Tuesday, September 21, 2010

[ED-TECH] Videoconference TODAY (Tuesday) at 2:00 pm on Campus Media Management

Ed-Tech list members,

There is a videoconference today, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, on campus media management. As support people, we are often asked whether we have a solution to upload, transcode, tag, search, stream and embed curricular media so that professors can easily publish video to their courses, find video that has already been used in other classes, and control access to who is able to view individual pieces of media. The webinar will discuss the issues, and is sponsored by Kaltura, one of the open source platforms in this space.

You can sign up and "attend" at your desk, or come to Richter Library to watch it with the staff from the library. I think this is an important service that we need to provide, promote, and support, so getting together with others to talk about is worth your while.

For more information on the session go to http://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/technology_and_learning/campus_media_management

To register for the sesion go to http://www.kaltura.org/inspire-webinar-registration

If you will be attending in the Faculty Exploratory, Room 305, in the Richter Library, please let Bryanna Herzog know, so she will have enough chairs available.

I hope to see you there.

Bill Vilberg, bill.vilberg@miami.edu<mailto:bill.vilberg@miami.edu>, 786-250-2255

http://vilberg.com - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more