Tuesday, February 07, 2006

[ED-TECH] Joy Beverly - Excellence in Teaching presentation - Tuesday, 2/14

Ed-Tech mailing list members,
Please note and share with your colleagues that Joy Beverly, one of last year's Excellence in Teaching award winners, will be presenting her teaching practice on Tuesday, February 14th, at 12:30 PM in Whitten University Center. Joy has looked at some of our students' social needs that impact our ability to meet their academic needs. More details can be found at the www.snurl.com/excellence page, which has links to the practices of all the 2005 Excellence in Teaching award recipients. If you are available, I encourage you to sign up for this session.
Lunch will be served and seating is limited. Registration is required. You can sign up for the session by going to the www.snurl.com/individuality address.
Pursuing Academic and Social Integration through Highlighting Individuality
2005 Excellence in Teaching Award Winner
Joy Beverly
College of Arts & Sciences, Mathematics

How can we encourage our students to have quality interaction, both academically and socially, in ways that help them to grow as scholars and individuals? This workshop will present inexpensive and practical ways to increase academic and social integration within the classroom through highlighting individuality. The two major components of this practice, name-calling and interviewing, will be outlined, as well as techniques for learning students' names. Some of the supporting research for this practice will be presented, as well as exploration of the possible benefits to both instructors and students, including better class interaction and discipline, more group study and better instructor evaluations.

Tuesday, February 14, 2005
12:30 PM - 1:20 PM
Whitten University Center
Room 226 A/B, (Flamingo Ballroom)

As with our other sessions, a recording and any handouts will be made available on the "Lunch and Learn Series" page on the IAC web site, www.miami.edu/iac, for those who cannot attend. You can also register from this page.
Bill Vilberg
305-284-3949 (work); 786-218-3052 (cell); 305-255-9138 (home)