Monday, October 18, 2010

[ED-TECH] Recordings from Educause online conference

Ed-Tech mailing list,

The largest conference in higher education information technology, EDUCAUSE, was held last week. Recordings of the sessions that were part of the Online conference are now available and can be accessed freely by everyone. Just go to [LINK REMOVED] for the list of sessions, with links to the recordings.

[All 51 of the recordings from the online session are not public, so I had to remove them from this blog of all the email sent to my Ed-Tech group. To view the 12 public recordings, please go to and enjoy.]

These recordings are interesting both for the content and the lecture capture systems. Some recordings were made using Adobe Connect to record the screen and audio, while others were made using a MediaSite system to record the screen, audio, and a small "talking head" of the presenter. As you watch them, think about how either of these techniques might be used to allow your students to better learn the material in your courses.

Bill Vilberg,<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more