Wednesday, September 07, 2011

[ED-TECH] FedEx Days

Ed-Tech list members,


Watch the 11 minute video ( based on Daniel Pink's book Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.


Have you heard of FedEx days? I hadn't, until yesterday. A FedEx day starts on Thursday afternoon and runs until Friday afternoon. You work on what you want, with whomever you want. You deliver your final product at a meeting (party?) at the end of the day on Friday. I wonder how many seeds would get planted if we cancelled all classes and meetings for a FedEx day at UM?

If you have a few minutes, please take a look at my blog post on and be sure to watch the videos.

The videos and Drive by Daniel Pink make quite a push for autonomous learning. My blog post reflects on taking the FedEx day, along with the 20% time ideas of Google and 3M, and applying them to a University, say UM. Radical? Probably. Exciting? I think so, do you? Let me know what you think of this idea, Ok?

Best day(1),
Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

(1) In the Vilberg family we say "Best day" rather than "Good day." A good day is when good things happen to you. A best day is when you do the best you can with whatever happens, good or bad.