Thursday, July 29, 2010

[ED-TECH] SysAdminDay

The last Friday in July is SysAdminDay. They like cookies, but saying "Thanks" will be appreciated, too.


Bill Vilberg -<>, 786-250-2255

Thursday, July 22, 2010

[ED-TECH] Training and other news from IT User Support Services

Ed-Tech members,

The e-Newsletter for IT User Support Services at UM is now available at (sorry for the long URL, but that is what it is.

This issue Includes training schedules and other information you might want to check out.

Bill - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

[ED-TECH] Let your tech support people know - Mtg Thursday

Ed-Tech list members,

Some system and network administrators at UM may not know about the meeting scheduled for 2:00 pm, Thursday, TOMMOROW, at the School of Architecture, Glasgow Lecture Hall Room 110. Please encourage your local tech people to attend, whether they received the original notice, included below, or not. If they manage PCs, a server, or are involved in networking, they should try to participate in this meeting.

I do NOT know the agenda. But there are things afoot, as Sherlock Holmes might say, that they will want to know about and have a voice in.

[Tech people: Sorry if you get a number of these in your inbox. Wanted to reach out to you in some way.]

Bill Vilberg, 786-250-2255,

On Jul 16, 2010, at 10:46 AM, Seruya, Stewart wrote:

Greetings Admins,
There will be a System Administrators meeting next Thursday, July 22, 2002 at 2pm. The meeting will be held at the School of Architecture, Glasgow Lecture Hall Room 110. Please email any topics you would like to see on the agenda for this meeting.

Hope to see you all there.
Stewart Seruya

Saturday, July 17, 2010

[ED-TECH] Ed-Tech, UM, and


I will continue to post all UM specific items to the Ed-Tech mailing list. Other items will only go to Will that work for you?


I have been coming up with a lot of thoughts and ideas this summer. Rather than send them all to ed-tech, I created a web page ( yesterday where I am posting quotes, web pages, personal statements, and more. On some days I expect to post 5-10 items. I am sure there will also be days that I only post a few or no items. I didn't think it made sense to flood your mailboxes with these, so I set up the web site.

Items have dealt with iPhones, higher education, web tools, special offers, and quotes. Here are some examples.

- My photographic memory, using my iPhone camera and the Evernote service
- Installing an AT&T MicroCell at my home
- The diminishing role of Information Technology in many software system decisions
- Some incredible TED Talk videos by Sir Ken Robinson
- A link to an article about the Arizona State University attempt to organize the institution by areas of study/research (i.e., Improving K-12 Education) rather than traditional academic departments
- A fascinating timeline/search tool:
- Following a conference (#bbworld) on Twitter
- Upgrading my iPhone to iOS 4
- A great quote from students regarding their frustration with "the unsophisticated use of technology"
- Amazon giving away a free year's subscription of Prime (free 2nd day air shipping) to students with .edu email addresses

If any of these interest you, go over to and check things out.

I will continue to post all UM specific items to the Ed-Tech mailing list. These will include announcements of local events, opportunities only open to UM faculty, and such. My other items will only go to on them.

---> Will that work for you?

---> If you want INSTRUCTIONS on how to see the posts from within Exchange, Mac OS X, or a newsreader, let me know. I will be happy to post the instructions for accessing from whatever email or newsreader you are using, if you let me know what tool that is.

---> For those of you who use FACEBOOK, all the posts are sent there, as well as my Twitter account. I will be happy to friend you on Facebook, if that is how you want to see my posts. I don't remember how you search on Facebook, but my name there is William Vilberg and I am using my email address there.

---> If you would like to be REMOVED from the Ed-Tech mailing list, please reply to this message. I will get the reply and remove your subscription.

---> If you were given a copy of this message and would like to SUBSCRIBE to the Ed-Tech list, send me ( an email with your name and email address and I will add you to the list.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

[ED-TECH] Diamonds

"The diamond cutter doesn't imagine the diamond he wants. Instead, he
sees the diamond that is possible."

When creating a curriculum for a course, a program, a major, how do we
work as diamond cutters? How do we structure a learning experience
before we know the students? How do we allow for the endless
variations and opportunities on multiple dimensions, when we determine
how the one dimensional grades will be issued?

If it was easy, we wouldn't be so enthralled with our lives in higher

The quote is from "Linchpin" by Seth Godin. I just read this on my
iPad as I ride the bus home from work, and wanted to share it. Best day.

Bill Vilberg
786-250-2255 (cell and work)