Thursday, December 08, 2011

[ED-TECH] Free electronic textbooks

Ed-Tech list members,

Kno is one of the companies that provides electronic versions of textbooks. They add a lot of extra material and value to the textbook in the process of converting it to electronic form. That means that they have fewer books at this point than other such providers, but they expect to ramp up quickly over the next year or so.

I just got this email that offers one free Kno textbook to anyone with an educational email address (.edu) who signs up on<>. I haven't tried it yet, but I expect to. I do have the Kno app on my iPad and have a number of sample chapters from various textbooks and they look great!

If you are using a textbook in their list, or Kno has a textbook in your discipline that your students might use as a second source, I encourage you to share this with your students. It ends either when they decide they have given away enough or by 12/31/2011, so check soon and send them an email via Blackboard. You can get to your spring courses from the "All Courses" sub tab, part of the "Blackboard" tab group.

Bill Vilberg

Begin forwarded message:

From: "CEO of Kno" <<>>
Subject: Hey , wanted to connect
Date: December 7, 2011 7:22:38 PM EST

Hello ,

You have been a dearly valued customer to us and we wanted to share something a bit crazy with you. For this Spring term, instead of spending $10 million dollars on a big advertising campaign, we thought it would be better spent by giving you and hundreds of thousands of other students a free eTextbook.

We truly believe that students and professors are the drivers for how technology will change education and the world at large. We aren't asking for any commitments from you, no purchases to get a free eTextbook from us. All we ask, at your own discretion is for you to sign up at<> with your .EDU email address (so we know you're a student) and to please share this offer with your friends.

We realize some of you may have already signed up, and in any case, thank you and please continue to spread the word.<>

Thanks for driving change!

Osman Rashid
Founder & CEO, Kno Inc.
p: 408-841-4851

This email was sent to<> by Kno
5155 Old Ironsides Dr. | Santa Clara | CA | 95054
Forward to a friend<> | Unsubscribe<>

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

[ED-TECH] Mother Pelican ~ December 2011

Mother Pelican: A Journal of Sustainable Human Development

*Merry Christmas*

The December 2011 issue has been posted:
Editorial Essay - *A New World is Being Born*

Demographic Challenges for Sustainable Development, IIASA
On the Neo-liberal Economic/Business Model, Karman Mofid
Economics Unmasked, Herman Daly
Toward Ecological and Social Revolution, John Bellamy Foster
Land and Power: The growing scandal, Bertram Zagema
The Masculinity Conspiracy-Part 3: Sexuality, Joseph Gelfer
Resilience to Climate Change in Central America and Mexico, ELAN
Causal Efficacy & Sustainability Science, Lin-Shu Wang

Advances in Sustainable Development
Directory of Sustainable Development Resources
Strategies for the Transition to Clean Energy
Tactics for the Transition to Clean Energy
Status of Gender Balance in Society
Status of Gender Balance in Religion


Luis T. Gutiérrez, PhD, PE
The Pelican Web of Solidarity and Sustainability
Mother Pelican: A Journal of Sustainable Human Development

Monday, November 14, 2011

[ED-TECH] Mother Pelican Vol. 7 No. 11, November 2011

Mother Pelican: A Journal of Sustainable Human Development

The November 2011 issue has been posted:
Theme ~ Mitigation & Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change

Articles on the following topics:

Role of the Social Sciences in Sustainable Development
Population Growth: 7 Billion
Peak Oil: A Chance to Change the World
Why We Must Tax Carbon, Not Subsidize It
Resource Scarcity, Fair Shares, and Development
History of the The Masculinity Conspiracy
Payments for Ecosystem Services & Climate Change
Prejudice against Muslims and Islam


Advances in Sustainable Development
Directory of Sustainable Development Resources
Strategies for the Transition to Clean Energy
Tactics for the Transition to Clean Energy
Status of Gender Balance in Society
Status of Gender Balance in Religion


Luis T. Gutiérrez, PhD, PE
The Pelican Web of Solidarity and Sustainability
Mother Pelican: A Journal of Sustainable Human Development

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[ED-TECH] Seth Godin video

I recorded the Seth Godin video. You MUST see it. He really has a great vision of the future and focuses on Higher Education.

Do good things,


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

[ED-TECH] Seth Godin and more, starting tomorrow from EDUCAUSE

Ed-Tech listserv members,


The EDUCAUSE conference sessions start tomorrow, from Philadelphia, PA. This conference deals with technology in higher education. The keynote speaker tomorrow at 8:20 AM is Seth Godin, author of Linchpin and other books. EDUCAUSE streams live from Wednesday morning through Friday noon. Just go to and follow the links. Watch the Godin talk (it should be GREAT!) and then decide if you want to watch any of the others "live" from your own computer. If so, mark them on your calendar so you don't forget.

In the schedule at you can identify the public sessions because their titles are highlighted in gold.


In addition to the live sessions, Information Technology has arranged for two different feeds, one in the Gables One Tower, across US-1, and one in Richter Library, Room 325. If you are interested in watching any of the sessions that will be shown "live" in either of these locations, let me know and I can get you details of where they will be located.

Sessions which will be streamed are highlighted in blue or green depending on whether the sessions are in Richter Library (blue) or Gables One Tower (green) in the schedule at .


Finally, ALL of the sessions that are being streamed will be available to us for 90 days after the conference, except for the Seth Godin session. This includes ALL the sessions listed on the schedule at . If you are interested in seeing any of the EDUCAUSE sessions after the conference ends, watch for the upcoming announcement to Ed-Tech.

If you have any trouble connecting, or have any questions, let me know, Ok?

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement Center
University of Miami, FL
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Monday, October 10, 2011

[ED-TECH] Applications due October 31 for the FLC on ICT Literacy

Ed-Tech Faculty Members,

The application for the 2012 Faculty Learning Community (FLC) on Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) Literacy is now available at It is a very short application, so I encourage all full-time faculty members, engaged in undergraduate teaching, to apply. Completed applications are due by October 31.

The announcement, at, states, "The University regards FLC membership as an acknowledgment of excellent, innovative, and effective teaching." Each member will receive a $1,500 research and educational fund to support their FLC work and a one-course teaching reduction in the fall 2012 semester. You can see the list of prior participants and some of their projects on the web site.

Whether you are familiar with ICT Literacy or not, this opportunity is for you. While you may not have heard of ICT Literacy, you have probably encountered wikis, blogs, YouTube, the web, and more as it relates to your classes. Faculty are sometimes called Reflective Practitioners. This is a chance to explore Information, Communication and Technology Literacy as it applies to the classes you are teaching. This is a chance to reflect with your peers from across the disciplines. This is a chance to implement an ICT Literacy based change in a course and examine the results. If you are interested in this topic, I strongly encourage you to apply this year.

SACS - Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - The organization that accredits UM.
QEP - Quality Enhancement Plan - A project to improve student learning at the University of Miami, as part of our SACS accreditation.
FLC - Faculty Learning Community - A process where a group of faculty from across disciplines get together to investigate a topic.
ICT Literacy - Information, Communication, and Technology Literacy - The topic of UM's 2012 FLC.


Bill Vilberg,, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Re: [ED-TECH] Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An HETL Interview with Dr. Dee Fink

Congratulations Bill!

Thanks for the article! Wonderful! Let's se if we can make this happen!

Lyndon Godsall Ed.D, Ed.S, M.Ed, B.Ed
Instructional Designer
305-284-2710 Office
954-647-4634 Cell

On 10/5/11 9:55 AM, "Vilberg, William R." <bill.vilberg@MIAMI.EDU> wrote:

>Ed-Tech list members,
>I just posted an article on that I think is worth your
>time. It is a short interview with L. Dee Fink that talks about
>opportunities to improve teaching (and learning) in higher education. If
>you have about five minutes, please go to and check it
>out. This article makes no mention of technology, although technology can
>play a part in many of the points that he makes.
>The Instructional Advancement Center has become an academic technology
>center over the last few years. Our primary activities are managing and
>supporting faculty use of the Blackboard learning management system and
>the technology in the 80 or so general purpose classrooms on campus. I am
>excited that we are now (as of Ocober 1) part of Information Technology
>at UM and I am reporting directly to Steve Cawley, our new CIO. This
>change opens lots of wonderful possibilities for us and should provide
>improved services to you.
>At the same time I worry that the advancement of teaching and learning,
>non-technology related, might be neglected. To continue my efforts in
>that area I will continue to post material on and send
>information to the ed-tech list as I come across it. If you are
>interested in any specific material, let me know and I will do what I can
>to assist you in pursuing your interests, whether they be purely teaching
>and learning based or technology related.
>Now, that you have read this far, don't forget that this message is about
>the L. Dee Fink article, not about our organizational change. Please go
>back and read the article. How would you measure up on his four areas of
>evaluating teaching? Which of his six categories in the taxonomy of
>significant learning do you explicitly include in your classes? Which
>fundamental the fundamental tasks of teaching would you like to develop
>in your repertoire? How might you participate in or lead a bottom-up
>improvement in teaching at UM? This short article has a lot of things to
>think about.
>Best day,
>Bill Vilberg -, 786-250-2255
> - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

[ED-TECH] Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An HETL Interview with Dr. Dee Fink

Ed-Tech list members,

I just posted an article on that I think is worth your time. It is a short interview with L. Dee Fink that talks about opportunities to improve teaching (and learning) in higher education. If you have about five minutes, please go to and check it out. This article makes no mention of technology, although technology can play a part in many of the points that he makes.

The Instructional Advancement Center has become an academic technology center over the last few years. Our primary activities are managing and supporting faculty use of the Blackboard learning management system and the technology in the 80 or so general purpose classrooms on campus. I am excited that we are now (as of Ocober 1) part of Information Technology at UM and I am reporting directly to Steve Cawley, our new CIO. This change opens lots of wonderful possibilities for us and should provide improved services to you.

At the same time I worry that the advancement of teaching and learning, non-technology related, might be neglected. To continue my efforts in that area I will continue to post material on and send information to the ed-tech list as I come across it. If you are interested in any specific material, let me know and I will do what I can to assist you in pursuing your interests, whether they be purely teaching and learning based or technology related.

Now, that you have read this far, don't forget that this message is about the L. Dee Fink article, not about our organizational change. Please go back and read the article. How would you measure up on his four areas of evaluating teaching? Which of his six categories in the taxonomy of significant learning do you explicitly include in your classes? Which fundamental the fundamental tasks of teaching would you like to develop in your repertoire? How might you participate in or lead a bottom-up improvement in teaching at UM? This short article has a lot of things to think about.

Best day,
Bill Vilberg -, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Thursday, September 29, 2011

[ED-TECH] Friday lectures - Gunther Schuller and Richard Dawkins

Ed-Tech list members,

What a Friday we are having tomorrow! Gunther Schuller is speaking at 3:30 pm and Richard Dawkins at 5:00 pm. Two world famous people, one in music and one in science. ENCOURAGE YOUR STUDENTS TO ATTEND! Go yourself. This level of speaker is an indication of the quality of our institution just as much (or more?) than our ranking in US News & World Report. I hope that both events are standing room only. More information on the two events are available as follows:

Gunther Schuller, Into the Creative Mind of a Total Musician: (Free tickets can be requested on the web page.)

Richard Dawkins, The Magic of Reality:

Bill Vilberg,, 786-250-2255

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[ED-TECH] UM Libraries - Paperless University Blog

Hello everyone,


The University of Miami Libraries’ Digital Scholarship and Programs Department is proud to announce Paperless University, a new blog about our experiences becoming a paper-free department at the Otto G. Richter Library.  Armed with iPads, we have spent the past two months learning what it takes to live without paper in the office environment, and are using the blog to share our knowledge with the world and foster a community of University of Miami students, faculty, and staff interested in the concept of going paperless. 


Currently, our six department members constitute the blog’s only authors, but we hope to change this soon.  We welcome and encourage other people from the UMiami community willing to go paperless in some aspect of their lives—whether as librarians, staff, students, researchers, or faculty—to register as authors and begin sharing.  Comments on posts are also encouraged.  We aim to make the site as participatory as possible, and are actively recruiting people to join us.  


Developing this blog has been a great experience. I hope that we can reach an audience beyond our University, so please share this with anyone you think would be interested. If you have any questions, you can send an email to and either myself or one of the editors will be happy to answer them.


The URL for Paperless University is





Bryanna Valentine Herzog

Digital Media Manager


University of Miami

Otto G. Richter Library

1300 Memorial Drive, Rm 311

Coral Gables, FL 33146





Monday, September 26, 2011

[ED-TECH] Library session Tuesday 1-2 pm

This looks like a great session for faculty to learn about the resources and services of the UM library...

Tools for Your Trade: An Information Toolkit

Hosted by Suzanne Stemler and Mei Mendez

Are you an expert at using the library? Don't be so sure! Every university library has its own quirky set of resources and services. In this session we will introduce you to the information environment here at UM and give you the inside scoop so you can find – and get your hands on – the information you need faster and easier.

Light refreshments will be provided

When Tuesday September 27, 2011 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Where Richter Library 343

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

[ED-TECH] FedEx Days

Ed-Tech list members,


Watch the 11 minute video ( based on Daniel Pink's book Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.


Have you heard of FedEx days? I hadn't, until yesterday. A FedEx day starts on Thursday afternoon and runs until Friday afternoon. You work on what you want, with whomever you want. You deliver your final product at a meeting (party?) at the end of the day on Friday. I wonder how many seeds would get planted if we cancelled all classes and meetings for a FedEx day at UM?

If you have a few minutes, please take a look at my blog post on and be sure to watch the videos.

The videos and Drive by Daniel Pink make quite a push for autonomous learning. My blog post reflects on taking the FedEx day, along with the 20% time ideas of Google and 3M, and applying them to a University, say UM. Radical? Probably. Exciting? I think so, do you? Let me know what you think of this idea, Ok?

Best day(1),
Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

(1) In the Vilberg family we say "Best day" rather than "Good day." A good day is when good things happen to you. A best day is when you do the best you can with whatever happens, good or bad.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

[ED-TECH] September 2011 Issue of Mother Pelican


*Mother Pelican* is an interdisciplinary journal at the intersection of
ecology, economics, psychology, technology management, gender equality,
sociology of religion, and sustainability science and engineering.

The September 2011 issue has been posted:

Theme - *The Confluence of Gender Balance and Energy Balance*


Energy balance is a non-negotiable requirement for a sustainable
economy. Likewise, gender equality is crucial for a civilized transition
to sustainability. That humanity must transition from fossil fuels to
clean energy (and, more generally, from consumerism to sustainability)
is no longer in doubt. The question now is whether the transition will
be violent or peaceful - or at least civilized. It is argued that
fostering gender balance in all roles of responsibility and authority is
the best way to foster a civilized transition. Gender imbalance, with
only (or even mostly) men making all key policy decisions, is
biologically and psychologically bound to perpetuate the violence-prone
patriarchal mentality of control and domination.

Most secular institutions worldwide already know by experience that
gender balance mitigates violence and enhances capabilities for human
development. Religious institutions that remain attached to
theologically baseless patriarchal practices are doing a disservice to
humanity by reinforcing resistance to gender equality and balance. The
joint and fair resolution of gender balance and energy balance issues,
which not insignificantly are emerging simultaneously at this point in
human history, offers the best hope for a civilized transition to a
sustainable world animated by solidarity, peace, and justice. It also
offers the best hope for continuing progress in integral human development.


Editorial Essay ~ The Confluence of Gender Balance and Energy Balance
Globalization and Integral Human Development - Eammon Keane
Loss of Confidence in the Current Order - Leonardo Boff
A Convenient Truth About Climate Change - David Lempert & Hue Nguyen
Sleeping with the Enemy: Economists & Polluters - Mason Gaffney
Are We Entering an Era of Concatenated Global Crises? - D. Biggs et al.
Concerning the Testicular Logic of Biblical Hebrew - Roland Boer
Toward a Post-Growth Society - James Gustave Speth
Gender Equity in Islam - Part 4: The Political Aspect, by Jamal Badawi


Advances in Sustainable Development
Directory of Sustainable Development Resources
Strategies for the Transition to Clean Energy
Tactics for the Transition to Clean Energy
Status of Gender Equality in Society
Status of Gender Equality in Religion

Please forward this notice to friends and colleagues who might be

Luis T. Gutiérrez, PhD, PE
The Pelican Web of Solidarity and Sustainability
Mother Pelican: A Journal of Sustainable Human Development

Monday, August 22, 2011

[ED-TECH] UMiami iPhone app

The University of Miami has an iPhone app. The link below will tell you more about it. There is a link to the App Store, too.

Bill Vilberg,, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

[ED-TECH] Syllabus quiz

Ed-Tech list members,

One of the best uses of the assessment tools in Blackboard is to make a very short quiz about your syllabus. Include these two items to help the students learn your wishes and your semester will go much better.

1. What is my professor's name?

2. What does my professor want to be called?

There are lots of other things you can add, specific to your rules and procedures. Having the students take an open book/syllabus test will increase their learning of the material, thereby reducing confusion later in the semester.

If you need help creating and deploying an assessment in the newly upgraded Blackboard 9.1, contact the Help Desk at 305-284-3949 or

Bill Vilberg,, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

[ED-TECH] Blackboard 9.1 "Six Things" video

Ed-Tech list members,

We upgraded to Blackboard 9.1 this summer. It is a MAJOR improvement over our previous version, 8.0. BUT…

There are a few things that you need to know, if you were use to Blackboard 8.0. The fastest and easiest way to learn these things is to watch the online video on the web page. It takes just nine minutes and will have you ready to use Blackboard 9.1 without any confusion.

While I have your attention, let me add some tasks for you.

1. WATCH THE SIXTHINGS VIDEO --- (Learn the new way to do things in Bb 9.1.)

2. SIGN UP FOR THE MAILING LIST --- --- Get notification about down time, training, and new features.)

3. USE OUR BLACKBOARD HELP DESK --- 305-284-3949 or --- Call or send email with questions or requests for services. We are here to help, but we can't help unless you contact us!)

4. SIGNUP FOR TRAINING SESSIONS --- --- Sign up if you would like a face to face training session. Contact the Help Desk if you would like a one on one session.

5. WATCH THE VIDEOS THAT BLACKBOARD MADE --- --- These videos explain more complex activities in Blackboard 9.1.

I have grown old enough, and Blackboard has been updated enough, that the Help Desk staff now know more about Blackboard than I do. You are welcome to call me, but you are almost always better off contacting the Help Desk at 305-284-3949 or with your questions or requests. The number below, in my signature, is my Google Voice number. It rings my desk AND my cell phone. Feel free to use it at any time. I am here to help.

Bill Vilberg,, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

[ED-TECH] No more login for wireless access, as of Friday, 8/5/2011

Ed-Tech list members,

IT is changing the way the wireless network is accessed. Once a device is registered through MyUM, all access to WirelessCanes will be direct: No more login screen asking for your user name and password. If you have a wireless device (smartphone, portable computer, iPad, etc.) that is already using wifi, this change will automatically start working as of 2:00 am on Friday.

Personally, I never used WirelessCanes wifi on my iPhone, since the login process was so difficult. I have a long/complex password and typing it on a small keyboard was difficult. This change allows me to take advantage of this wonderful service that UM provides. Thanks to the people that implemented this. Of course if I want to access MyUM or any of the other systems that use our single login system, I will need to enter my password then. But for normal web browsing and such, I can just walk on campus and start working.

While this may seem like a security risk, it really isn't, since the device is registered to you. Control of the device provides the security to the Internet, while all internal security to specific systems is still in place. Win, win.

The original message is below, in case you didn't get it.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Begin forwarded message:

From: IT Support Center <itsupportcenter@MIAMI.EDU<mailto:itsupportcenter@MIAMI.EDU>>
Subject: Notification: Wireless Authentication Change – Gables Campus
Date: August 2, 2011 3:14:37 PM EDT
To: DL - All Users - Gables Campus <<>>
Reply-To: IT Support Center <<>>

In an effort to improve the efficiency of Wireless Canes users on the Coral Gables campus, Information Technology is revising its access method of requiring wireless authentication to access the wireless network. Beginning on Friday, August 5, 2011, 2:00 AM, users will no longer be required to input their CaneID credentials (username, password) when accessing the wireless network on the Gables campus.

This change should resolve the inconvenience many mobile users (Laptops, iPads, iPhones, etc.) have been experiencing with their devices timing out after periods of inactivity. Users have reported that these timeouts significantly affect the usability of their devices.

If you have been using the wireless network with a device, your device is already registered and no action is required. If you want to use an unregistered device, as per existing procedures, it will need to be registered. Additional information is listed below to further explain this change, the resultant wireless experience and how to register devices. If you have any questions, contact the IT Support Center 305 284-6565, Option 5.

IT Support Center


How do I make sure my wireless device is registered or register a new device?

Click on<> and go to the Life at UM tab and click on CaneNet and Wireless Network Access to see your registered devices.

How many wireless devices can I register?

You will now be able to register six wireless devices.

How can I check to confirm departmental devices are properly registered?

You will need to speak to your departmental System Administrator but if you have been using a departmental device before this change, you should not experience any problems.

What is a MAC address and how do I find my device's MAC address?

Click here<>

If my wireless device has been working, will I need to do anything to prepare for this change?

No, it will continue to work after the change.

What will I see when I try to connect to the wireless network once this change is made?

You will no longer be required to log on. If you are trying to connect with an unregistered device, you will only be able to access the Guest Wireless Network.

How will guests and on-campus event attendees access work?

The same process used today will still apply. Guests will continue to use Guest Wireless Access. For on-campus events, as before, users will submit a request<> for event code creation. The sponsor and/or IT Support Center will register their devices and create credentials. Event users will no longer have to authenticate for Wireless Canes.

How will Exception Users access the network?

Request for access will continue to be sent to<>. The Network group will register the MAC address. The "exception users" will not have to authenticate for Wireless Canes access.

How long will the wireless network be unavailable while the change is implemented?

The cutover should take around 30 minutes. It will be done late night/early morning. IT does not expect any interruption or downtime during the cutover.

When will this take place?

Thursday, August 4, 2011 late evening or early morning Friday, August 5, 2011


Saturday, July 02, 2011

[ED-TECH] Mother Pelican - Journal of Sustainable Human Development - July 2011

The July 2011 issue of *Mother Pelican* has been posted:
Theme - What is Sustainable Human Development?

The outline for this issue is as follows:

Page 1. Editorial Opinion ~ What is "Sustainable Human Development"?
Page 2. Against Fear: Barry Lopez and Lessons for Communicators, by
Derek G. Ross
Page 3. The New Middle Ages, by John Weber
Page 4. How Defining Planetary Boundaries Can Transform Our Approach to
Growth, by Will Steffen, Johan Rockström, and Robert Costanza
Page 5. The Spirit of the Commons, by Jim Kenney
Page 6. Tax Reform for Sustainable Development, by Herman Daly
Page 7. The Financial Transaction Tax for People and the Planet:
Financing Climate Justice, by the International Cooperation for
Development and Solidarity (CIDSE)
Page 8. Moving Religion from Anti-Modern to Modern, by Martin E. Marty
Page 8. Patriarchy, Patrimonialism – and Paradigm Change, by Richard H.
Page 9. Gender Equity in Islam - Part 2: The Economic Aspect, by Jamal

This issue also includes the following supplements:

Supplement 1: Advances in Sustainable Development
Supplement 2: Directory of Sustainable Development Resources
Supplement 3: Status of the Transition to Clean Energy
Supplement 4: Status of Gender Equality in Society
Supplement 5: Status of Gender Equality in Religion

Please forward to friends and colleagues who might be interested.


Luis T. Gutiérrez, PhD, PE
The Pelican Web of Solidarity and Sustainability
Mother Pelican: A Journal of Sustainable Human Development

Thursday, June 23, 2011

[ED-TECH] Free Summer Webinars from Educause

Educause, the huge organization focused on computing in higher education, is running a series of free webinars this summer. Please check the link below for the topics and dates. The first one is this coming Tuesday, June 28th, at 1:00 pm. Attend one, attend them all. Summer is often a time to focus on research and grants, while reflecting on teaching. These look like cockaded opportunities to take a break from your other activities and think about some teaching and learning challenges.

Bill Vilberg -, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Monday, June 20, 2011

[ED-TECH] Note taking

Interesting blog post on note taking. The first four points are relevant to everyone, the others are social media based.

How do students learn to take notes? How does the teacher's design of the learning experience help them take better notes?

Social media & learning – note taking on steroids

Sent from Zite<> personalized magazine iPad app.
Available for free in the App Store<>.

Bill Vilberg -<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Monday, June 13, 2011

[ED-TECH] Fwd:

Here are two recent posts to<> that you might enjoy.

Bill Vilberg -<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Begin forwarded message:

From:<> <<>>
Date: June 13, 2011 4:25:11 PM EDT
To: "Vilberg, William R." <<>>

[] <>


If you are not familiar with Bloom's taxonomy, or need a...<>

Posted: 12 Jun 2011 02:00 PM PDT

If you are not familiar with Bloom's taxonomy, or need a refresher, the YouTube video at <> is a cute way to quickly get up to speed. The web site at <> has additional information on how to use Bloom's taxonomy. There is a great chart at <> with questions, activities, and trigger words for each of the four levels. As you plan your courses for the fall, take a look at what levels you would like your students to achieve, and how you are helping them do that.

I am seeing articles about storytelling as a learning objective...<>

Posted: 12 Jun 2011 01:47 PM PDT


I am seeing articles about storytelling as a learning objective in most disciplines. Every paper is a story in which you are trying to convince the reader of your conclusion. Every presentation is a story. Now, with Web 2.0, every video or oral history is a story. But stories are rarely multimedia, they are either written or video or a single form of media. The Atavist provides this type of multimedia enhanced nonfiction stories. While some are available for the Kindle and Nook, the best format is on the iPad, where all forms of multimedia can be used. Stories cost around $3 each on the iPad. Go to <> to see what is available.

You are subscribed to email updates from <><>
To stop receiving these emails, you may unsubscribe now<>. Email delivery powered by Google
Google Inc., 20 West Kinzie, Chicago IL USA 60610

Friday, June 10, 2011

[ED-TECH] Saying No (

Ed-Tech List Members,

Interesting article, counter to normal thinking. Instead of always saying "Yes" it argues that you need to regularly say no. I learned that lesson about group purchases of software years ago. There are things that we, the IAC, should not be doing.

But to use "No" you need to have a clear vision of what you do and where you are going. You need to be able to communicate that vision quickly and persuasively. And you need to, as much as possible, redirect people to people who can say "Yes" to their request.

"At the U, we are transforming lives through ... " How are you transforming lives? Whose lives are you transforming? What are things you say "No" to, so that you can transform lives in the way you do? What is your vision?

Saying No

Sent from Zite<> personalized magazine iPad app.
Available for free in the App Store<>.

Bill Vilberg -<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Thursday, June 09, 2011

[ED-TECH] Are you using personalized magazine apps for curricular purposes?

Ed-Tech List Members,

Malcolm Brown, Director of the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI), is looking for people using Flipboard, Zite, Pulp, or similar "personalized magazines" for curricular purposes. (I admit that I have only heard of one of those three: Flipboard for the iPad, and I use it personally, not with students.) If you have any experience with these please let him know. They are creating another in the excellent "7 Things You Should Know" series. These are front and back handouts listing the most important 7 things you should know about various learning technologies. You can check out the series at

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Begin forwarded message:

From: Malcolm Brown <mbrown@EDUCAUSE.EDU>
Date: June 9, 2011 12:14:27 PM EDT
Subject: [INSTTECH] Use of personalized magazine apps for teaching and learning
Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Instructional Technologies Constituent Group Listserv <INSTTECH@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU>

The ELI is doing some research for its 7 Things You Should Know About series.

A relatively new and very well-received app is that of the personalized magazine. Examples of these apps include:

"a personalized magazine... that automatically learns what you like and gets smarter as you use it... gives you personalized news, articles, blogs, videos and other content from a variety of both mainstream and niche publications..."

"a fast... way to flip through the news, photos and updates your friends are sharing on FB, Twitter, Google Reader, Flickr and Instagram..."

Other examples include Pulp and perhaps Yahoo's Livestand.

Question: is anyone at your institution using any of these kinds of apps for curricular purposes? or do you know of folks at another school who are?

Please pardon any cross-posting,

Malcolm Brown
Director, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative
IM: fnchron (AIM)
Voice: 575-448-1313

Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent Group discussion list can be found at


Monday, May 09, 2011

[ED-TECH] Journal of Sustainable Human Development (May 2011)

The May 2011 issue has been posted:
Mother Pelican - A Journal of Sustainable Human Development
Theme - The Coupling of Gender Equality & Clean Energy
Link -

Two leaps forward are needed to attain the transition from consumerism
to sustainability: a leap from sexism to gender equality, and a leap
from fossil fuels to clean energy. The April 2011 issue was focused on
gender equality for human development. This issue reiterates the need
for gender equality and addresses another crucial need: the transition
from fossil fuels to clean energy. The influence of the patriarchal
religious mindset in reinforcing gender inequities and exploitation of
natural resources is discussed. If religion is part of the problem, it
must be part of the solution. Resolving gender and sustainability issues
will require radical reforms in both social and religious institutions.

Page 1. The Coupling of Gender Equality & Clean Energy
Page 2. Conscious Leadership for Sustainability, Barrett C. Brown
Page 3. Urgent Appeal to Change the Mindset, Roberto Bissio
Page 4. Do We Need a Scientific Revolution?, Nicholas Maxwell
Page 5. From Footprints to Thoughtprints, Stephen K. Goobie
Page 6. Ignorance or Compassion?, Heiner Benking
Page 7. Biological Diversity: A Common Heritage, Priyan D. Rajan
Page 8. Sustainability and Economics 101, Susan Santone
Page 9. How we live, David & Helga Orton

Supplement 1: Advances in Sustainable Development
Supplement 2: Directory of Sustainable Development Resources
Supplement 3: SDSIM 1.5 to 2.0, Human Development, and Clean Energy
Supplement 4: Status of Gender Equality in Society
Supplement 5: Status of Gender Equality in Religion


Luis T. Gutiérrez, PhD, PE
The Pelican Web of Solidarity and Sustainability
Mother Pelican: A Journal of Sustainable Human Development

Thursday, April 28, 2011

[ED-TECH] FW: Take a tour of the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus in Miami

This is an interesting tour.  They had it at a conference I attended and people were able to go into the studio and record themselves playing instruments and making royalty free sound loops.  If you have a chance to go, I highly recommend it.


More information about the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus:


--Bryanna V. Herzog


From: Avid []
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 5:27 PM
To: Herzog, Bryanna Valentine
Subject: Take a tour of the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus in Miami


Take a tour of the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus in Miami

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Take a tour of the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus in Miami


Bus Tours

April 28: 10 am–5 pm
April 30: 12–3 pm
May 1: 12–3 pm


The Betsy
(parked in
front of the hotel)
1440 Ocean Drive
Miami Beach
FL 33139

You're invited to hop aboard the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus in Miami and discover new technologies, gear, and products in this state-of-the-art mobile audio and HD video recording and production facility. Discover the latest solutions and workflows from Avid—including Pro Tools®, Media Composer®, and M-Audio®—as well as products from other leading manufacturers.

The Lennon Bus will be parked in front of The Betsy in South Beach from April 28–May 1, 2011, so come out and take a tour. Yoko Ono's Wish Tree project will also be on display inside The Betsy, and you're encouraged to contribute your words, images, and sounds to the Lennon Bus Digital Wish Tree and see the finished video on April 30th.

Learn more about Avid and the Lennon Bus partnership


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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

[ED-TECH] Thank U service

Ed-Tech Members,

To keep you informed, I wanted to let you know that the Instructional Advancement Center, via the Blackboard system, is providing students with the opportunity to thank their professors. The form is at if you would like to look at it. You might even want to submit one or more, thanking a colleague or mentor at UM for helping you in some way.

The Thank U submissions will be distributed the week of May 2-6, Teacher Appreciation Week.

Bill Vilberg,, 786-250-2255

p.s. If you have not registered for the faculty luncheon on Monday, May 2, please do so. Go to for more information and register for this exciting event.

Monday, April 18, 2011

[ED-TECH] Updated information and link for Luncheon May 2nd


To register, go to the web page. (The previous message had my administrator link to the page, so it asked you to log in. Sorry.)


What: Faculty Luncheon on Teaching Effectiveness
When: Monday, May 2, 2011
Time: 11:30am – 1:15pm
Where: University Center, Flamingo Ballroom 226 A&B
RSVP: by April 27th 1:00 pm to and click on "Upcoming Events."

A luncheon will be held for all faculty on the theme of effective teaching as part of UM's Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) on Monday, May 2. Guest speaker Dr. Charles Dziuban will present "Technology Enhanced Learning: Opportunities and Challenges" at the Flamingo Ballroom from 11:30am-1:15pm.

Dr. Charles Dziuban is Director of the Research Initiative for Teaching Effectiveness at the University of Central Florida (UCF) where he has taught research design and statistics since 1970. A recipient of UCF's Pegasus Professor Award for extraordinary research, teaching, and service, Dr. Dziuban directs the impact evaluation of UCF's learning initiative and examines student and faculty outcomes at the university.

This luncheon is open to all UM faculty. To reserve a space, please rsvp by visiting (click on "upcoming events.")

Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) literacy is the focus of the University of Miami's (QEP), which is part of the SACS accreditation process.
For more information, visit or contact Devika Milner in the Office of the Provost at 305-284-6858 (, or Kelley Seaman in the Instructional Advancement Center, 305-284-2008 (

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325
786-250-2255 - Access to the information you need, WHEN YOU NEED IT.

[ED-TECH] Luncheon to Celebrate Teaching/Learning on May 2 - Register Now


Register right now for the Professor Appreciation Luncheon on Monday, May 2, 11:30 am - 1:15 pm, by going to the web page.


A new tradition (I hope) begins Monday, May 2, 11:30 am - 1:15 pm, in the University Center Ballroom, Room 226 A/B, when the first Professor Appreciation Week Luncheon is held. Come and hear Chuck Dziuban, Director of the Research Initiative for Teaching Effectiveness at the University of Central Florida (UCF), speak on "Technology Enhanced Learning: Opportunities and Challenges." Celebrate teaching and learning here at the University of Miami. Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2-6, 2011. Be part of this UM event. Invite others to take part.

Here is the blurb that is going into eVeritas.

The Faculty Learning Communities at the University of Miami will host Dr. Charles Dziuban as the speaker at the Faculty Appreciation Week Luncheon, May 2, 11:30 am - 1:15 pm. He will speak on "Technology Enhanced Learning: Opportunities and Challenges." Chuck Dziuban is Director of the Research Initiative for Teaching Effectiveness at the University of Central Florida (UCF) where has been a faculty member since 1970, teaching research design and statistics. The Faculty Learning Communities on Information, Communication, and Technology are part of UM's SACS accreditation Quality Enhancement Plan. This luncheon is open to everyone involved in Teaching and Learning at the University of Miami. Reservations are required, must be made by 1:00 pm on Wednesday, April 27, and can be made on-line at the web page. For more information, contact either Devika Milner in the Office of the Provost, 305-284-2004 or, or Kelley Seaman in the Instructional Advancement Center, 305-284-2008 or

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

[ED-TECH] Gender Equality for Human Development

For your consideration:

*Mother Pelican - A Journal of Sustainable Human Development*
Volume 7, Number 4, April 2011
Gender Equality for Human Development

Gender equality is essential for integral human development. The
objective of this special issue on "gender equality for human
development" is to provide a snapshot of where we are along the path of
overcoming the patriarchal system and attaining gender equality. Some
progress has been made, and there can be no doubt that the process
toward gender equality is irreversible. But it would not be helpful to
foster false hopes of reaching the goal in the near future. Hopefully,
this issue of *Mother Pelican* can be a source of encouragement for the
long journey ahead.

Please forward this notice to friends and colleagues who might be
interested. Submission of research papers on sustainable human
development is cordially invited.


Luis T. Gutiérrez, PhD, PE
The Pelican Web of Solidarity and Sustainability
Mother Pelican: A Journal of Sustainable Human Development
A monthly, CC license, free subscription, open access e-journal

Para vuestra consideración:

*Madre Pelícana - Revista de Desarrollo Humano Sostenible*
Volumen 7, Número 3, Abril 2011
La Igualda de Género para el Desarrollo Humano

La igualdad de género es esencial para el desarrollo humano integral. El
objetivo de esta edición especial sobre "igualdad de género para el
desarrollo humano" es poveer un retrato de donde estamos en el camino
hacia superar el sistema patriarcal y lograr la igualdad de género. Algo
hemos progresado, y es indudable que el proceso hacia la igualdad de
género es irreversible. Pero no sería bueno abrigar falsas esperanzas
sobre llegar a la meta en un futuro próximo. Esteramos que esta edición
de *Madre Pelícana* sea una fuente de aliento para el largo viaje que
nos espera.


Luis T. Gutiérrez, PhD, PE
The Red Pelícana de Solidaridad y Sostenibilidad
Madre Pelícana: Revista de Desarrollo Humano Sostenible
Mensual, licencia CC, subscripción gratis, accesso abierto enlínea

[ED-TECH] FW: See fun videos with PowerPoint presentation tips

Cute videos.  Check them out. J 

--Bryanna V. Herzog, Digital Media Manager, 305-284-6221


From: Microsoft Office []
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 2:09 PM
To: Herzog, Bryanna Valentine
Subject: See fun videos with PowerPoint presentation tips


Polish your presentation skills at PowerPoint SlideFest. | Trouble viewing this email? View this email as a webpage.


PowerPoint SlideFest




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Watch the Videos


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Since man first discover presentation tool, he try make presentation won't get him clubbed.
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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

[ED-TECH] FW: Free eSeminar: workforce preparedness and accessibility to technology at CSU, Fullerton


--Bryanna V. Herzog, Digital Media Manager, 305-284-6221


From: Adobe Systems Incorporated []
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 1:03 PM
To: Herzog, Bryanna Valentine
Subject: Free eSeminar: workforce preparedness and accessibility to technology at CSU, Fullerton


Adobe logo

Free eSeminar: Providing access to innovative technology. Learn more | Read online

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Wednesday, April 20
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Join Amir Dabirian, Vice President for Information Technology/CIO, and Chris Manriquez, Assistant Vice President, for a conversation about workforce preparedness and accessibility to technology at California State University, Fullerton. Learn how their university enhances instruction, learning, creativity, and campus productivity with Adobe solutions.

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Monday, April 04, 2011

[ED-TECH] Disrupting College Interview

Hi All,

Last week, I interviewed Michael Horn (Clayton Christensen's co-author of Disrupting Class & Disrupting College).  It was a very engaging interview and Michael touched on several important topics and trends that folks in higher education face today.  We also discussed Michael and Dr. Christensen's recent Disrupting College report.

You can listen to the full interview or playback specific segments here:  (feel free to share this link with others)

If something piques your interest in the interview, be sure to share your comments or insights at the bottom of the page.

