Tuesday, October 20, 2009

[ED-TECH] Video Storytelling - A mini-class with Elam Stoltzfus

Digital Media Services Presents Video Storytelling 101 by Elam Stoltzfus

Elam Stoltzfus is an award winning producer, cinematographer, and director, who films documentaries and educational programs featuring environmental issues in Florida. Stoltzfus will be on campus to share some of his knowledge and experience in film-making. If you're having trouble turning your grey-matter ideas into a media presentation, then this might be the session for you.

Register for this mini-class at www.iacmiami.org<http://www.iacmiami.org/>.

When: Thursday October 22, 2009 from 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Where: Richter Library, Room 343
Seats are still Available. If registration is filled, please contact Bryanna Herzog at bherzog@miami.edu<mailto:bherzog@miami.edu> or 305-284-2548.

I highly recommend this session. Storytelling is an important component of everything that we do. This is a wonderful chance to hear from this incredible resource. Bill Vilberg