin and other books. EDUCAUSE streams live from Wednesday morning through Friday noon. Just go to and follow the links. Watch the Godin talk (it should be GREAT!) and then decide if you want to watch any of the others "live" from your own computer. If so, mark them on your calendar so you don't forget.

In the schedule at you can identify the public sessions because their titles are highlighted in gold.


In addition to the live sessions, Information Technology has arranged for two different feeds, one in the Gables One Tower, across US-1, and one in Richter Library, Room 325. If you are interested in watching any of the sessions that will be shown "live" in either of these locations, let me know and I can get you details of where they will be located.

Sessions which will be streamed are highlighted in blue or green depending on whether the sessions are in Richter Library (blue) or Gables One Tower (green) in the schedule at .


Finally, ALL of the sessions that are being streamed will be available to us for 90 days after the conference, except for the Seth Godin session. This includes ALL the sessions listed on the schedule at . If you are interested in seeing any of the EDUCAUSE sessions after the conference ends, watch for the upcoming announcement to Ed-Tech.

If you have any trouble connecting, or have any questions, let me know, Ok?

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement Center
University of Miami, FL
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Monday, October 10, 2011

[ED-TECH] Applications due October 31 for the FLC on ICT Literacy

Ed-Tech Faculty Members,

The application for the 2012 Faculty Learning Community (FLC) on Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) Literacy is now available at It is a very short application, so I encourage all full-time faculty members, engaged in undergraduate teaching, to apply. Completed applications are due by October 31.

The announcement, at, states, "The University regards FLC membership as an acknowledgment of excellent, innovative, and effective teaching." Each member will receive a $1,500 research and educational fund to support their FLC work and a one-course teaching reduction in the fall 2012 semester. You can see the list of prior participants and some of their projects on the web site.

Whether you are familiar with ICT Literacy or not, this opportunity is for you. While you may not have heard of ICT Literacy, you have probably encountered wikis, blogs, YouTube, the web, and more as it relates to your classes. Faculty are sometimes called Reflective Practitioners. This is a chance to explore Information, Communication and Technology Literacy as it applies to the classes you are teaching. This is a chance to reflect with your peers from across the disciplines. This is a chance to implement an ICT Literacy based change in a course and examine the results. If you are interested in this topic, I strongly encourage you to apply this year.

SACS - Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - The organization that accredits UM.
QEP - Quality Enhancement Plan - A project to improve student learning at the University of Miami, as part of our SACS accreditation.
FLC - Faculty Learning Community - A process where a group of faculty from across disciplines get together to investigate a topic.
ICT Literacy - Information, Communication, and Technology Literacy - The topic of UM's 2012 FLC.


Bill Vilberg,, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Re: [ED-TECH] Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An HETL Interview with Dr. Dee Fink

Congratulations Bill!

Thanks for the article! Wonderful! Let's se if we can make this happen!

Lyndon Godsall Ed.D, Ed.S, M.Ed, B.Ed
Instructional Designer
305-284-2710 Office
954-647-4634 Cell

On 10/5/11 9:55 AM, "Vilberg, William R." <bill.vilberg@MIAMI.EDU> wrote:

>Ed-Tech list members,
>I just posted an article on that I think is worth your
>time. It is a short interview with L. Dee Fink that talks about
>opportunities to improve teaching (and learning) in higher education. If
>you have about five minutes, please go to and check it
>out. This article makes no mention of technology, although technology can
>play a part in many of the points that he makes.
>The Instructional Advancement Center has become an academic technology
>center over the last few years. Our primary activities are managing and
>supporting faculty use of the Blackboard learning management system and
>the technology in the 80 or so general purpose classrooms on campus. I am
>excited that we are now (as of Ocober 1) part of Information Technology
>at UM and I am reporting directly to Steve Cawley, our new CIO. This
>change opens lots of wonderful possibilities for us and should provide
>improved services to you.
>At the same time I worry that the advancement of teaching and learning,
>non-technology related, might be neglected. To continue my efforts in
>that area I will continue to post material on and send
>information to the ed-tech list as I come across it. If you are
>interested in any specific material, let me know and I will do what I can
>to assist you in pursuing your interests, whether they be purely teaching
>and learning based or technology related.
>Now, that you have read this far, don't forget that this message is about
>the L. Dee Fink article, not about our organizational change. Please go
>back and read the article. How would you measure up on his four areas of
>evaluating teaching? Which of his six categories in the taxonomy of
>significant learning do you explicitly include in your classes? Which
>fundamental the fundamental tasks of teaching would you like to develop
>in your repertoire? How might you participate in or lead a bottom-up
>improvement in teaching at UM? This short article has a lot of things to
>think about.
>Best day,
>Bill Vilberg -, 786-250-2255
> - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

[ED-TECH] Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An HETL Interview with Dr. Dee Fink

Ed-Tech list members,

I just posted an article on that I think is worth your time. It is a short interview with L. Dee Fink that talks about opportunities to improve teaching (and learning) in higher education. If you have about five minutes, please go to and check it out. This article makes no mention of technology, although technology can play a part in many of the points that he makes.

The Instructional Advancement Center has become an academic technology center over the last few years. Our primary activities are managing and supporting faculty use of the Blackboard learning management system and the technology in the 80 or so general purpose classrooms on campus. I am excited that we are now (as of Ocober 1) part of Information Technology at UM and I am reporting directly to Steve Cawley, our new CIO. This change opens lots of wonderful possibilities for us and should provide improved services to you.

At the same time I worry that the advancement of teaching and learning, non-technology related, might be neglected. To continue my efforts in that area I will continue to post material on and send information to the ed-tech list as I come across it. If you are interested in any specific material, let me know and I will do what I can to assist you in pursuing your interests, whether they be purely teaching and learning based or technology related.

Now, that you have read this far, don't forget that this message is about the L. Dee Fink article, not about our organizational change. Please go back and read the article. How would you measure up on his four areas of evaluating teaching? Which of his six categories in the taxonomy of significant learning do you explicitly include in your classes? Which fundamental the fundamental tasks of teaching would you like to develop in your repertoire? How might you participate in or lead a bottom-up improvement in teaching at UM? This short article has a lot of things to think about.

Best day,
Bill Vilberg -, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more