Tuesday, March 10, 2009

[ED-TECH] Fun Friday - March 27th

The next Fun Friday event is scheduled for March 27th. Because all the seats have been filled the last two months, we have moved to another location. We will be in one of the newly renovated class rooms (103) in Mahoney-Pearson Residential College. This provides you with the chance for a lovely walk before and after the event.

This month we will be looking at a site with Great Speeches of the 20th Century, a site that creates "word clouds" from those speeches or any other text, and a site that creates movies from a word or phrase. Nothing difficult, just fun and interesting.

This is the first time that we will NOT be providing lunch. Please feel free to bring your own and eat it during the presentation.

To make sure we have enough room, be sure to register by going to http://www.miami.edu/iac and clicking on the "Events" link.

Since Mahoney-Pearson is just beyond the Lowe Art Museum, you might want to take a few moments before or after the Fun Friday presentation to stop by and see the new glass pavilion. Remember, the Lowe is free to faculty, staff, and students.

Hope to see you at Fun Friday this month,
Bill Vilberg