From: Professional & Organization Development Network in Higher
Education [] On Behalf Of Linda Nilson
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 4:41 PM
Subject: [POD] International WAC Conference 2006
I am reissuing the announcement for the Eighth International Writing
Across the Curriculum Conference because the web site is now up:
In addition, the title of the conference has changed to "international"
to facilitate travel funding for non-Americans.
Please distribute this message to prospective faculty, administrators,
and graduate students across the disciplines. (This is not a conference
mainly for people in English or composition.) This conference addresses
not only writing but also oral and visual communication.
The Eighth International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference (WAC
2006) Clemson University
Clemson, South Carolina U.S.A. (Trust me; it's beautiful here.)
May 18-20, 2006 (Next year, not next week!)
Clemson University is pleased to invite proposals and participants for
this international conference. We encourage proposals from all
disciplines-and from cross-disciplinary teams-on a wide range of topics
of interest to faculty, graduate students, and administrators at two-
and four-year colleges. These topics include:
WAC: Writing Across the Curriculum;
WID: Writing in the Disciplines;
CAC: Communication Across the Curriculum, which includes oral, visual,
digital, and written communication; and
ECAC: Electronic Communication Across the Curriculum.
The keynote address will be delivered by Anne Herrington and Charles
Moran, both of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
Proposal Deadline: September 26, 2005.
Please submit proposals in one of five session types-individual
presentations; full panels; roundtable sessions; poster sessions; and
mpre-conference workshops-and in one of six broad themes-teaching;
research, history, and theory; politics; assessment and program
administration; technology; and topics that cross categories.
For program proposal forms and additional conference information, please
see our website at Please also
feel free to contact the conference planners by email at or by fax 864.656.1846. You may also contact the
conference co-directors:
Art Young (864.656.3062) or Kathi Yancey (864.656.5394), Department of
English, 616 Strode Tower, Clemson University, Clemson, SC U.S.A.
Linda B. Nilson, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Teaching Effectiveness and Innovation
445 Brackett Hall, Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634
Voice: (864) 656-4542 ^^^ FAX: 864-656-0750 ***
A teacher affects eternity; one can never tell where one's influence
stops. --Henry Brooks Adams
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