Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Suggestions for Department Head orientation sessions

Chairs of departments enter a gray world between faculty and
administration. They need training, in many cases, if they are to
succeed. Here are some suggested books and a Web page with resources.

Bill Vilberg

-----Original Message-----
From: Professional & Organization Development Network in Higher
Education [mailto:POD@listserv.nd.edu] On Behalf Of Holton, Susan
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2005 2:49 PM
To: POD@listserv.nd.edu
Subject: Re: [POD] Suggestions for Department Head orientation sessions

Anything written by Walt Gmelch is magnificent. There are two specific
books I'd recommend, one is Life Cycle of the Department Chair (New
Dimensions in Higher Education # 126) and Chairing an Academic
Department by Walt Gmelch.

There are also wonderful resources on the American Council on
Education's department chair page:


Susan A Holton, Ph.D.
Department of Communication Studies & Theatre Arts Bridgewater State
College Bridgewater, MA 02325 508-531-1750 sholton@bridgew.edu;


From: Professional & Organization Development Network in Higher
Education on behalf of Alton J. Banks
Sent: Fri 5/20/2005 1:30 PM
To: POD@listserv.nd.edu
Subject: [POD] Suggestions for Department Head orientation sessions

I am being given an opportunity to conduct some (# as yet unknown)
sessions with department heads on campus (with attention to NEW
department heads).
Does anyone have a suggested text/booklet/? for providing guidance to
this group?
To add a bit of context-this is a research I institution.

A few possible topics for discussion at this point are:
- legal affairs
- faculty mentoring
- peer review of teaching

Thank you.

Alton J. Banks
Professor of Chemistry and
Director, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning

Promoting excellent teaching
Enhancing student learning

413 Clark Hall
Campus Box 7227
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695

Phone: 919.513.2044

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