Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[ED-TECH] UM Libraries - Paperless University Blog

Hello everyone,


The University of Miami Libraries’ Digital Scholarship and Programs Department is proud to announce Paperless University, a new blog about our experiences becoming a paper-free department at the Otto G. Richter Library.  Armed with iPads, we have spent the past two months learning what it takes to live without paper in the office environment, and are using the blog to share our knowledge with the world and foster a community of University of Miami students, faculty, and staff interested in the concept of going paperless. 


Currently, our six department members constitute the blog’s only authors, but we hope to change this soon.  We welcome and encourage other people from the UMiami community willing to go paperless in some aspect of their lives—whether as librarians, staff, students, researchers, or faculty—to register as authors and begin sharing.  Comments on posts are also encouraged.  We aim to make the site as participatory as possible, and are actively recruiting people to join us.  


Developing this blog has been a great experience. I hope that we can reach an audience beyond our University, so please share this with anyone you think would be interested. If you have any questions, you can send an email to and either myself or one of the editors will be happy to answer them.


The URL for Paperless University is





Bryanna Valentine Herzog

Digital Media Manager


University of Miami

Otto G. Richter Library

1300 Memorial Drive, Rm 311

Coral Gables, FL 33146
