Friday, February 10, 2006

FW: [POD] Two kinds of... anyone want to play?

-----Original Message-----
From: Professional & Organization Development Network in Higher
Education [] On Behalf Of Steve Ehrmann
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: [POD] Two kinds of... anyone want to play?

Thanks Sally! I'll add my two cents.

Carol Schneider, back when she was at the University of Chicago, around
1980, did a study of 4-5 BA programs designed specifically for returning
adults. Her collaborators were George Klemp and Susan Kastendiek.

Drawing on my vague recall of their findings, I could say that there are
two kinds of faculty: those who believe that virtually ALL students in
the class are capable of learning (if only the faculty member can figure
out how to trigger their engagement) and those who believe that 'it's my
job to put it out there but it's the students' job to get it.
Significant failure rates are normal, and not my fault.'

The study began with two populations of faculty who taught in those BA
programs: some were widely judged by their colleagues, by
administrators, and by students, to be superlative teachers. Members of
the second group got almost no votes as "superlative." The preceding
paragraph describes one way in which the investigators discovered that
those two groups differed in their approaches to teaching.


Steve Ehrmann (
The TLT Group

-----Original Message-----
From: Professional & Organization Development Network in Higher
Education [] On Behalf Of Sally Kuhlenschmidt
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 4:41 PM
Subject: [POD] Two kinds of... anyone want to play?

It's been a long productive week and my brain is tired. I find myself
dealing in dichotomies...So far this week I've been told there are two
kinds of teachers:

-analytic and synthetic (??a philosophy thing apparently) -'little a'
activity teachers and 'big A' activity teachers (whether they measure
the effect of the activity on learning) -lecturers and engagers -"my
discipline's teaching" and all others -appropriate for online teaching
and not appropriate for online teaching

So I'm wondering, can you complete one of these sentences:
There are two kinds of teachers.....
or There are two kinds of learners...
or....make one up in the spirit of the game. Maybe pick one of Steve
Ehrman's Confusers terms
( and have a go at
explicating it as a dichotomy (?There are two kinds of lectures, one
that engages the faculty delivering it and one that engages the
students. By the way, Steve, I'd like to submit "engagement" as a
confuser. )

Of course they're false...but the fun is to get try and maybe reveal
something....To inspire you I provide some 'two kinds of people quotes'.

"My theory is that when it comes to important subjects, there's
only two ways a person can answer. For example, there's two kinds of
people in this world, Elvis people and Beatles people. Now Beatles
people can like Elvis. And Elvis people can like the Beatles. But nobody
likes them both equally. Somewhere you have to make a choice. And that
choice tells me who you are." Deleted scene from Pulp Fiction, said by
Mia Wallace character''

There are two kinds of people, those who finish what they start and
so on Robert Byrne

In truth, there are only two kinds of people; those who accept
dogma and know it, and those who accept dogma and don't know it. - G.K.

There are two kinds of people: those who think there are two kinds
of people, and those who think it's not that simple.

There are three kinds of people in the world, those who can count
and those who can't

There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who know binary,
and those who don't.

And two kinds of websites (of course) on 2 kinds of people sayings:

Sally L. Kuhlenschmidt, Ph.D. Director, Faculty Center for Excellence in
Teaching (FaCET) Professor, Department of Psychology
1906 College Heights Blvd. #11095
Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, KY 42101-1095
FaCET: 270/745-6508, FAX: 270/745-6145
For my e-mail address visit:

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