Monday, April 30, 2012

Re: [ED-TECH] Why do we have an LMS?

Hi Bill,

In both my Thermodynamics classes, the majority voted positively for use of iClicker.

I didn't ask about LMS because I have been using it so long (since the inception by has been so long, I don't remember when?), I assume it is a 'given'. The LMS is useful in efficiently sending mass email to the whole class (and keeping the roster up to date, i.e. removing 'dropped' and 'withdrawals') regarding important issues, and change of venue regarding an interesting event for the class, etc.

The LMS is a great tool in keeping records of grades,etc., especially from previous semesters...takes the pressure of the instructor. I am sure others can go on-and-on about its benefits and disadvantages.

The iClicker raises the average of the test scores in both classes. (The LMS aids in the final scoring of students by including iClicker scores, etc. ) The iClicker also automatically encourages the students to attend class and be on time, which unfortunately many of the faculty and part-time lecturers don't care about. Unfortunately, this is an insidious behavior that tends to breed amongst students. Not instituting any kind of negative feedback regarding lateness or absenteeism in class is the root of many other negative behaviors. My research into neural science tells me that the human brain automatically seeks to make everyday tasks or chores as 'efficient' as possible, if there is no self-control or external control to make it do otherwise. For the unguided student brain, the most 'efficient' way is to go to class 'whenever' it is convenient and fits into other 'things', or not to go at all. These are the exceptions of course, at this time.

The majority are well-behaved students who attend class regularly and promptly, and who voted positively to use the 'iclicker'.


KV Wong
Professor and Faculty Senator

From: UM Educational Technology List [ED-TECH@LISTSERV.MIAMI.EDU] on behalf of Vilberg, William R. [bill.vilberg@MIAMI.EDU]
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 8:11 AM
Subject: [ED-TECH] Why do we have an LMS?

Ed-Tech list members,

I just added a post on my blog that I wanted to share with you all:

In my 14 years at UM I have brought in, set up, promoted, supported, and updated the Blackboard learning management system (LMS). An article, referring to another institution, suggests that the major functions of an LMS can be done on other systems for free, the minor functions are not being used, and an LMS costs a lot of money each year.

I don't agree with the conclusion that the LMS is a needless expense. I do agree that you, as a faculty member, should evaluate whether your teaching and student learning has been positively affected/changed by the use of an LMS. At the end of another academic year, this is a good chance to reflect on this question.

Please read my post at and the original article referenced in that post. Then, if you would like, let me know what you think.

Bill Vilberg -, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more