Thursday, November 13, 2003

Lego Films

Go to to see stop-motion movies made with Legos. "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." Bertrand Russell (WIRED, Nov. 2003, p. 52)

DATAPILOT cell phone sync utility

My wife and I have the same cell phones. With this program it was simple to enter a set of phone numbers and store them in both the phones. I use it as a stand-alone program, with its own set of contacts, but it is capable of synchronizing with Outlook or Palm Desktop, too. or 800-282-3678
DataPilot Cell Phone Sync Software


Microsoft's new security infrastructure, NGSCB, is pronounced "ingscub", according to PC Mac, Nov. 11, 2003, p. 101. NGSCB is supposed to have a "trusted" mode that will better protect us from rogue programs. We will see.
Microsoft NGSCB site

Cyberguys Power Strip Liberator Plus

Have you ever had trouble plugging in a power brick? The Power Strip Liberator from Cyberguys is the solution you need. It is a one-foot extension cord. A five pack is only $8.95 (product #121 2535), but shipping is something like $10 additional. You can find them on-line at or call 800-892-1010. If you use a computer in an airport, get the Liberator Plus (around $3) and you can share an electrical outlet with another computer user, since it has a pass-through outlet, too.
Cyberguys Liberator Plus