Tuesday, February 17, 2009

[ED-TECH] Apple iPhone/Touch Development User Group Meeting

Ed-Tech list members,


A number of people at UM have indicated interest in learning more about Apple iPhone/Touch development. In order to support that desire, there will be an iPhone Development User Group Meeting on Wednesday, March 4th, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm, in Whitten Learning Center, Room 192.

This will be an organizational meeting to see how much interest there is, and how to move forward. Whether you are a web designer or a programmer, you are welcome to attend this planning event.

If you will be attending, please register with the http://tinyurl.com/umiug01 web form. If you know of people inside or outside UM that might be interested, please pass this information on to them, too.

Bill Vilberg

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