PLEASE CONSIDER PARTICIPATING IN ONE OF THESE FOCUS GROUPS. I know how busy it is at the end of a semester and how valuable your time is. If we could get 90 minutes to gather information from you, that would be wonderful.
We are inviting teachers at UM to participate in one of two 90 minute focus groups on Friday, November 19th. We will be asking the participants how they teach, what works, what they would like to try, what types of support they could use, and similar things. One focus group will take place 10:30 am - 12:00 pm. The second focus group, with different participants, will be 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm. The focus groups will be held in Richter Library, room number to be announced. In order to have representative focus groups, we are asking teachers interested in participating to fill out a form that will help us determine the members of each group.
If you teach at the University of Miami and would like to be considered for one of these focus groups, please go to and fill out the application form.
Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
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