If you are a tenured or tenure track faculty member teaching
undergraduate students at UM, consider applying for the 2010 Faculty
Learning Community (FLC) on Information, Communication, and Technology
(ICT) Literacy. This is the second year of this excellent program .
You get to intellectually engage with other faculty, improve one of
your courses, and learn about ICT. FLC Fellows receive a one course
release and $1,500 in developmental funds. Check out http://tinyurl.com/y85qwvp
for a brief description from today's e-Veritas and go to http://tinyurl.com/y953ml3
for more details and the application form. Applications are due in
the Office of the Provost by October 30th, but don't wait until the
last minute. Apply NOW!
Don't know what is meant by a Faculty Learning Community? A faculty
learning community (FLC) is a group of trans-disciplinary faculty
engaging in an active, collaborative, yearlong program with a
curriculum about enhancing teaching and learning and with frequent
seminars and activities that provide learning, development,
transdisciplinarity, the scholarship of teaching and learning, and
community building.
Don't know what is meant by Information, Communication, and Technology
Literacy? Your students can text message and download music files,
but can they problem solve and think critically in a digital
environment? If they can, they have high ICT literacy. You may be
incorporating ICT activities into your courses already, or are
thinking about how 21st century information, communication, and
technology activities are changing your students' experiences. The
FLC on ICT is a chance to work with other faculty exploring this
exciting area.
Disclaimer: All the statements above are my interpretation of FLCs
and ICT Literacy. There are many different understandings. I am
writing this for those people who may not realize, from the jargon,
what this program is all about. If you have ANY interest in this, you
should check out the web sites and apply. The application is not long
and the opportunities are extensive. I am not part of this program,
but it is so exciting that I wanted to share it with all of you.
Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement Center