Hooray! The new ACE format is available in myUM and UMApps. The myUM ACE is fine but the UMApps ACE has an alignment issue. The course work is not properly aligned under the headers. The attachment shows the problem. IT is working to correct this issue and should have the fix in UMApps Thursday evening.
I am just the reporter of this event. The people who did the work to make this better are in IT.
The next project is to improve the search capabilities for courses. The details are being worked on, but students need to be able to search by day of the week, time, instructor, and so on. The process is to take one thing at a time and improve it. The format of the ACE report was first. The search/filter options will be next.
Bill Vilberg, bill.vilberg@miami.edu<mailto:bill.vilberg@miami.edu>, 786-250-2255
http://vilberg.com - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more