Monday, August 22, 2011

[ED-TECH] UMiami iPhone app

The University of Miami has an iPhone app. The link below will tell you more about it. There is a link to the App Store, too.

Bill Vilberg,, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

[ED-TECH] Syllabus quiz

Ed-Tech list members,

One of the best uses of the assessment tools in Blackboard is to make a very short quiz about your syllabus. Include these two items to help the students learn your wishes and your semester will go much better.

1. What is my professor's name?

2. What does my professor want to be called?

There are lots of other things you can add, specific to your rules and procedures. Having the students take an open book/syllabus test will increase their learning of the material, thereby reducing confusion later in the semester.

If you need help creating and deploying an assessment in the newly upgraded Blackboard 9.1, contact the Help Desk at 305-284-3949 or

Bill Vilberg,, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

[ED-TECH] Blackboard 9.1 "Six Things" video

Ed-Tech list members,

We upgraded to Blackboard 9.1 this summer. It is a MAJOR improvement over our previous version, 8.0. BUT…

There are a few things that you need to know, if you were use to Blackboard 8.0. The fastest and easiest way to learn these things is to watch the online video on the web page. It takes just nine minutes and will have you ready to use Blackboard 9.1 without any confusion.

While I have your attention, let me add some tasks for you.

1. WATCH THE SIXTHINGS VIDEO --- (Learn the new way to do things in Bb 9.1.)

2. SIGN UP FOR THE MAILING LIST --- --- Get notification about down time, training, and new features.)

3. USE OUR BLACKBOARD HELP DESK --- 305-284-3949 or --- Call or send email with questions or requests for services. We are here to help, but we can't help unless you contact us!)

4. SIGNUP FOR TRAINING SESSIONS --- --- Sign up if you would like a face to face training session. Contact the Help Desk if you would like a one on one session.

5. WATCH THE VIDEOS THAT BLACKBOARD MADE --- --- These videos explain more complex activities in Blackboard 9.1.

I have grown old enough, and Blackboard has been updated enough, that the Help Desk staff now know more about Blackboard than I do. You are welcome to call me, but you are almost always better off contacting the Help Desk at 305-284-3949 or with your questions or requests. The number below, in my signature, is my Google Voice number. It rings my desk AND my cell phone. Feel free to use it at any time. I am here to help.

Bill Vilberg,, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

[ED-TECH] No more login for wireless access, as of Friday, 8/5/2011

Ed-Tech list members,

IT is changing the way the wireless network is accessed. Once a device is registered through MyUM, all access to WirelessCanes will be direct: No more login screen asking for your user name and password. If you have a wireless device (smartphone, portable computer, iPad, etc.) that is already using wifi, this change will automatically start working as of 2:00 am on Friday.

Personally, I never used WirelessCanes wifi on my iPhone, since the login process was so difficult. I have a long/complex password and typing it on a small keyboard was difficult. This change allows me to take advantage of this wonderful service that UM provides. Thanks to the people that implemented this. Of course if I want to access MyUM or any of the other systems that use our single login system, I will need to enter my password then. But for normal web browsing and such, I can just walk on campus and start working.

While this may seem like a security risk, it really isn't, since the device is registered to you. Control of the device provides the security to the Internet, while all internal security to specific systems is still in place. Win, win.

The original message is below, in case you didn't get it.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Begin forwarded message:

From: IT Support Center <itsupportcenter@MIAMI.EDU<mailto:itsupportcenter@MIAMI.EDU>>
Subject: Notification: Wireless Authentication Change – Gables Campus
Date: August 2, 2011 3:14:37 PM EDT
To: DL - All Users - Gables Campus <<>>
Reply-To: IT Support Center <<>>

In an effort to improve the efficiency of Wireless Canes users on the Coral Gables campus, Information Technology is revising its access method of requiring wireless authentication to access the wireless network. Beginning on Friday, August 5, 2011, 2:00 AM, users will no longer be required to input their CaneID credentials (username, password) when accessing the wireless network on the Gables campus.

This change should resolve the inconvenience many mobile users (Laptops, iPads, iPhones, etc.) have been experiencing with their devices timing out after periods of inactivity. Users have reported that these timeouts significantly affect the usability of their devices.

If you have been using the wireless network with a device, your device is already registered and no action is required. If you want to use an unregistered device, as per existing procedures, it will need to be registered. Additional information is listed below to further explain this change, the resultant wireless experience and how to register devices. If you have any questions, contact the IT Support Center 305 284-6565, Option 5.

IT Support Center


How do I make sure my wireless device is registered or register a new device?

Click on<> and go to the Life at UM tab and click on CaneNet and Wireless Network Access to see your registered devices.

How many wireless devices can I register?

You will now be able to register six wireless devices.

How can I check to confirm departmental devices are properly registered?

You will need to speak to your departmental System Administrator but if you have been using a departmental device before this change, you should not experience any problems.

What is a MAC address and how do I find my device's MAC address?

Click here<>

If my wireless device has been working, will I need to do anything to prepare for this change?

No, it will continue to work after the change.

What will I see when I try to connect to the wireless network once this change is made?

You will no longer be required to log on. If you are trying to connect with an unregistered device, you will only be able to access the Guest Wireless Network.

How will guests and on-campus event attendees access work?

The same process used today will still apply. Guests will continue to use Guest Wireless Access. For on-campus events, as before, users will submit a request<> for event code creation. The sponsor and/or IT Support Center will register their devices and create credentials. Event users will no longer have to authenticate for Wireless Canes.

How will Exception Users access the network?

Request for access will continue to be sent to<>. The Network group will register the MAC address. The "exception users" will not have to authenticate for Wireless Canes access.

How long will the wireless network be unavailable while the change is implemented?

The cutover should take around 30 minutes. It will be done late night/early morning. IT does not expect any interruption or downtime during the cutover.

When will this take place?

Thursday, August 4, 2011 late evening or early morning Friday, August 5, 2011
