Article in Business Week about the use of clickers in classrooms.
Technology changes classroom dynamics
Response on POD:
From: Professional & Organization Development Network in Higher Education [] On Behalf Of McFann, Julie-Ann
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [POD] Story about clickers in BusinessWeek Online
Is Business Week a McGraw-Hill company? The M-H banner is at the bottom of the Business Week Online website. If so, then I must commend them for a rather subtle marketing system.
Our office is endorsing the use of eInstruction RF Classroom Response System and we're trying to conduct workshops on how to use the clickers, etc. from a pedagogy standpoint. McGraw-Hill is arranging demos all over campus and is confusing our faculty because the faculty think that the demo is sponsored by our office. They're expecting a workshop and will get a sales pitch instead. Still the same CRS, but M-H is really trying to push the bundled w/ textbook version and telling the faculty that they have to adopt the textbook in order to get the free software and receivers (not true--they just have to adopt eInstruction).
Can you tell I'm a little frustrated at the moment? Thanks for letting me vent.
Julie-Ann M. McFann
Faculty Development Coordinator
Office of Instructional Development
University of California, Los Angeles
jmcfann (at)