Wednesday, May 28, 2014

[ED-TECH] Supporting Faculty in Developing Online Course Proficiencies - Sign up now

The Educause Learning Initiative (ELI) is running a "Supporting Faculty in Developing Online Course Proficiencies" short course June 5-17 and UM will be participating. Please join us, UMIT Academic Technologies, for the three webinar sessions: Thursday, June 5; Wednesday, June 11; and Tuesday, June 17; 1:00 - 2:30 pm; in Richter Library, Third Floor Conference Room. With all of the recent activity around on-line courses at UM, this looks like an excellent event for us.

To register for this (free) event at UM, go to our registration form

For complete details about the short course, go to the ELI site

- Bill -

William (Bill) Vilberg
Assistant Director
Information Technology
University of Miami
305-284-3944 (desk)
786-250-2255 (cell)

Thursday, May 01, 2014

[ED-TECH] Teaching Online for Beginners, May 11 - June 27

Ed-Tech mailing list members,

The Teaching, Learning, Technology Group will be running an online course/experience (FREE!) for people who are thinking of teaching online, or moving some of their course experience online. These are not people with "the answers" but, rather, people who are investigating the subject. I have enjoyed working with the leaders since 1994, so I am hoping this will be another valuable experience. The event begins on May 11 and runs through June 27. Since it is all online, and participants are not locked into the exact schedule, it can fit into almost anyone's summer schedule. A wonderful "Professional Development" opportunity related to teaching.

Watch the video at for an introduction. Go to for more details, the schedule, and a button to register (FREE!) for this event.

I will be signing up for the series. I hope to see many of you online.

- Bill -

William (Bill) Vilberg
Assistant Director
Information Technology
University of Miami
305-284-3944 (desk)
786-250-2255 (cell)