Wednesday, January 04, 2012

[ED-TECH] Prezi - Presentations that have a WOW factor

Ed-Tech members,

Are you familiar with Prezi?

If not (or even if you are) please go to and watch this presentation. I encourage you to begin by hovering over the "More" button and selecting "Fullscreen". Then use the arrow button at the bottom-center of the screen to move forward through the "slides." There is no sound, just the visuals. This is a great demonstration of Prezi and explains how it can be misused, when it is appropriate to use its different capabilities, and what it can do that PowerPoint cannot do.

Prezi is easy to learn, as far as the commands and such. Just go to and follow the tutorials. But it seems to take a creative mind to figure out how to design a good presentation. Would anyone be interested in forming a small learning community around the creation of Prezi presentations?  If I learned it with a group, I would certainly learn more, I think. I would like to have both people who have never used it for a presentation (like me) as well as people who have used it at conferences or in their classes. If we work together and share our ideas and examples, it could be a lot of fun for everyone. Let me know, OK?

Bill Vilberg