Wednesday, August 27, 2008

[ED-TECH] Late lunch on Friday?

I know everyone is busy with the start of the new semester, but we have to eat, right?  So please join us, this Friday, 1:25 pm – 2:15 pm, in the Learning Center, Room 160, for lunch and Fun Friday! 


The last Friday of each month a group of us get together and demonstrate technology, and talk about what is happening at UM.  Lunch is provided.  Everyone is welcome to attend and participate.  This week Gina Maranto and I will each be presenting some things and we will talk about the new classrooms, iTunes U, clickers, and more.


In order to make sure we have enough food, please register now by going to and clicking on the “Events” item.


See you there.


Bill Vilberg

[ED-TECH] Welcome to a new beginning

With all the changes taking place at UM, I don’t think of this as “another” beginning of a school year, but a “new” beginning.  We have great students and distinguished and caring faculty at a wonderful school.  Have a best year.


Bill Vilberg


Monday, August 25, 2008

[ED-TECH] i>clickers - Student Response Systems

Ed-Tech mailing list members,


I know classes are almost ready to begin, so this is very late.  The Teaching Learning Technology Roundtable recommended that UM standardize on the i>clicker ( student response system.  The plan was approved on Friday, so we are developing guides, setting up training, getting the contract signed, and more. 


If you are using some other system at this time, there is no need to change.  If you have not thought about using a student response system to collect information from the students during class, please take a look at the i>clicker site and consider what is possible.  Clickers have the potential to increase engagement, improve learning, and provide feedback to the teacher during the lecture.


The cost of the clicker to the students will be $36.75 through the bookstore.  Students will only need one i>clicker for all of the classes they have that use this system.  Stay tuned for more information regarding training and such.


Bill Vilberg

Friday, August 15, 2008

[ED-TECH] Training on Technology in the Classrooms in Memorial, the Learning Center, and the Residential College

Ed-Tech list members,


A new semester with LOTS of exciting changes.  If you will be teaching in Memorial, the Learning Center, or the Residential College classrooms, I strongly urge you to participate in one of the training sessions listed below.  The equipment isn’t hard to use, but a few minutes spent on a demonstration can be a big help in using the new equipment.





Sign up now for training on the classroom technology that will be in ALL the classrooms in Memorial, the Learning Center, and the Residential Colleges.  Sessions will be on Thursday, August 21, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm and Friday, August 29, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm.  Go to and click on the “Events” tab to register.





Over the Summer the remaining 41 general purpose classrooms, including Memorial and the Residential College Classrooms, were renovated, featuring some wonderful technology that can be used to enhance teaching.    All the classrooms in the Learning Center, the Memorial Classroom Building, and the various residential colleges now have the same state of the art technology in place.  All classrooms will be equipped with Mac Mini computers that feature a dual boot, whereas you can choose either Mac or PC at startup.


A training session/demonstration of the technology in these rooms will take place Thursday, August 21 from 11:00-12:00, in Memorial 203.  Another session will be held Friday August 29 from 2:30-3:30 in Memorial 312.  This will be an informal showcase of the classroom technology as well as a chance to see and test the equipment fist hand.  To register, please go to  and select the Classroom Technology Training session from the Events tab.  I hope you will be able to participate and see these changes that are happening at UM.



 Bill Vilberg

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

[ED-TECH] Rubrics

I would like to offer a workshop on using grading rubrics for the faculty and TAs at UM.  Is there anyone out there on the Ed-Tech mailing list that would be willing to lead such a workshop?  Workshops are usually 90 minutes long and have some hands-on component.  They usually start at 3:30 PM in order to facilitate participation by TAs.


Bill Vilberg

(from the Distance Learning Conference in Madison, WI)