Thursday, December 24, 2015

Ed-Tech List Information

Thu, 24 Dec 2015 06:00:32

You are subscribed to the Ed-Tech list at the University of Miami. I
created this list to distribute information about Educational Technology.

Here are a few reminders.

1. If you want to unsubscribe you can do it a number of ways. A. Send me
an e-mail and I will remove you from the list. B. Go to, click on the "Join or
leave the list" link, and follow the instructions. C. Send the message
"UNSUBSCRIBE ED-TECH" (in the body of the list, not the subject) to (This will only work if sent from the
address that you are subscribed as.)

2. If you know someone who would like to subscribe tell them to do one of
the following. A. Send me an e-mail and I will add them to the list. Tell
me if they want to be on this list (Ed-Tech) and/or the Blackboard
Announcements list (Bb). B. Go to and fill
out the "Mailing List" form. B. Go to, click on the "Join or
leave the list" link, and follow the instructions. C. Send the message
"SUBSCRIBE ED-TECH" (in the body of the list, not the subject) to

3. Searchable archives of the list are available at

Bill Vilberg Home: 305-255-9138 Work: 305-284-3949
Cell: 786-218-3052

Monday, December 14, 2015

[ED-TECH] Blackboard LMS Survey

Blackboard has been at UM since 1999.  Currently 62% of all course sections with more than 3 people have an active Blackboard space.  A group of faculty from the Academic Computing Advisory Committee and I (Allan) are reviewing the Learning Management System (LMS) market to see what competitors to Blackboard have to offer.  This review helps us determine whether we should renew our contract with Blackboard or migrate to another LMS that would provide significant benefits to faculty and students.  

As part of this review, we would like to gather feedback and ideas from our faculty and students.  Please take a few minutes to complete this survey, so we can better understand your experience using Blackboard or another system as part of the teaching and learning mission of the University.  Your input will be very valuable to our decision-making process.

If we did choose to replace Blackboard with another tool, this would be a 18-24 month process where both systems will be available for teaching and reference purposes. We would also help faculty migrate their courses to the new system and offer preview sessions, training, and support.

If you have any questions about the survey or the LMS review process, please contact Allan Gyorke,

Thank You,
Allan Gyorke
Assistant Vice President for Information Technology
Chief Academic Technology Officer