Friday, October 23, 2009

[ED-TECH] REMINDER to RSVP by Fri/Oct-23 - JMP Workshop at Univ of Miami on Mon/Oct-26 from 12 - 2pm

You are invited to attend a complimentary JMP Workshop we have
scheduled at the University of Miami on Monday, October 26th from 12
to 2pm.

* Coral Gables Campus - University Center Ballroom, 256 A/B
* Medical Campus - Rosensteil Medical Science Building, TBA
(Video Conference)

Pizza will be served at both locations.

Please RSVP by Friday/Oct-23 here:
* Coral Gables Campus<>
* Medical Campus<>

Attached is the workshop flyer for more information.

You can download a free, 30-day trial of JMP here if you are not
familiar with it:

Please forward this email on to other faculty, researchers or graduate
students that may be interested.

Give me a call with any questions.

Connie Freeman
JMP Academic Account Representative
SAS Institute, Inc.
919.531.6433 (o) | 919.349.9514 (m) | 919.677.4444 (f)<>
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