Thursday, December 09, 2010

[ED-TECH] Memorial Classrooms are COLD!

Ed-Tech list members,

Be warned: if you have a final exam or a review session or something in a classroom in the Memorial Building, there is NO HEAT. You may want to bring a jacket or sweater. You may want to warn your students to bring a jacket or a sweater.

As I understand it, there is no heating unit in Memorial. The building was designed to stay cool in the summer, so it may feel cooler than other buildings on campus that don't have heating units.. Hope this information helps.

Bill Vilberg,, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Thursday, December 02, 2010

[ED-TECH] Mother Pelican ~ December 2010

For your review and comments:
Mother Pelican - A Journal of Sustainable Human Development
Volume 6, Number 12, December 2010
Human Development is the Heart of Christmas

Page 1. Editorial ~ Sustainable Human Development started in Bethlehem
Page 2. First Steps toward a Theory of Shit, Ina Praetorius
Page 3. Gender and Theology in Africa Today, Mercy Amba Oduyoye
Page 4. What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism,
Fred Magdoff/John Bellamy Foster
Page 5. Heresy and the Creation of Monsters, Judith Curry
Page 6. The Economics of 350, Frank Ackerman et al
Returning to 350 ppm CO2, Paul Baer
Page 7. Concentrated Wealth and the Purchase of Political Power,
Charles Hugh Smith
Page 8. Patriarchy and Violence, by Robert G. Hewitt
Page 9. The "Good New Days" in a Non-Growing Economy, by Rob Dietz

1. Advances in Sustainable Development
2. Directory of Sustainable Development Resources
3. Sustainable Development Simulation (SDSIM) Version 1.3

Please forward this notice to friends and associates who might be
interested. Submission of research papers at the intersection of
sustainable development and human development is cordially invited.


Luis T. Gutierrez, Ph.D.
The Pelican Web (
Editor, Mother Pelican: A Journal of Sustainable Human Development
A monthly, CC license, free subscription, open access e-journal

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

[ED-TECH] Blackboard 9.1 Sneak Peek - SIGN UP NOW

Ed-Tech list members,

During the summer of 2011 our version of Blackboard will be upgraded from 8 to 9.1. Version 9.1 has a number of new features.

On Tuesday, December 7th we will host a sneak peek to give you an idea of what Blackboard 9.1 looks like and what new features you will be able to use with your students. If you are available on Tuesday, December 7th, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, please sign up for and attend the Blackboard 9.1 Sneak Peek.

Sign up from the web site. Attend by coming to Learning Center, Room 184, on Tuesday, December 7th.

This is the first event leading up to the upgrade. I hope you will be able to attend this and many of the others during the spring semester.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Friday, November 19, 2010

[ED-TECH] Information Fluency?

There is a conference in March in Orlando, at UCF, about Information Fluency?

What is Information Fluency?

Go to for the conference information and a description of Information Fluency.

Bill Vilberg,, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

[ED-TECH] Wednesday Farmer's Market

Ed-Tech list members,

Some of you may not walk between the University Center and the Library all the time, so you may not have seen the wonderful fresh market that is now a Wednesday event. You can see a few pictures from today's market at or just stop by in person so you can see what a wonderful addition this is to UM.

Bill Vilberg,, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Monday, November 15, 2010

[ED-TECH] Faculty focus groups [corrected times]

I had the times wrong. The morning session is 10:30-12:00 and the afternoon group is 3:00-4:30. These are the times on the form and are correct.

Bill Vilberg, 786-250-2255,

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Britton, Scott" <<>>
Date: November 15, 2010 11:44:41 AM EST
To: "Vilberg, William R." <<>>
Subject: RE: Please sign up for the faculty focus groups

You have the times wrong. The two times I have for the focus groups are 10:30am- Noon and 3:00pm-4:30pm. These are also the times sent in your first email.

- - -
Scott Britton
Director of Access, Information and Research Services
University of Miami Libraries
Otto G. Richter Library
1300 Memorial Dr., Rm. 335
Coral Gables, FL 33124

Email: <><>
Phone: 305-284-6466
Fax: 305-284-4027

-----Original Message-----
From: UM Educational Technology List [mailto:ED-TECH@LISTSERV.MIAMI.EDU] On Behalf Of Vilberg, William R.
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 11:40 AM
Subject: [ED-TECH] Please sign up for the faculty focus groups

Ed-Tech list members,

Scott Britton and I are running some faculty focus groups this Friday. This will help us help you with teaching, learning, and technology. PLEASE SIGN UP. Go to to fill out the application. We really need you to give us 90 minutes of your super valuable time so that we can better serve you.

The sessions will be this Friday, 11/19/2010, in the Richter Library. One group will meet in the morning, 9:30-12:00, and a separate group will meet in the afternoon, 2:30-4:00. If you could possible participate, I would really appreciate it. Go to and fill out the application, please.

Thank you,
Bill Vilberg,<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

[ED-TECH] Please sign up for the faculty focus groups

Ed-Tech list members,

Scott Britton and I are running some faculty focus groups this Friday. This will help us help you with teaching, learning, and technology. PLEASE SIGN UP. Go to to fill out the application. We really need you to give us 90 minutes of your super valuable time so that we can better serve you.

The sessions will be this Friday, 11/19/2010, in the Richter Library. One group will meet in the morning, 9:30-12:00, and a separate group will meet in the afternoon, 2:30-4:00. If you could possible participate, I would really appreciate it. Go to and fill out the application, please.

Thank you,
Bill Vilberg,, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

[ED-TECH] Link problems

Ed-Tech List Members,

Apparently something is wrong with my workflow. Sorry for the confusion. I am moving to plain text messages, I think.

The link to the MATLAB reservation form should be:

The link to the Focus Group application should be:

Bill Vilberg,, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

[ED-TECH] Focus Group application link

Ed-Tech list members,

The focus group application link in a previous message today doesn't work for some people.

This address correctly opens the application:


[ED-TECH] MATLAB Technical Sessions on Wed., Dec. 1, 2010

Ed-Tech List Members,

MATLAB is a "high-level language and interactive environment that enables you to perform computationally intensive tasks faster than with traditional programming languages." On Wednesday, December 1, 2010, we will be hosting two "Technical Computing with MATLAB" sessions, presented by an application engineer from MathWorks, the company that produces MATLAB. Please review the topics and see if this is of interest to you.

Data Analysis Using MATLAB
Richter Library, Information Literacy Lab, Room 344
8:45 am - 11:30 am

- Accessing data from many sources, including different file formats
- Visualizing and analyzing data
- Sharing results: Creating reports
- Building and deploying GUI-based applications
- Parallel Computing

Using MATLab for Bioimaging, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology
Richter Library, Information Literacy Lab, Room 344
1:15 pm - 3:30 pm

Data Acquisition and Import

- Supported file types
- Importing data from Excel
- Connectivity to databases

Overview of Bioinformatics & Simbiology

- Sequence analysis
- Connectivity to different data sources
- Microarray and Mass Spectometry
- Advanced topics-Graph Theory, Gene Ontology, and Machine Learning
- Modeling and simulating biochemcial pathways
- Advanced analysis tasks, such as parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis

If you are interested in attending, please go to<> and fill out the registration form for the MATLAB session(s) you wish to attend.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

[ED-TECH] Need teachers at UM to participate in internal focus group

Ed-Tech list members,

PLEASE CONSIDER PARTICIPATING IN ONE OF THESE FOCUS GROUPS. I know how busy it is at the end of a semester and how valuable your time is. If we could get 90 minutes to gather information from you, that would be wonderful.

We are inviting teachers at UM to participate in one of two 90 minute focus groups on Friday, November 19th. We will be asking the participants how they teach, what works, what they would like to try, what types of support they could use, and similar things. One focus group will take place 10:30 am - 12:00 pm. The second focus group, with different participants, will be 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm. The focus groups will be held in Richter Library, room number to be announced. In order to have representative focus groups, we are asking teachers interested in participating to fill out a form that will help us determine the members of each group.

If you teach at the University of Miami and would like to be considered for one of these focus groups, please go to and fill out the application form.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Thursday, November 04, 2010

[ED-TECH] Sign up now: Digital Humanities Workshop

Ed-Tech list members,

The UM Center for the Humanities has scheduled a workshop on digital techniques including Keynote (the Macintosh presentation software), PowerPoint (the Windows presentation software), and ARTstor (a collection of images that you can use and study). This is a wonderful opportunity to get an introduction to these techniques in a pleasant environment. You will be exploring ways to use visual and multi-media resources to enhance your already excellent teaching.

The special workshop for faculty and teachers at UM will be offered twice, so pick the day that is most convenient for you. Both sessions will begin at 1:30 pm and run until 4:30 pm, with time for hands-on work with the various systems. The first workshop date is Tuesday, November 18, 2010. The same workshop will be repeated on Friday, December 3, 2010. I hope that one of these two dates will be convenient for you.

Digital Humanities Workshops: Keynote, PowerPoint, ARTstor. Discover useful techniques to incorporate visual resources and multi-media resources in presentations and teaching. November 18 or December 3, 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm. Richter Library, Faculty Exploratory, Room 305. Seating is limited. Register by contacting either<> or 305-284-1580.

While these workshops were arranged by the Center for the Humanities, they are open to all faculty and teachers at UM. The instructors will be Richter Library staff and faculty with extensive experience with Keynote, PowerPoint, and ARTstor. I hope you will be able to take part in this valuable opportunity.

Bill Vilberg,<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

[ED-TECH] Make plans to attend "How are Students Learning?" on 11/10/2010 at 6:30 pm

Ed-Tech list members,

Richter Library is hosting a presentation on "How are Students Learning?" by two of our excellent Student Government officers. I encourage you to attend. I have seen an early version of this presentation and it was EXCELLENT. This is not about a neuroscience based view of student learning. It is about how today's students use computers and technology to learn.

The presentation will begin at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, November 10, 2010, in the large conference room on the 3rd floor of Richter Library. The presentation will be followed by a reception, giving us a chance to talk with each other and the presenters about this fascinating topic.

R.S.V.P. to<> or 305-284-3551

For the flyer, please go to

I hope to see you there.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

[ED-TECH] How students will access textbook lists from class schedule

Ed-Tech list members,

Sorry for so many e-mail about this. I realized I had not shown you the excellent work that Information Technology and the Follett bookstore have done to make the textbook lists available to students. I made a short video to show you how easy it will be for students to see the textbooks for various classes, once the data is submitted and entered by the bookstore. Please watch and listen to the video so you can be aware of this new capability. It is on the<> web site, at the following address.

This video was created in the time it took to watch it, using Jing, a free service of Techsmith. I use their Camtasia program to make complex videos with cuts, zooms, callouts, and other fancy effects. Jing lets you record and publish short videos of 5 minutes or less with no editing, callouts, zooms, or other effects. Camtasia costs $180 (education price) while Jing is free. Go to for more information.

Bill Vilberg,<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

[ED-TECH] HEOA Textbooks Provision

Ed-Tech list members,

In my last message I encouraged you to turn in your spring textbook lists ASAP so that we can comply with the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008. Some people asked me for details about the textbook provision, which took effect on July 1, 2010. I have posted it on the web, at so you can read the actual law. It details the information that students must have and that publishers/representatives must provide to you.

Bill Vilberg,<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

[ED-TECH] Book lists & iclickers

Ed-Tech mailing list members,

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 specifies that as of July 1, 2010, students must be able to see the textbooks for their courses BEFORE THEY REGISTER. I think that means you should do your best to get your Spring textbook lists turned in ASAP. The deadline is no longer set by the bookstore in order to assure that texts are available when class begins. The deadline is now set by the federal government in order to provide adequate information to students as they register for classes each term.

The Act also specifies that publishers must provide you with costs and must unbundle their materials. You should be getting better information and prices to help you choose a textbook for your class.

Finally, if you are using the iClicker student response units, be sure to list that on your textbook form. That way the bookstore will have enough on hand when the semester starts. Last semester they ran out because some people had not indicated on their textbook request form that they were using the iClickers.

Bill Vilberg,<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Thursday, October 28, 2010

[ED-TECH] Free or inexpensive textbooks -

Ed-Tech list members,

If you would like to reduce the cost of textbooks at UM, take a look at the site. The textbooks there are FREE to read online (when adopted for your class), $30 for a black & white printed copy, $60 for a color copy, and so on. The students can decide what they want. You can even customize the books if you want.

You can request a free desk copy to review the books that you might use in your classes so that you can evaluate the quality of the product. Access their catalog by going to and entering your discipline in the search box. (The LINKS to the disciplines don't seem to be working, but the search is working.) They mainly have Business and Economics books, with a few in other disciplines, right now. If there is a text that might work in one of your courses, please take a look at it. (If not, you might want to contact them about writing one!)

The University of Florida is one of the many schools with courses that are using this service. See if it might meet your needs for a quality textbook at a reduced (down to FREE) cost.

If you have other sites, services, or suggestions for reducing textbook costs while maintaining the high-quality educational experience that we provide at UM, please let me know so I can share them with everyone.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

p.s. My son, John, hopes to start at UM next Fall, so please do what you can to reduce textbook costs by then. He won't care, but I will truly appreciate it.

p.p.s. Thanks to my sister-in-law for telling me about this site/service.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

[ED-TECH] Textbook costs

Ed-Tech list members,

How different are the current versions of the textbooks in your courses different from the previous versions? If the answer is "not much" you mitt think about using the previous version for your assigned textbook. It could save your students LOTS of money, with almost no affect to their learning of the material. Rather than automatically going with the latest version, at least consider this and other ways to lower textbook costs for our students.

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2009 has a section that deals with textbook costs. Congress has taken notice. Please take a moment to think about what you can do.

Bill Vilberg -, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

[ED-TECH] Applications for FLC due Fri Oct 29

Ed-Tech list members,

UM is accepting applications for its third year of the Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) on Information, communication, and technology (ICT) literacy concepts. This is a wonderful opportunity to work with other faculty, to modify your teaching to include ICT material.

The application is available at
More information is available at

I am not part of the FLCs at UM. I am passing this on because I think you should consider applying for this opportunity. You will get to work with a small group of faculty from across the UM Gables campus, you will get $1,500 in development funds, and you will get a one course reduction in Fall 2011, if your application is accepted.

Bill Vilberg,<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Monday, October 18, 2010

[ED-TECH] Recordings from Educause online conference

Ed-Tech mailing list,

The largest conference in higher education information technology, EDUCAUSE, was held last week. Recordings of the sessions that were part of the Online conference are now available and can be accessed freely by everyone. Just go to [LINK REMOVED] for the list of sessions, with links to the recordings.

[All 51 of the recordings from the online session are not public, so I had to remove them from this blog of all the email sent to my Ed-Tech group. To view the 12 public recordings, please go to and enjoy.]

These recordings are interesting both for the content and the lecture capture systems. Some recordings were made using Adobe Connect to record the screen and audio, while others were made using a MediaSite system to record the screen, audio, and a small "talking head" of the presenter. As you watch them, think about how either of these techniques might be used to allow your students to better learn the material in your courses.

Bill Vilberg,<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Monday, October 11, 2010

[ED-TECH] UM Study Abroad Program

Ed-Tech list members,

If you have not noticed the impressive changes that have taken place at UM in the Study Abroad program, please go to the web site below and take a look.

Applications are due October 15, this Friday, for the UPrague and UGalapagos programs. UGalilee has a later due date. These programs offer some wonderful opportunities for our students. Please help make sure that our students are aware of the opportunity, know how to get more information, and don't miss the approaching deadline.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Friday, October 08, 2010

[ED-TECH] Educause Online Conference - Wed-Fri, Oct. 13-15

Ed-Tech list members,


1. Download the schedule of the Educause 2010 Online Sessions from the Educause 2010 events at and see if any of the sessions look interesting to you. The lists of sessions are in the Extras, Links section of the IAC event page. Each title in the list of sessions is a link to the details of that session.

2. Set alarms to remind you to come to the Richter Library, Faculty Exploratory (Room 305), on Wednesday, Thursday, and/or Friday, October 13-15, to watch the sessions.

3. Share these three steps with anyone else who might be interested in any of the sessions.


The Educause conference, next week, in Anaheim, CA, brings together many thousands of people from the higher education technology community. For the first time, they have set up an Online Conference for those of us who cannot affort the time or money to attend in person. I have registered for that option and will be showing the sessions in the Faculty Exploratory, Room 325 of the Richter Library. You are invited to come and watch all the sessions, or only those that interest you.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Saturday, October 02, 2010

[ED-TECH] Mother Pelican ~ Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2010

FYI ... the pelican journal of sustainable development has been renamed
*Mother Pelican* in honor of the *Human Being* she represents.

The October 2010 issue has been posted:

Going Forward After the UN MDG Review Summit
1. Current Status of the Millennium Development Goals
2. Review of the "Keeping the Promise" Declaration
3. Timidity of National Governments and Global Citizens
4. Ms. Michelle Bachelet and the UN Women Entity
5. Sustainable Human Development and the MDGs
6. Links to Key UN and MDG Documents and Resources
7. Links to News and Reports about the MDG Summit
8. Current Research on Sustainable Human Development
9. A Meditation on Sustainable Human Development


Supplement 1: Advances in Sustainable Development
Supplement 2: Directory of Sustainable Development Resources
Supplement 3: Sustainable Development Simulation (SDSIM)


Socioeconomic Democracy: A Psycho-Politico-Socio-Economic System,
by Robley George.

Composition and Trends of Homestead Agroforestry in Bangladesh,
by Sourovi Zaman et al.

Will Working Mothers' Brains Explode? The Popular New Genre of
Neurosexism, by Cordelia Fine.

A Paradise Built in Hell: Communities that Rise to the Challenge of
Disaster, by Rebecca Solnit.

We Need Millennium Development RIGHTS, Not Just Goals,
by Phyllis Bennis.

Feedback is cordially invited!


Luis T. Gutierrez, Ph.D.
The Pelican Web
Editor, Mother Pelican: A Journal of Sustainable Development
A monthly, CC license, free subscription, open access e-journal

Thursday, September 23, 2010

[ED-TECH] Webinar on clicker use for college faculty - Sept 28th

Ed-Tech List Members,

This looks like an excellent webinar on clickers. You should be able to sit at your computer, either in your office or at home, and watch+listen. If it isn't good, just turn it off.

We have lots of classes at UM using clickers (student response systems) now. If you are using clickers, this might give you some ideas for new ways to take advantage of the technology. If you are not using clickers yet, you might want to listen in and see what they can do for you and your classes.

Bill Vilberg

On Sep 17, 2010, at 2:48 pm, Stephanie Chasteen wrote:

I'm going to be offering a one-hour free webinar on September 28th at 1pm US Eastern Time on effective use of personal response systems (clickers). This will be targeted to college faculty teaching all disciplines, with a slight focus on STEM. Please consider joining us! This webinar is sponsored by i>clicker (, but will be focused on the research-based best practices of using clickers that can be used with any technology (e.g., smartboards, pollanywhere, etc.). Read more here. <>
Register here<> (

Full description:
In this interactive webinar, we'll explore tips and ideas for incorporating clickers into your particular class. Clickers offer a powerful way to increasing student engagement and improve learning. At the University of Colorado, we have transformed our classrooms by using clickers to promote peer instruction. We'll show research results on the most effective use of clickers, and discuss common challenges. In particular, we'll focus on the attributes of "great" clicker questions, discuss example questions, and share ideas on facilitating effective wrap-up discussions once all the votes are in.

I am a Science Teaching Fellow at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and have been working with faculty and K12 instructors for the past several years on effective use of clickers. See my other workshops<>, and the videos we've produced on clickers in the classroom.<>
- Stephanie


Stephanie V. Chasteen, Ph.D.
Science Teaching Fellow - Physics
Science Education Initiative -

Website and blog:


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

[ED-TECH] New ACE format in myUM and UMApps

Ed-Tech list members,

Hooray! The new ACE format is available in myUM and UMApps. The myUM ACE is fine but the UMApps ACE has an alignment issue. The course work is not properly aligned under the headers. The attachment shows the problem. IT is working to correct this issue and should have the fix in UMApps Thursday evening.

I am just the reporter of this event. The people who did the work to make this better are in IT.

The next project is to improve the search capabilities for courses. The details are being worked on, but students need to be able to search by day of the week, time, instructor, and so on. The process is to take one thing at a time and improve it. The format of the ACE report was first. The search/filter options will be next.

Bill Vilberg,<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

[ED-TECH] FW: Last chance to participate in the Slamdance/Adobe Re-cut Competition

Another great opportunity for students.  Pass it along.

Thanks! --Bryanna


From: Adobe Systems Incorporated []
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 12:04 PM
To: Richter Library - DMedia Lab
Subject: Last chance to participate in the Slamdance/Adobe Re-cut Competition


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First Annual Slamdance/Adobe Re-cut Competition

Slamdance Re-cut Competition

Showcase Your Film Editing Talent

Film production students in higher education worldwide are invited to enter the First Annual Slamdance/Adobe Re-cut Competition for emerging editing talent. Entrants will have the opportunity to re-edit a scene from the indie classic MALL COP by Palm d'Or winning filmmaker and GREY's ANATOMY editor David Greenspan.

Participants will re-cut a selected scene using Adobe Premiere® Pro CS5 trial software. All submissions will receive education copies of Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, so everybody wins! Three talented finalists will be rewarded with their own Adobe CS5 Production Premium education software and the Grand Prize winner will also earn round-trip transportation and four days of accommodations to attend the 2011 Slamdance to experience seeing their winning work screened at the Festival. Registrations to participate now open through Oct. 1, 2010. Final submissions must to be received by Slamdance by Oct. 31, 2010.

Register Now

Register now to participate in the First Annual Slamdance/Adobe Re-cut Competition


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[ED-TECH] Videoconference TODAY (Tuesday) at 2:00 pm on Campus Media Management

Ed-Tech list members,

There is a videoconference today, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, on campus media management. As support people, we are often asked whether we have a solution to upload, transcode, tag, search, stream and embed curricular media so that professors can easily publish video to their courses, find video that has already been used in other classes, and control access to who is able to view individual pieces of media. The webinar will discuss the issues, and is sponsored by Kaltura, one of the open source platforms in this space.

You can sign up and "attend" at your desk, or come to Richter Library to watch it with the staff from the library. I think this is an important service that we need to provide, promote, and support, so getting together with others to talk about is worth your while.

For more information on the session go to

To register for the sesion go to

If you will be attending in the Faculty Exploratory, Room 305, in the Richter Library, please let Bryanna Herzog know, so she will have enough chairs available.

I hope to see you there.

Bill Vilberg,<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

[ED-TECH] New ACE Report format starting next Wednesday

Ed-Tech list members,

Next week (on Wednesday) the UM ACE (Academic Evaluation) report will change its format and gain a new feature. I wanted to warn you so you won't be surprised. I also wanted to tell you about the new feature so you can take advantage of it. A sample of the report is attached.

The new format makes excellent use of fonts, layout, and design elements to improve the readability of the ACE report. Colors are used to indicate whether a section is completed or not. Completed sections have a gray background, to make the sections with requirements remaining stand out. Fixed width fonts (typewriter fonts) are only used where necessary to provide accurate formatting; all other fonts are variable width fonts. The size of the fonts is larger for the headings of each section. Boxes are drawn around each section. And so on. The goal was to make it easier to read and understand and a number of techniques have been used to do that.

The new feature is a checkbox at the top of the requirements boxes, that lets the student (1) show all the requirements, including those already completed, the default, or (2) only show those sections that still have requirements remaining to be completed. Again, this should help assure that the student can focus on those sections still remaining, rather than accidentally missing something.

Thanks to everyone who made this change possible, especially the people in IT and the Office of the Registrar. Finally, I want to point out that our current Student Government leaders were elected on a "technology" platform. Improving the ACE report was one of the things they wanted to accomplish. While the process had begun long before they even ran for office, their drive and desire made sure it was completed. They have a number of changes they would like to see put into place regarding the registration system and the use of technology in the classrooms. I will continue to work closely with them, and hopefully we will be successful in advancing a number of additional changes in the coming year.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more


Friday, September 10, 2010

[ED-TECH] FW: 4th Annual Sparky Awards - Video Contest for Students

FYI.  I think this would be a great thing for our students to know about.



Bryanna V. Herzog

Digital Media Services Manager

University of Miami Libraries

1300 Memorial Drive Rm. 120

Coral Gables, FL  33124

Phone: 305-284-2548 .:. Fax: 305-284-4027




From: NMC Subscribers List [mailto:NMCSubscribers@Princeton.EDU] On Behalf Of Nancy Reeves
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 11:00 AM
To: NMCSubscribers@Princeton.EDU
Subject: 4th Annual Sparky Awards - Video Contest for Students


September 9, 2010

Contact: Jennifer McLennan
(202) 296-2296 x 121
jennifer [at] arl [dot] org

Entries invited for the 4th Annual Sparky Awards

Washington, DC – The importance of the student stake in opening up access to scholarly research will be highlighted in Open Up! – the fourth installment of the annual Sparky Awards student video contest, announced today. Calling on students to articulate their views in a two-minute video, the contest has been embraced by campuses all over the world and has inspired imaginative expressions of student support for the potential of Open Access to foster creativity, innovation, and problem solving.

Open Access is free, immediate, online access to the published results of scholarly research, combined with the rights we need to be able to use and re-use them in the ways we want in the digital space. Students have been leaders in the creative re-use, remix, and mash-up of material across the digital realm, and have a fair expectation that scholarly research should be equally, legally accessible to help advance their scholarship and ensure the quality of their education.

Students are uniquely positioned to advance Open Access. Through their publishing, copyright, and policy choices, students – along with faculty and administrators – can make Open Access to institutional research outputs and wider access to the whole scholarly record a reality – today.

Open Up! calls on students to let the world know they support Open Access and to say why. This year, entries are invited to four categories:

1. Animation – Drop into the media lab and master that illustration software!
2. Speech – Just say how it is. Skip the fancy editing and use your 120 seconds to tell campus viewers in your own eloquent words why Open Access matters to you.

3. Remix – Mix it up. Re-use video, music, images and remix with your own content to create your unique vision of the importance of Open Access. Content must be re-used legally.

4. People’s Choice – The People choose! Sparky Award entries are opened up for public vote.
Winners will receive an iPad, iPhone, or iPod and a fabulous "Sparky Award" statuette. The award-winning videos will be announced in conjunction with the American Library Association Annual Conference and a Campus MovieFest Regional Finale, and will be widely publicized by the sponsoring organizations at public events across North America throughout the year.

The Sparky Awards are an opportunity for faculty to enhance fall and spring classes, as well as for libraries to promote services -- including media services or information commons, where students can edit video, browse media, work collaboratively, and develop a good understanding of copyright. Libraries everywhere are encouraged to host local installments of the contest.

Entries in the international Sparky Awards competition are now being accepted and must be received by 12:00AM Eastern time on May 27, 2011. To be eligible, videos must be freely available on the Internet and available for use under a Creative Commons License.

The Sparky Awards are organized by SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) and co-sponsored by: the Association of College and Research Libraries, the Association of Research Libraries, Campus MovieFest, the Center for Social Media, the New Media Consortium (NMC), the Open Video Alliance, Penn Libraries, Students for Free Culture, the Student PIRGs, and SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition).

For full details, visit the Sparky Awards Web site at

# # #

THE SPARKY AWARDS are organized and sponsored by SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition), an alliance of academic libraries and research institutions working to build on the opportunities created by the networked digital environment to advance the conduct of scholarship. Membership in SPARC is open to libraries of all sizes. For more information, visit

Nancy E. Reeves, CMP
Director, Member Services

The New Media Consortium
6101 West Courtyard Dr.
Building One, Suite 100
Austin, TX  78730
512-445-4205 fax

The NMC subscriber's list is a one-way list dedicated to the dissemination of official news and announcements from the New Media Consortium. Only NMC staff may post to this list.

Te reply to a post, contact the sender.

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Thursday, September 09, 2010

[ED-TECH] Signup Now: "How Do Students Learn?"

Ed-Tech Mailing List,

How do students learn? At this session of the "Learning Emporium: Tools and Rules for Teaching," a group of students will talk about how they actually learn the material in their courses. This provides a look at the educational experience from the student's seat in the classroom. Discussion and questioning will be a major component of the 50 minute session.

Assorted bagels, sweet rolls, juice, and coffee will be provided and available before the meeting, courtesy of The Bagel Emporium. The session will start promptly at 8:00 am and end at 8:50 am.

The "Learning Emporium: Tools and Rules for Teaching" series, for teachers at UM, will meet the third Tuesday or Wednesday of the month (alternating) and cover a range of topics related to education, technology, and more. This series is cosponsored by the Student Government Association, Instructional Advancement, and The Bagel Emporium.

When - Wednesday, September 22, 2010 from 8:00 am to 8:50 am

Where - Learning Center 140

Registration -

Refreshments - Assorted bagels, sweet rolls, juice, and coffee will be provided and available before the meeting, courtesy of The Bagel Emporium

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

[ED-TECH] Interesting items about education, technology, and more

Ed-Tech list members,

I am posting UM specific items to the Ed-Tech mailing list. I run across a lot of interesting material, but I don't want to clutter up everyone's mailboxes. If you would like to see the other material go to There is a subscription box there to get an email summary of new posts every day. You can unsubscribe from any of the emails, so there is no risk in giving it a try. Below is a recent email summary.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more<>


* Cell phone cameras don't take the picture all at once....<x-msg://237/#1>
* How schools are putting the iPad to work<x-msg://237/#2>
* Nurture or nature? Here is some evidence for nature. How much...<x-msg://237/#3>

Cell phone cameras don't take the picture all at once....<>

Posted: 31 Aug 2010 11:32 AM PDT


Cell phone cameras don't take the picture all at once. They process the pixels from one side of the sensor to the other. If you are taking a picture of something moving rapidly, at right angle to your camera, you can get some strange pictures. It looks like these propellers are melting, but it is just the effect of the cell phone camera. Search Google Images (<>) for "rolling shutter effect" to see more examples. Your cell phone camera's unintended "rolling shutter" effect<>

How schools are putting the iPad to work<>

Posted: 31 Aug 2010 09:30 AM PDT

How schools are putting the iPad to work: Another new technology, another wave of grants to try to...

Nurture or nature? Here is some evidence for nature. How much...<>

Posted: 31 Aug 2010 06:43 AM PDT


Nurture or nature? Here is some evidence for nature. How much are we what we are because of what we are and how much because of what we do? Flexibility in decision-making is dependent on structural features of the brain. "Brain's 'Hardware' Key to Decision-Making<> "The underlying finding that a purely physical measurement could predict behavior is very surprising."

You are subscribed to email updates from<>
To stop receiving these emails, you may unsubscribe now<>. Email delivery powered by Google
Google Inc., 20 West Kinzie, Chicago IL USA 60610

[ED-TECH] New UM Web Search

Ed-Tech list members,

The University is changing from the Ultraseek web search system to the Google web search system. If there is information that you have tried to find before, using the search box on the UM web site, and failed, try the new search box and see if it is better.

The new search is scheduled to replace the old search today, Sept. 7. As I write this, a search from the home page uses the Ultraseek system, but provides a link to the new Google search system. At some point today a search from is scheduled to begin using the Google system.

You can tell if you are using the old search or the new search by the results page. Here is the old page. Notice the "Powered by Ultraseek" logo on the right side.


Here is the new results page. No more "Powered by..." notice.


While the new search is a subtle change for most users, the IT people who manage our UM web server have spent a great deal of time setting this up and, in my opinion, done a great job. Go to and give it a try.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Sunday, September 05, 2010

[ED-TECH] Fwd: Writing Center Workshop: Personal Statements

Ed-Tech list members,

The Writing Center has a wonderful series of writing workshops for students. I hope you will encourage ALL of your students to take part in these excellent opportunities to develop their writing skills. The rule of advertising is that you have to hear or see something three times before you take notice of it, so if everyone mentions it, perhaps more students will take notice and make use of the valuable opportunity.

The next session is on Tuesday and the topic is Personal Statements. It will be held 6:30-7:30 pm in Hecht Residential College, Room 101. A flyer is attached.

The writing center and I would appreciate you letting your students know about this. Perhaps you could send it to them through Blackboard's email announcement feature if you don't have class on Tuesday?

Bill Vilberg -, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

[ED-TECH] Mother Pelican ~ Vol 6 No 9 September 2010

The PelicanWeb's Journal of Sustainable Development has been renamed
*Mother Pelican* in honor of the Human Being she represents.

The September 2010 issue has been posted, and this is the link to the
front page:

*The UN MDG Review Summit*
1. The UN MDG Review Summit
2. Review of the "Keeping the Promise" Report
3. Opportunities for Collaboration/Participation
4. Key References and Workings Documents
5. Planned MDG Summit Meeting Agenda

The main focus of the September issue is an analysis of the main
obstacles to sustainable development with specific focus on MDG3 (gender
equality) and MDG8 (partnerships for development).

Supplements (September Updates):

Supplement 1: Advances in Sustainable Development
Supplement 2: Directory of Sustainable Development Resources
Supplement 3: Sustainable Development Simulation (SDSIM)

The basic objective of this web-based simulation model is to stimulate
discussion on policy priorities. Specifically, what is the top priority
.... economic development or human development? In other words, what
are the trade-offs between pursuing further economic growth and
investing in human well-being?


Declaration of Independence from Wall Street, by David Korten
Seizing the Moment for Clean Energy, by Ann Florini
Towards a New Economy and a New Politics, by Gus Speth

Feedback to the editor is always welcome!


Luis T. Gutierrez, Ph.D.
The Pelican Web (
Editor, PelicanWeb's Journal of Sustainable Development
A monthly, CC license, free subscription, open access e-journal

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

[ED-TECH] Scheduled Training

There are a number of training opportunities currently available. Rather than listing them all here, I direct you to where they are all listed. Please note that the Richter Library has some sessions on Research that look excellent, too. These are listed on the same page, along with all the Richter Library and IAC training currently scheduled. I know this is your busiest time of year, but this is also the time to learn new things that you can try in your classes.

Keep doing great things!

Bill Vilberg -, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Monday, August 23, 2010

[ED-TECH] i>clicker users - Contact Me!

If you are using the i>clickers in any of your classes this semester, please let me know, so I can set up your course web site with the registration link. By registering with the special link within Blackboard, the students only enter the clicker ID; no username is needed.

Also, the same i>clicker programs are on the<> site in the "Clickers" section as were there last semester. You can download them again or just use your folder from last semester. Your choice.

Please run the webupdate program to apply the latest versions of the programs to your folders. This can be done at any time, even if you have started using the clickers.

Have a great semester, and let me know if you need anything.

Bill Vilberg
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

[ED-TECH] UM Academic and Holiday Calendars for Outlook

Ed-Tech list members,

If you use Outlook, there is a way to see the UM Academic Calendar, the UM Holidays, and/or the UM Religious Holiday Calendar along side your calendar. It is easy to turn off and on, so try it and see if you find it useful.

Here are the iCal addresses you will need in the following instructions.

Univ. of Miami Academic Calendar:<>

Univ. of Miami Holidays:<>

Univ. of Miami Religious Holidays:<>

The instructions are different for Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010.

OUTLOOK 2007 instructions:

OUTLOOK 2010 Instructions: (Jump down to the "Outlook 2010" section, since you have the iCal value above.

Note that I created these calendars. They are accurate, to the best of my knowledge. But the official UM calendars can be found from the web page.

If you have any questions, let me know and I will try to help.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Thursday, August 12, 2010

[ED-TECH] Your ASAP List for the New Semester<> has a list of things to do NOW, before the semester begins. It might help to jog your memory of something that you have forgotten. The list is mainly for new faculty, but it is worth reviewing. Here are the bullet points, but see the entire article at for and explanation of each item.

* Syllabus sent to department secretary for copying.
* Parking sticker and campus ID obtained.
* Checked with bookstore for an update on my order.
* All necessary paperwork completed at HR.
* My office is stocked with supplies.
* All necessary keys are in my possession.
* I have visited each of my classrooms and have tested the equipment in each.
* Library specialist meetings scheduled.
* Needed AV equipment has been reserved.
* I have jumped through needed IT hoops.

If you want to visit any of the general purpose classrooms in Memorial, the Learning Center, or the various residential colleges in order to test the equipment, please contact Ken Gamber at 305-284-6239 or<> so he can be there to unlock the door and answer any questions.

There is nothing on the list about setting up your course site online, but maybe that is the replacement for sending your syllabus for copying? If you want assistance with your course web site on Blackboard, call the Help Desk at 305-284-3949 (8-3949 on campus).


Bill Vilberg,<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

[ED-TECH] Classroom Technology Training

If you will be using a general purpose classroom in Memorial, the Learning Center, or the Residential College, please brush up on what is available and how to use it. Group demonstrations are scheduled for Fridays, 12:20 pm - 1:10 pm, August 20th, 27th, and September 3rd, in Memorial 110. Sign up at the web site.

If you would like to schedule a private demonstration with Ken Gamber, contact him at 305-284-6239 or<>. He will be happy to set it up with you at your convenience.

If you know of faculty, full time or adjunct, new to UM or who will be using these classrooms for the first time, please share this information with them. We do not have access to those lists until after the semester starts. Your help will be appreciated.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

[ED-TECH] Blackboard now uses CaneID logins

Blackboard now uses your CaneID username and password. No need to type your long "<>" type of username anymore.

You will come to a selection page, and the CaneID selection (1) is active. Click on the "Continue" button (2) and you will be taken to the CaneID login page.


We are standing by at 305-284-3949 if you have any problems.

If you have a Blackboard username that is not an e-mail address, use the "special Blackboard ID and password" option to access that account.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

[ED-TECH] Great workshop, Tue., Aug 17, 2010

A new series of workshops has been greeted for faculty members/teachers at UM: The Learning Emporium. The third Tuesday of each month we will get together to present and discuss some topic related to education, technology, and more. The series is sponsored by the Student Government Association, Instructional Advancement, and The Bagel Emporium. Bagels and coffee will be served at this 8:00 am - 9:15 am event.

The first session will take place on August 17th in the Learning Center, Room 180. If you will be attending, and I strongly encourage yu to do so, please go to and click on the Events menu item to register.

The topic of the first session will be "Classroom technology: Distraction or tool?"

Bill Vilberg -, 786-250-2255

Monday, August 09, 2010

[ED-TECH] TUE, AUG. 17 @ 8:00 AM - Technology in the Classroom: Distraction or Tool?

Ed-Tech list members,

I hope you have had a good summer. Here is some exciting news. The first session in the new Learning Emporium series will be "Technology in the Classroom: Distraction or Tool?"

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
8:00 am - 9:15 am
Whitten Learning Center, Room 180 (Coral Gables Campus)
Bagels and Coffee provided

The session will be an open discussion of the Nicholas Carr interview, and faculty comments, found on the web page.

REGISTRATION REQUIRED (so we will have enough bagels): Go to and click on the "Events" item in the menu bar to locate the registration form.

ASSIGNMENT: Please read the interview and comments on the Chronicle page, linked above. Come with an open mind, ready to discuss this and share your opinions and experiences.

The Learning Emporium series is being sponsored by the Student Government Association, Bagel Emporium, and the Instructional Advancement Center.

Bill Vilberg,<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

[ED-TECH] Senate Hearing on For-Profit Schools: The Student Recruitment Experience

Hello everyone,

Today is another field trip for the for-profits before the Senate's Education Committee.  I spoke with Sen. Harkins' office on Tuesday regarding a webcast of the event.  It will be webcast live.  The link to listen is or

The hearing starts at 10AM EST.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

[ED-TECH] SysAdminDay

The last Friday in July is SysAdminDay. They like cookies, but saying "Thanks" will be appreciated, too.


Bill Vilberg -<>, 786-250-2255

Thursday, July 22, 2010

[ED-TECH] Training and other news from IT User Support Services

Ed-Tech members,

The e-Newsletter for IT User Support Services at UM is now available at (sorry for the long URL, but that is what it is.

This issue Includes training schedules and other information you might want to check out.

Bill - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

[ED-TECH] Let your tech support people know - Mtg Thursday

Ed-Tech list members,

Some system and network administrators at UM may not know about the meeting scheduled for 2:00 pm, Thursday, TOMMOROW, at the School of Architecture, Glasgow Lecture Hall Room 110. Please encourage your local tech people to attend, whether they received the original notice, included below, or not. If they manage PCs, a server, or are involved in networking, they should try to participate in this meeting.

I do NOT know the agenda. But there are things afoot, as Sherlock Holmes might say, that they will want to know about and have a voice in.

[Tech people: Sorry if you get a number of these in your inbox. Wanted to reach out to you in some way.]

Bill Vilberg, 786-250-2255,

On Jul 16, 2010, at 10:46 AM, Seruya, Stewart wrote:

Greetings Admins,
There will be a System Administrators meeting next Thursday, July 22, 2002 at 2pm. The meeting will be held at the School of Architecture, Glasgow Lecture Hall Room 110. Please email any topics you would like to see on the agenda for this meeting.

Hope to see you all there.
Stewart Seruya

Saturday, July 17, 2010

[ED-TECH] Ed-Tech, UM, and


I will continue to post all UM specific items to the Ed-Tech mailing list. Other items will only go to Will that work for you?


I have been coming up with a lot of thoughts and ideas this summer. Rather than send them all to ed-tech, I created a web page ( yesterday where I am posting quotes, web pages, personal statements, and more. On some days I expect to post 5-10 items. I am sure there will also be days that I only post a few or no items. I didn't think it made sense to flood your mailboxes with these, so I set up the web site.

Items have dealt with iPhones, higher education, web tools, special offers, and quotes. Here are some examples.

- My photographic memory, using my iPhone camera and the Evernote service
- Installing an AT&T MicroCell at my home
- The diminishing role of Information Technology in many software system decisions
- Some incredible TED Talk videos by Sir Ken Robinson
- A link to an article about the Arizona State University attempt to organize the institution by areas of study/research (i.e., Improving K-12 Education) rather than traditional academic departments
- A fascinating timeline/search tool:
- Following a conference (#bbworld) on Twitter
- Upgrading my iPhone to iOS 4
- A great quote from students regarding their frustration with "the unsophisticated use of technology"
- Amazon giving away a free year's subscription of Prime (free 2nd day air shipping) to students with .edu email addresses

If any of these interest you, go over to and check things out.

I will continue to post all UM specific items to the Ed-Tech mailing list. These will include announcements of local events, opportunities only open to UM faculty, and such. My other items will only go to on them.

---> Will that work for you?

---> If you want INSTRUCTIONS on how to see the posts from within Exchange, Mac OS X, or a newsreader, let me know. I will be happy to post the instructions for accessing from whatever email or newsreader you are using, if you let me know what tool that is.

---> For those of you who use FACEBOOK, all the posts are sent there, as well as my Twitter account. I will be happy to friend you on Facebook, if that is how you want to see my posts. I don't remember how you search on Facebook, but my name there is William Vilberg and I am using my email address there.

---> If you would like to be REMOVED from the Ed-Tech mailing list, please reply to this message. I will get the reply and remove your subscription.

---> If you were given a copy of this message and would like to SUBSCRIBE to the Ed-Tech list, send me ( an email with your name and email address and I will add you to the list.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

[ED-TECH] Diamonds

"The diamond cutter doesn't imagine the diamond he wants. Instead, he
sees the diamond that is possible."

When creating a curriculum for a course, a program, a major, how do we
work as diamond cutters? How do we structure a learning experience
before we know the students? How do we allow for the endless
variations and opportunities on multiple dimensions, when we determine
how the one dimensional grades will be issued?

If it was easy, we wouldn't be so enthralled with our lives in higher

The quote is from "Linchpin" by Seth Godin. I just read this on my
iPad as I ride the bus home from work, and wanted to share it. Best day.

Bill Vilberg
786-250-2255 (cell and work)

Monday, June 28, 2010


Ed-Tech list members,

For clarification, I use Acronis Home Backup (see below) at home. If you want to make sure your UM computers are either fully backed up or at least the data is backed up, please contact your support person. The University has backup guidelines and policies. Your computer support person should know how to meet your needs within IT requirements.

Bill Vilberg -, 786-250-2255

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: UM Educational Technology List [mailto:ED-TECH@LISTSERV.MIAMI.EDU] On Behalf Of Vilberg, William R.
>> Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 10:01 AM
>> Subject: [ED-TECH]
>> Ed-Tech list members,
>> I use Acronis Home Backup to keep my Windows computers backed up. It is fairly inexpensive, works well, and allows you to create a complete backup so you can restore EVERYTHING to a new HD if you need to. I create a new backup every month and then do incremental backups during the month. That lets me restore anything that I need to. I have amazed customer support people on the phone when I call with a computer problem and say at I ha a complete backup. I know that it is only a matter of time until hardware breaks, and i don't have time to restore everything from scratch.
>> Today and tomorrow Bits du Jour has a special deal on Acronis Home Backup. Only $24.99 for the base system and the add-on that lets you do a COMPLETE restore to any hard drive, even one of a different size than the original. This deal is scheduled to end at midnight on Friday. If you already have a backup system, use it. If you don't, this is the one that I use.
>> Bill Vilberg -, 786-250-2255

Friday, June 25, 2010

[ED-TECH] Fwd: Join us Online for our First-Ever Summer Guest Lecture with Matt Leavitt

I don't know anything about this presenter (see below), but the topic sounds very interesting. I will be participating in this two-part series, since I can do it From any computer. I will be in Pennsylvania for the first session, but can still participate. So where ever you are, consider this professional development opportunity. Summer is a great time to consider new teaching techniques.

Bill Vilberg
786-250-2255 (cell and work)<>

Begin forwarded message:

From: Wiley Faculty Network <<>>
Date: June 25, 2010 1:56:47 PM EDT
To: "Vilberg, William R." <<>>
Subject: Join us Online for our First-Ever Summer Guest Lecture with Matt Leavitt
Reply-To: "<>" <<>>


Dear Professor,

The Wiley Faculty Network is pleased to invite you to join us for our first-ever summer Virtual Guest Lectures! This June and July, Matt Leavitt, a specialist in using visuals to enhance student learning, will be leading a two-part series of Guest Lectures on both visuals and learning, and creating visuals for use in your classroom.

The "Learning" Guest Lectures focuses on the potential that visuals integrated with text hold for helping our students learn. The "Designing" Guest Lecture will help you to transform the visuals you use in the classroom into effective instructional tools that direct students' attention to important information.

You can participate from your own computer with internet access -- at no cost. Once registered, you will receive detailed instructions on how to attend.

* Learning from Visuals:<> June, 30 2010 at 4:00pm ET

* Designing Visuals for Learning:<> July, 12 2010 at 4:00pm ET

In addition to our Virtual Guest Lectures, the Wiley Faculty Network<> is a complete instructor resource for technology training and tutorials, live workshops, and peer-to-peer consulting, all designed to encourage the sharing of experiences, ideas, and resources.

We hope to see you online this summer!

Your Wiley Faculty Network Team


To ensure delivery, please add the following to your address book: <><>

We hope you found this message to be useful. However, if you'd rather not receive future e-mails of this sort from Wiley Higher Ed,
please opt-out here.<>

Wiley is committed to the privacy of our customers. We never give away or sell any of your information without your explicit permission. Review our privacy policy<> for more information.

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ~ 111 River St. ~ Hoboken, NJ 07030 ~ Phone: 800-956-7739 ~ Web: <>

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

[ED-TECH] Senate Grilling of For-Profits: Join the Conversation Online

If you've got the time, it would be worth listening to this session tomorrow.  My own personal take on this issue is as follows:

For-profits have every incentive to put as many students in their courses. The question should be can they effective service those students, all of those students, that they let in.  This is really where the dialog should focus: a schools ability to service the students it admits. There should be established benchmarks in place to measure a school's effectiveness around completion, satisfactory academic progress and the potential for gainful employment. When the school demonstrated they are incompetent or incapable of delivering satisfactory results, they should be restricted from growing until they can demonstrate this capability. Continued failure to meet established success standards should result in the school's accreditation being revoked.

At the end of the day, the for-profits are always going to try to get as many students in the door (ie, revenue) that they can. Great. Go crazy with this. But if you are going to tap in to federal dollars for this, you better be able to show acceptable progress on all of those students in terms of completion and the potential for a job that is at least in line with the cost of a student's educational attainment.


Here's the article from the Chronicle:

June 23, 2010

Senate Grilling of For-Profits: Join the Conversation Online

By Marc Parry

All eyes will be on the for-profit-education industry Thursday as the U.S. Senate convenes the first in a series of hearings examining federal spending on proprietary colleges. If you care about online education, it's worth paying attention because for-profits are gobbling up a growing share of the e-learning market.

Here's how you can follow along and join in the conversation online:

The hearing kicks off at 10 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, and will be Webcast here. I'll be reporting live from the event on Twitter (@marcparry). If you're on Twitter, you can contribute to our coverage by using the hashtag "#4profit." All tweets with that tag will be published in a box on The Chronicle's home page.

A key witness testifying will be Steven Eisman, a hedge-fund manager who predicted the housing bubble and is now issuing similar warnings about for-profit higher education. He played a part in Michael Lewis's best-selling book, "The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine."

For more on the issues at play Thursday, check out this morning's story by Chronicle reporter Paul Basken: "New Grilling of For-Profits Could Turn Up the Heat for All of Higher Education." And come back our Web site later Thursday for a full report on the hearing.

Monday, June 14, 2010

[ED-TECH] i>clickers status?

If you will be using the i>clicker this Fall, please let Jennifer Whipple, Textbook Manager,<>, know that the i>clicker will be either optional or required for your class. That way they will keep enough in stock to meet your students' needs. She just needs to know the courses/sections that will be using it and whether it is optional or required.

If you have used it in the past and have decided not to use it this semester, please let me know so that I can talk to you and learn about your experience. Then I will be able to make an informed recommendation of how/whether to support this technology in the future.

Bill Vilberg,<>, 786-250-2255

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Re: [ED-TECH] Acronis Home Backup

Here are some excellent questions from Tanya Feddern-Bekcan. I thought I should share my responses with the list.

On Jun 10, 2010, at 10:39 AM, Feddern-Bekcan, Tanya wrote:

Hi, Bill. Thanks so much for posting this! I've got a couple of questions. I have Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Version 2002, Service Pack 3. My computer is an Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU, T7300 @ 2.00GHz, 2.00 GHz, 2.00 GB of RAM. I see that Acronis offers backup on external hard drive and online. What size hard drive do you recommend? Also, did you do the online backup option? What do you think about it? How much is it? Could one safely forego hard-drive backup and do online backup instead? Lastly, is this product only for one computer or can I back up a couple of computers on it?

Thank you,


Tanya Feddern-Bekcan, MLIS, AHIP, MOT, OTR/L
( formerly Tanya Feddern
305.243.3999 -<> - 305.325.9670 (fax)
EBM Theme Director, Head of Education, & Occupational Therapist
Department of Health Informatics, Louis Calder Memorial Library at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
"A library without a librarian is a reading room."-- Jenny Garcia of the University of Wyoming, MLS, AHIP


You may have to contact Acronis on some of your questions, or at least check their web site. Here are my quick responses.

1. To create backups that you can do use for a full restore, my recommendation is to get an external HD that is AT LEAST three times larger than the disk space you are currently using on your internal HD. If you plan on dramatically increasing your storage on your internal, use that number as the base of the calculation. Today you can get 1 TB external drives for around $100. That is 1,000 GB. Usually that is a good starting point for me.

2. I don't use online backup. It takes too long to backup the entire disk, and restoring can take days if you need everything. If you just want to backup your Documents folder, that can be useful. Depending on how much space you use in your Documents folder, the free Dropbox service might meet your need. You get 2 GB free and for $99 per year you can get 50 GB of online storage. You would just start putting everything directly into your Dropbox folder rather than the Document folder. The backup would be automatic. I don't have any FERPA data or anything, so I haven't looked into the security issues with this. If you have University material that is confidential, you might want to be more diligent than I am.

3. I believe the license is for one computer, but I haven't checked it for sure. I think they also have some other licenses for multiple computers, say in a small company.

Here are some other thoughts on backing up computers. These are all my thoughts. Others have their own opinions. If it is your data, it is your decision. If you have all your pictures on your hard drive, how painful would it be to lose them? That is the kind of risk analysis that you need to make when creating a backup plan.

A minimal backup plan keeps a backup on an external hard drive. That can at least help if (WHEN!) something happens to the hard drive on your computer. But it doesn't reduce all the risks. If your a lightning strike sends a surge through the electrical lines, both the computer and the hard drive may be fried. If someone breaks in and steals the computer, they may steal the hard drive, too. A fire or flood would destroy both items. So this is a minimal backup.

A "best practices" backup plan uses the 3-2-1 Rule. It states you should have 3 copies of any important file (the primary and two backups); the file should be on two different media types to protect against different types of hazards; 1 copy should be stored away from the computer or at least off-line. To read more about this, see for some great information.

At the present time on my Mac, my primary computer, I use two portable USB drives and Time Machine, to create the apply the 3-2-1 rule. The system backs up every night to the attached USB drive. At some point during the week I take that drive home and bring in the other drive. I use it for a week. So I have all my important files (more than a week old) on three different devices (my computer and two different USB drives), One of the drives is not connected to power or any computer, so that counts as a separate media type. And that same drive is off-site. Files less than a week old are usually in my Dropbox folder, since I am using them, and I keep all current files there. So in that case I still have three copies of the files (my computer, my current USB drive, and my Dropbox file in the cloud), using two different media (one being the hard drives at my desk and the other being the system in the cloud), and one of the copies is off-site. If this seems like overkill to you, take a look at the list of threats to your data in the list and see how this deals with each of them.

Bill Vilberg,<>, 786-250-2255

-----Original Message-----
From: UM Educational Technology List [mailto:ED-TECH@LISTSERV.MIAMI.EDU] On Behalf Of Vilberg, William R.
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 10:01 AM
Subject: [ED-TECH]

Ed-Tech list members,

I use Acronis Home Backup to keep my Windows computers backed up. It is fairly inexpensive, works well, and allows you to create a complete backup so you can restore EVERYTHING to a new HD if you need to. I create a new backup every month and then do incremental backups during the month. That lets me restore anything that I need to. I have amazed customer support people on the phone when I call with a computer problem and say at I ha a complete backup. I know that it is only a matter of time until hardware breaks, and i don't have time to restore everything from scratch.

Today and tomorrow Bits du Jour has a special deal on Acronis Home Backup. Only $24.99 for the base system and the add-on that lets you do a COMPLETE restore to any hard drive, even one of a different size than the original. This deal is scheduled to end at midnight on Friday. If you already have a backup system, use it. If you don't, this is the one that I use.

Bill Vilberg -, 786-250-2255