Monday, March 30, 2009

[ED-TECH] Outstanding Teacher Award Ceremony - TODAY @ 4 pm

Be at Storer Auditorium at 4:00 pm today, Monday, to join in the award ceremony for the Faculty Senate Outstanding Teacher Award. This is a chance to join together as a community and celebrate the incredible effort that each one of you puts into working with our students as they learn and grow here at the University of Miami.

Anita Cava, a professor in the School of Business Administration, Department of Business Law will receive the award this year, and I hope that you will all share in the joy of the recognition of teaching as a valued activity here at UM. President Donna E. Shalala and Faculty Senate members will be there. It would be exciting to fill the hall with people who value and are excited about teaching and learning.

See you there!

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement