Wednesday, April 19, 2006

[ED-TECH] Video of Richard Light's workshop

Ed-Tech list members,
Back on February 21st, Richard Light of Harvard gave a wonderful workshop here, co-hosted by the Faculty Senate and the Office of the Provost. You can now view a recording of it at:
Links to the video will soon appear on our SACS accreditation site:
Harvard does face-to-face surveys of its students asking them a variety of fascinating questions. For example, they have asked the students what was the one thing they wish someone had told them their first year. They found out that students think the most important thing other students should be told is that it is their job to get to know at least one faculty member each semester. So, during advisement for new students, advisors are taught to ask their advisees what the advisees think their job is at Harvard. They say things like getting good grades or learning or working hard. The advisors tell them that they need to get to know one faculty member each semester. That is their real job. It changes their perspective on education, apparently. Anyway, Harvard only found out about this because they do these face-to-face interviews with their students to assess various aspects of education at Harvard. I encourage you to watch the video and think about what questions we would ask our students if we did this.
(We have also video-taped of all of the Excellence in Teaching presentations this year and will begin processing those, now that I know how to do it. At least I think I know how to do it. Some issues still have me confused. It takes a day to edit the video and create the Windows Media Player and Real Media Player versions. Now it appears I need to make a QuickTime version, since neither of these seem to work well on my Mac Mini. Ah, well.)
Bill Vilberg
Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement

[ED-TECH] Excellence in Teaching award winners

The ceremony and reception for this year's Excellence in Teaching award winners will take place on Tuesday, May 2, at 3:00 PM, in the Lowe Art Museum. Everyone is invited to attend this celebration of teaching. Please register at or call 305-284-2008 to RSVP. The list of winners and their practices can be found on the page.
(With all the other things going on, I seem to have neglected to distribute this announcement earlier.)
Bill Vilberg
Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement

[ED-TECH] Enhanced Teaching with Podcasts

Ed-Tech list members,
The Enhanced Teaching with Podcasts awardees have been announced. There are eight exciting proposals to enhance learning with podcasts that will be put into place in Fall 2006, and shared through workshops in Spring 2006. If you would like to see the projects that will be undertaken here at UM, go to either or > Podcasting.
We will be announcing a Call for Participation, in the next few days, for people who are interested in making audio recordings (podcasts) of their classroom presentations starting next fall. The notice will be distributed via this same listserv. These Podcasting projects are being jointly managed by Information Technology, Richter Library, and the Instructional Advancement Center.
Bill Vilberg
Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement
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Thursday, April 13, 2006

[ED-TECH] Digital Library presentation - Friday, April 21

Ed-Tech list members,
Some amazing things are coming out of our University of Miami Digital Library ( On Friday, April 21, at 12:30 PM, Lillian Manzor will be presenting one of the projects developed there. I encourage you to attend and see what has been done with this amazing collection of Cuban/Latino theater materials. If you want to see the material on-line, go to Note the e-mail address, below, to RSVP.

Cuban/Latino Theater Archive – A Digital Cultural Initiative

The University of Miami Libraries invites you to a presentation by Dr Lillian Manzor, associate professor of foreign languages and literatures, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. on Friday April 21, in the Otto G. Richter Library's Cuban Heritage Collection conference room (second floor).

Manzor will introduce the Cuban/Latino Theater Archive she developed with a digital library fellowship from UM Libraries.

The Cuban/Latino Theater Archive provides a coherent framework for documentary material for live theater. It draws on the works, both written texts and live-art performance, of theater practitioners. There are over 2,000 images of photographs, video recordings, sketches for costumes and stage design, program notes, director’s notebooks, and newspaper clippings. The archive is being developed with the collaboration and feedback from theater practitioners, theatre scholars, librarians, artists, and scientists in the U.S., and independent collaborators in Cuba.

You can visit the Cuban/Latino Theater Archive at

A light lunch will be served before the presentation.

Please email if you will be attending.

Bill Vilberg
Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

[ED-TECH] Writing Center Worskhop

Ed-Tech list members,
Do you write? If so, you might think about attending this valuable workshop being offered by the Writing Center. Put it on your calendar and then share this workshop information with your students, too. How wonderful to show our students that learning goes on continuously and that we can all improve our writing.
Bill Vilberg
Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement

From: Burton, Zisca Isabel []
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 11:20 AM
To: ibisnews; e-Veritas
Cc: Gina Maranto; Vilberg, William R.; Mann, April
Subject: Writing Center Worskhop

Thursday April 20th

12:30-1:30pm. Polishing Your Prose.

Please join the Writing Center for the last workshop of our Spring Workshop Series.

Come and find out some strategies for making your writing more sophisticated.

The Writing Center Workshop Series is designed to reach out to all members of the university community.

The workshops focus on some of the most significant writing concerns of students and faculty. We invite writers at all levels to join us.

Zisca Burton

University of Miami

English Department

Composition Lecturer

Writing Center Co-Director

phone (305) 284-2956

fax (305) 284-3288

Monday, April 10, 2006

[ED-TECH] Lunch & Learn: Collaborative Quizzes and Mastery Tasks - APRIL 20 [DATE CORRECTION]

[This session is Thursday, April 20th, not April 13th, as mentioned at the top of the previous e-mail. Sorry.]
Ed-Tech list members,
Each winner of an Excellence in Teaching award gives a presentation in order to share their practices with other faculty members. In this final presentation from 2005's award winners, Vaidy Jayaraman will share some of the techniques he has used to change his class from "Will this be on the test?" to active engagement in learning. Come, have lunch, listen, and consider whether his techniques might be useful in your classes.

Apr. 20 - Short Collaborative Quizzes Combined with Bridge Tasks Using the "Mastery Level" Model

2005 Excellence in Teaching Award Winner
Vaidy Jayaraman
School of Business, Management

How do we help students to learn, rather than just focusing on the exam? How can we use assessment to increase learning? How can we have students demonstrate learning? How can we actively engage students in learning?

In this Lunch and Learn session, Vaidy Jayaraman will demonstrate some of the practices that he uses to enhance student learning outcomes in his classes. Rather than using the quizzes as a measure of learning, the quizzes become a learning tool. Rather than using formal testing as the primary assessment method, students produce projects to demonstrate their achievement of learning outcomes. Come and hear how these techniques work and how they have changed his teaching and the students' learning.

Thursday, April 20, 2006
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
Whitten University Center
Room 211 (Conference room by the Student Government offices)

Lunch will be served. Registration is required. Register at or go to > "Lunch and Learn Series."

A recording of the presentation will be placed on the web site, for those who cannot attend. A link to Vaidy's written description of his practice can be found on the web page.
Bill Vilberg
Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement

[ED-TECH] Lunch & Learn: Collaborative Quizzes and Mastery Tasks

Ed-Tech list members,
Each winner of an Excellence in Teaching award gives a presentation in order to share their practices with other faculty members. In this final presentation from 2005's award winners, Vaidy Jayaraman will share some of the techniques he has used to change his class from "Will this be on the test?" to active engagement in learning. Come, have lunch, listen, and consider whether his techniques might be useful in your classes.

Apr. 13 - Short Collaborative Quizzes Combined with Bridge Tasks Using the "Mastery Level" Model

2005 Excellence in Teaching Award Winner
Vaidy Jayaraman
School of Business, Management

How do we help students to learn, rather than just focusing on the exam? How can we use assessment to increase learning? How can we have students demonstrate learning? How can we actively engage students in learning?

In this Lunch and Learn session, Vaidy Jayaraman will demonstrate some of the practices that he uses to enhance student learning outcomes in his classes. Rather than using the quizzes as a measure of learning, the quizzes become a learning tool. Rather than using formal testing as the primary assessment method, students produce projects to demonstrate their achievement of learning outcomes. Come and hear how these techniques work and how they have changed his teaching and the students' learning.

Thursday, April 20, 2006
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
Whitten University Center
Room 211 (Conference room by the Student Government offices)

Lunch will be served. Registration is required. Register at or go to > "Lunch and Learn Series."

A recording of the presentation will be placed on the web site, for those who cannot attend. A link to Vaidy's written description of his practice can be found on the web page.
Bill Vilberg
Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement

Friday, April 07, 2006

[ED-TECH] Hidden information in Word documents

Ed-Tech list members,
There is an interesting article in the Chronicle of Higher Education describing how some authors of journal papers are able to see who reviewed their papers, if the review comments were written in Word, personalizing information was not removed from the file, and the file was sent as-is to the author.
The article references an information page on how to remove personalizing information from Mac Office 2004. I would expect it to be the same or very similar in the versions of Office on Windows machines.
Back in June 2005 I sent a message to this list about the Track Changes problem that you may run into when distributing Word documents.
Track Changes shows differences in the document. Personal Information shows who created the document. I think these are two separate problems that you should be award of, when sending a document to someone.
Bill Vilberg
Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement

Thursday, April 06, 2006

[ED-TECH] Tablet PC workshop - watch the recording on-line

System-Admins list members,

I apologize for not inviting you to the Lunch and Learn workshop that I did yesterday. It just slipped my mind.

If you manage classrooms, do training, or teach, you might want to watch the recording of the Creating On-Screen and On-Line Demonstrations: Teaching with a Tablet PC session. Go to to find the links to the Camtasia produced video, the PowerPoint slides with the inked notes added during the presentation, and the audio only recording created from the device I was wearing around my neck.

NOTE: At one point in the presentation I had the people introduce themselves and tell what they might do with a Tablet PC. I normally would have cut this out of the recording, since the microphone does not pick up the participants. In fact I did cut it out of the audio only recording. But I left it in the screen-with-audio recording because I was writing their comments on the screen and I wanted the participants to see what that looked like in the final recording.

If, after watching the video, you have any questions or comments, please let me know, OK?

Bill Vilberg
Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement

[ED-TECH] Tablet PC workshop - watch the recording on-line

Ed-Tech list members,

The recording of yesterday's Lunch and Learn session, Creating On-Screen and On-Line Demonstrations: Teaching with a Tablet PC, is now available on the web.

Go to to find the links to the Camtasia produced video, the PowerPoint slides with the inked notes added during the presentation, and the audio only recording created from the device I was wearing around my neck.

Bill Vilberg
Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

[ED-TECH] Link error -

In the previous notice for the Course Capture Systems meeting, the registration link at the bottom of the e-mail was wrong. The correct link is, not /videocapture. The link at the top of the page is /coursecapture, as it should be. Sorry for any confusion.
Bill Vilberg
Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement

[ED-TECH] Course Capture Systems

Ed-Tech list members,
My guess is that, in a few years, UM will have a number of classrooms configured so that the class session can easily be capture and accessed from the web. Want to be part of the early discussion of how this might be used and what needs to be set up? If so, attend the Course Capturing Systems meeting Thursday, April 13, 9:30-10:45 AM, in Whitten University Center, Room 226 C/D (Flamingo Ballroom). Register at or go to > Lunch and Learn Series.
We have looked at a number of solutions including Camtasia (, Tegrity ( and Sonic Foundry's Mediasite ( All three sites have samples of the type of end product they produce, if you haven't seen this capability before. Let's start talking now about where we are going to be in a few years, so that we make sure we meet our needs.
So that we will know how many people to expect, please register at the Web page. This meeting is open to all faculty and staff at UM, so please share this invitation with anyone who might be interested. OK?
Bill Vilberg
Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement

[ED-TECH] Apple workshop

Ed-Tech list members,
John Allen was here last week to talk about Podcasting. Since he works for Apple Computer, everything he demonstrated was on Apple product, or a third-party add-on. There seemed to be a lot of interest in seeing more of the exciting and innovative products that Apple has, so we have arranged for some "What's New at Apple" workshops on Tuesday, April 11, at 11 AM and 2 PM. Whether you use an iPod or a Mac or you are just interested in seeing what Apple is doing these days, sign up at for one of the two sessions.
Here is the blurb from the web.

What's New at Apple?

John Allen
Apple Computer

Apple has exciting and innovative products, from the iPod to its new Intel based computers to its iLife software suite. Come and see John Allen demonstrate some of the latest products, both made by Apple and third parties. This is a wonderful chance for Apple users at the University of Miami to join with those who are interested in knowing more about Apple.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006
11:00 am-12:15 pm; or 2:00 pm-3:15 pm
Whitten University Center; Room 226 C/D (Ballroom)

Lunch will be served at the 11:00 am session, snacks will be served at the 2:00 pm session. Registration is required. Register at

These sessions are open to students, faculty, and staff, so please share this announcement with others.
Bill Vilberg
Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement