Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Re: [ED-TECH] Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An HETL Interview with Dr. Dee Fink

Congratulations Bill!

Thanks for the article! Wonderful! Let's se if we can make this happen!

Lyndon Godsall Ed.D, Ed.S, M.Ed, B.Ed
Instructional Designer
305-284-2710 Office
954-647-4634 Cell

On 10/5/11 9:55 AM, "Vilberg, William R." <bill.vilberg@MIAMI.EDU> wrote:

>Ed-Tech list members,
>I just posted an article on that I think is worth your
>time. It is a short interview with L. Dee Fink that talks about
>opportunities to improve teaching (and learning) in higher education. If
>you have about five minutes, please go to and check it
>out. This article makes no mention of technology, although technology can
>play a part in many of the points that he makes.
>The Instructional Advancement Center has become an academic technology
>center over the last few years. Our primary activities are managing and
>supporting faculty use of the Blackboard learning management system and
>the technology in the 80 or so general purpose classrooms on campus. I am
>excited that we are now (as of Ocober 1) part of Information Technology
>at UM and I am reporting directly to Steve Cawley, our new CIO. This
>change opens lots of wonderful possibilities for us and should provide
>improved services to you.
>At the same time I worry that the advancement of teaching and learning,
>non-technology related, might be neglected. To continue my efforts in
>that area I will continue to post material on and send
>information to the ed-tech list as I come across it. If you are
>interested in any specific material, let me know and I will do what I can
>to assist you in pursuing your interests, whether they be purely teaching
>and learning based or technology related.
>Now, that you have read this far, don't forget that this message is about
>the L. Dee Fink article, not about our organizational change. Please go
>back and read the article. How would you measure up on his four areas of
>evaluating teaching? Which of his six categories in the taxonomy of
>significant learning do you explicitly include in your classes? Which
>fundamental the fundamental tasks of teaching would you like to develop
>in your repertoire? How might you participate in or lead a bottom-up
>improvement in teaching at UM? This short article has a lot of things to
>think about.
>Best day,
>Bill Vilberg -, 786-250-2255
> - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more