Tuesday, April 03, 2012

[ED-TECH] Students Endlessly E-Mail Professors for Help. A New Service Hopes to Organize the Answers. - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Ed-Tech list members,

I just read an interesting article in the Chronicle about a new teaching support system. It tries to make it easier to get students to ask questions and help each other. Many people are using discussion boards on Blackboard to do this now, but apparently this system must have some bells-and-whistles that make it better.

Two interesting quotes:

"Ms. Sankar said her biggest challenge is convincing professors that they can use a technology tool that is not officially endorsed by their colleges. She intentionally does not seek out deals with campus technology offices because she feels that what type of tool to use should be left up to individual faculty members. That's a shift that could change the way technology is supported on campuses."

"The service is so easy for students to use that he worries people are using it as a crutch. 'I got the feeling that students were asking the questions because that was easier than thinking,' Mr. Morrisett said."

Bill Vilberg, bill.vilberg@miami.edu, 786-250-2255

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