- Plagiarism - Nice, short article, directed at students to define plagiarism and suggest ways to avoid it.
- Getting It Done Without Getting in Trouble: Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due - Student workshop offered at UM by ArC
- Has the Internet led to increased plagiarism in Higher Education? - Fact sheet including statistics and quotes
- Student Rebel Beats McGill in Essay Fight - Article on a student that refused to submit his paper to TurnItIn.com.
- Composition Symposium 2002: "Punishing Forgery, Preventing Plagiarism, and Teaching to Motivate" with Rebecca Moore Howard - Flyer for UM Composition workshop
- Plagiarism: What Should a Teacher Do? - Written for teachers asking them to differentiate between fraud, patchwriting, failure to cite, and failure to quote, and giving them a clear set of steps to follow to try to understand the students writing process and help them meet your expectations.
- Academic Dishonesty, Plagiarism, and the Use of Secondary Sources: A Guide for Instructors in the Syracuse University Writing Program - Draws on the WPA Statement on Best Practices to provide guidance to writing instructors at Syracuse.
- Forget About Policing Plagiarism. Just Teach. by Rebecca Moore Howard - Article to guide us from the mass hysteria surrounding the plagiarism issue. Available through the link above for subscribers of The Chronicle in Higher Education. Available from the Univ. of Miami campus through ProQuest on IbisWeb
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
In the fall I will have a PR campaign for SafeAssignment and original writing. This normally goes as Plagiarism. As such I will need to collect some materials to draw on when creating the PR campaign. Here is a collection of links I have found related to Plagiarism. Rather than post each one individually, I am going to keep editing this entry.