Thursday, December 13, 2012

[ED-TECH] Faculty ipad use in classrooms

Ed-Tech list members,

Marie White manages the technology in the general assignment classrooms for the IAC. She is setting up an iPad user's group for people who use the iPad to support their teaching. She asked me to send this out to everyone on the Ed-Tech mailing list. Reply to me and I will forward everything to Marie.



Dear Colleagues,


We would like to invite all faculty to join the Hot Topic mailing list for Faculty ipad use in classrooms. We plan to discuss the benefits of the ipad and how it can be used as an educational tool in the classroom. To subscribe and be a part of discussions, reply to this message and we will add you to the list/group.


Marie White

Instructional Advancement Center

Department of Information Technology


----- END INVITATION -----

Friday, November 16, 2012

[ED-TECH] Sound Booths for Recording

Hi everyone,


I am looking for a good vendor for ordering a sound proof booth for recording audio. At this time, the audio we are thinking about is something like voiceovers for teaching and learning materials, but also a quiet space to conduct webinars.


I’ve seen specs from the company Vocal Booth ( but was wondering if anyone has any other company or solution.


Thank you!




Bryanna V. Herzog

Educational Technology Specialist

University of Miami Libraries



Thursday, November 15, 2012

[ED-TECH] FridayLive! SPECIAL SESSION from Lilly Conference: Cell Phones as Clickers; Clickers in Classroom; Facebook for Profs:

Ed-Tech list members,

Three sessions from the Lilly International Conference on University and College Teaching (see for more details) are being simulcast as webinars on Friday afternoon (tomorrow). They all look interesting. Go to now to register. You will be sent the link via email before event. You can access the full session papers for all three sessions, and the PowerPoint for one of the sessions, from the email, below.


From: "<The TLT Group>", A Non-Profit Organization <>
Reply-To: Sally Gilbert <>
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 11:02 PM
To: William Vilberg <>
Subject: FridayLive! SPECIAL SESSION from Lilly Conference: Cell Phones as Clickers; Clickers in Classroom; Facebook for Profs:

Dear William Vilberg,

Cell Phones as Clickers;  Clickers in Classroom;  Facebook for Profs:  Experimental 3 session simulcast (Lilly Conf/FridayLive!) 
BEGINS 1:45PM ET Friday November 16, 2012
Register free for online participation:
3 Sessions in a row.  Register, free, once and participate in any/all 3.  

  • Live from Lilly International Conf 2012, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 
    Room: Marcum 186 (Conference session codes: 11f, 12i, 13h)
  • Live Online from FridayLive! the TLT Group's weekly free online interactive Webinar series Fridays, 2:00PM ET
For more info, registration:  
Participants - onsite or online:  You are welcome to enter (login), depart (logout), or actively participate, or merely "lurk" in any or all of these 3 sessions as you wish.  Each of these Lilly International 2012 sessions will be offered live, online (and by recording thereafter) thanks to the Lilly Conference's generosity, but  if (and only if) each presenter also agrees to this experimental step.  

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

[ED-TECH] Dropbox Space Race

Hello everyone,


If you are a user of dropbox, this may interest you. They are promoting a Space Race:


“Space Race is a chance for you to fight for your school and compete against other schools for free Dropbox space. Join now to get 3 GB of free space for two years! Then, earn points for your school to unlock even more space.”


Currently, University of Miami is 10th in the ACC Leaderboard, 99th in the United States Leaderboard, and 461 in the Global Leaderboard.


Click on the link below and register with your Dropbox account. You can use an account associated with a non-UM email, then add your email when prompted to get the free space.


If you’ve never signed up for a Dropbox account, I suggest reviewing this link for a tour about the service:





Bryanna V. Herzog

University of Miami Libraries




[ED-TECH] Educause sessions available on-demand - Two MUST WATCH sessions!

Watch the publicly streamed sessions of Educause ON-DEMAND! These are primarily presentations of 50 minutes, with a few general sessions that lasted 60 or 90 minutes. If you can set aside the time, please take a look at the list of sessions at and see if any interest you. If you can set aside the time, please watch them and think about how the information can be used by us, at UM.

I highly recommend the first two sessions on the list: IT as a Course Academic Competence by Clay Shirky (ignore the title – this talk is for everyone, not IT people), and Disrupting College by Michael B. Horn. They both talk about on-line learning and how it is changing higher education. I consider both of these MUST WATCH sessions as we think about how UM might adjust because of the wide available of on-line learning. 

Monday, November 05, 2012

[ED-TECH] Educause events AT YOUR DESK

Ed-Tech mailing list members,

On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week you can watch a number of the EDUCAUSE sessions right from your desk. If you are interested in technology in higher education, you should try to find time in your crowded schedule to take advantage of this incredible resource. The conference is in Denver, so ADD TWO HOURS to all Agenda times to get Miami times.

A set of sessions will also be shown in the Faculty Exploratory of the Richter Library. That is Richter, Room 305. Go to for the list of sessions that will be shown here.

View following schedule as a web page: 

Public Webcasts

The selected sessions below give you a taste of the best thinking in higher ed IT that's taking place at this year's EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. You can view these sessions live, or in recorded format, by clicking on the session titles below and going to the "VIDEO" tab.

Webcasting sponsored by Sonic Foundry, A Platinum Partner.

All times are listed in Mountain Time. Convert to your time zone.

Wednesday, November 7
8:00–9:30 a.m. IT as a Core Academic Competence
Speaker: Clay Shirky
Sponsored by Pearson, Platinum Partner
General Session
10:30–11:20 a.m. Disrupting College
Speaker: Michael B. Horn
Sponsored by IHD ServiceDesk
Featured Session
11:40 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Using Predictive Analytics to Improve Student Success
Speaker: Tristan Denley
Sponsored by IHD ServiceDesk
Featured Session
2:30–3:20 p.m. The "New Normal" and the Need for Adaptation in Higher Education
Speaker: Kimberly Tuby
Sponsored by IHD ServiceDesk
Featured Session
3:40–4:30 p.m. Student Success at Scale: What Have We Learned from Applying Technology to Persistent Challenges?
Speaker: Josh Jarrett
Sponsored by IHD ServiceDesk
Featured Session
Thursday, November 8
8:00–8:50 a.m. The Digital Preservation Network
Speaker: James L. Hilton
Sponsored by Presidio
Featured Session
9:10–10:00 a.m. When Learning Analytics Meet Big Data: The PAR Framework
Speakers: Pearl Imada Iboshi, Mike Sharkey, Jonathan Sherrill, & Ellen Wagner
Sponsored by Presidio
Featured Session
10:30–11:30 a.m. Blueprint for Change in an Era of Rapid Reinvention
Speakers: Christine Flanagan & Elliot Masie
Sponsored by Higher One
General Session
1:30–2:20 p.m. Building and Scaling Analytics: Lessons Learned from a Multi-Institutional Collaborative Effort
Speaker: John P. Campbell & Matthew D. Pistilli
Concurrent Session
1:30–2:20 p.m. edX: A Breakthrough in Online Learning
Speaker: Anne Margulies
Sponsored by Presidio
Featured Session
4:30–5:20 p.m. Restructuring Your Application Portfolio for Speed
Speaker: Bill Swanton
Sponsored by Presidio
Featured Session
5:30–6:20 p.m. MOOCs: The Coming Revolution?
Speakers: Daphne Koller & Brian D. Voss
Sponsored by Presidio
Featured Session
Friday, November 9
8:00–8:50 a.m. Teaching in an Age of Plenty
Speaker: Theodore Gray
Featured Session
9:10–10:00 a.m. Academic Completion in a Lifelong Learning Universe: What's That?
Speakers: Peter Smith
Featured Session
10:15 a.m.–11:15 a.m. Discovery in a Digital World
Speakers: Edward L. Ayers
General Session


Thursday, November 01, 2012

[ED-TECH] Technology Enhanced Learning (including on-line/distance learning) events

Ed-Tech mailing list members,

Next week on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, there will be a series of on-line presentations about technology in higher education. I will send out more details later, but I wanted to let you know that this will be happening and give you the titles of the sessions that will be available in Richter Library, Room 305 (the Faculty Exploratory). There will also be other locations, including one a Medical. The sessions being shown at the other locations may vary. I will get that information to you as soon as I receive it.

I am attaching the picture of the schedule, showing the sessions that will be in the Faculty Exploratory. It will be great if we can gather together to view these and talk about them. The sessions are being streamed live from EDUCAUSE, the very large conference being held in Denver this year. Because Denver is on Mountain time, the first session is 10:00 am EST and the final session ends around 8:00 pm EST. EST = Eastern Standard Time. Remember, daylight savings time ends this Sunday at 2:00 am. You get an extra hour of sleep.

There is no need to register or anything. Just show up, watch, discuss, and leave, as desired.

If you cannot read the schedule below, (or it was removed when distributed to the mailing list, you can see it at the web page.

Bill Vilberg,, 305-284-3944 or 786-250-2255

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[ED-TECH] I voted!

Ed-Tech mailing list,

[This is a non-education non-technology note. I hope it does not offend anyone. Remember to change the "To:" address to if you choose to reply.]

It took me 2.5 hours, but I cast my vote yesterday after work. Early voting is available from 7 am – 7 pm, today through this Saturday. If you are interested in taking part in early voting, or voting on election day, consider the following.

1. Check your registration status and print out your sample ballot.

The ballots are different for each precinct, but this will pull up your information based on your address.

2. Look at the various early voting locations and check the wait time at each one to decide where you are going to go.

The wait time page is extremely valuable. At 10:15 the morning the wait time at the Coral Gables Public Library was 37 minutes. At other locations it was as long as 3 hours. You can vote at ANY early voting location, no matter what precinct you are in. You could run out to the Library and back in about an hour, or you could go somewhere after work and wait three hours. Note that anyone IN LINE at 7 pm is allowed to vote. 

3. Research the items on the ballot. Mark your sample ballot so you will know how to cast your votes, especially in all the constitutional and charter amendments. The ballot is 10 pages (5 sheets, front and back) so deciding in advance is a real benefit.

Miami Herald "Naked Politics" site: (This site links to information about the various contests, it does not list recommendations directly.)

League of Women Voters site: (The "Local Ballot Issues" link does a nice job, I think, of summarizing the various Charter Amendments.)

There are lots of other groups with recommendations. Just Google "Miami Dade 2012 Voter Guide" to find them.

4. VOTE! Whether you go early or vote on election day, I hope you will cast your ballot.

Bill Vilberg

[ED-TECH] Apply NOW for the faculty learning community

Ed-Tech Mailing List Members,

You have until end-of-bussiness on Monday, Nov. 5, to apply for membership in the faculty learning community (FLC) on information, communication, and technology (ITC) literacy. 

Go to to for the news item. Go to for additional details and the application form. 

The application form is very brief. This is a professional development process that I wish every full-time faculty member would experience. The FLC is an opportunity to work with your colleagues to explore ways to improve your teaching and enhance the learning environments you create for your students. In addition, you get a one-course teaching reduction in fall 2013 and receive a $1,500 research and educational stipend to support your FLC work. 

Still not sure if this is for you? Talk with some of the people who have participated in the program to learn about their experiences.

2009: Rebecca Brienan, Shannon Campbell, Murat Erkoc, Bruce Garrison, Vaidyanathan Jayaraman, Richard John, and Kaufui Wong

2010: Blaine Fowers, Michael Milakovich, John Mezias, Dimitris Papamichail, and Akmal Younis

2011:  Leonardo Ferreira, Mark Friedman, Sallie Hughes, Lillian Manzor, Pamela Reid, and Sara Rushinek

2012: Ivan Albreht, Joy Beverly, KC Culver, Andrew Green, Keven Huffenberger, Gina Maranto, Mary McKay, Bryan Moore, John Onyango, Burton Rosenberg, Frank Samson, Jeffrey Shoulson, Steve Stein, Hasmet Uluorta, Keither Waddington, Daniel Wang, and Weizhao Zhao

The FLC on ICT Literacy is a part of UM's SACS accreditation process. Our quality enhancement plan (QEP) was designed to try using faculty learning communities for faculty development in this important area. Full details, including the complete QEP document, can be found at

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement Center
Information Technology

Friday, October 19, 2012

[ED-TECH] An Apple (iPad) for the Teacher

Here is a 30 second promo, created with xtranormal, for the iPad event this afternoon at 2:30 pm in Memorial 115.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

[ED-TECH] Two Events: NBC Learn & An iPad for the Teacher

Ed-Tech list members,

Linked below is a one minute video promo of two events we have coming up. One event is today at 1:30 pm and one is on Friday at 2:30 pm. 

Watch the video:

You can go to to view and register for these or any of our other upcoming events.

Bill Vilberg,, 8-3944 or 786-250-2255

Friday, October 12, 2012

[ED-TECH] Workshop - An Apple (iPad) for the Teacher: Using Your iPad to Enhance Your Teaching

Ed-Tech mailing list,

There are some great ways that iPad can enhance teaching and learning. Bill Vilberg will demonstrate some of these ways on Friday, October 19, 2012, 2:30 pm – 3:20 pm, in Memorial Classroom Building, Room 115. 
  • Learn how to connect to and control the computer in the classroom wirelessly from your iPad so you can walk around the classroom as you project material and even mark it up with a virtual marker. 
  • Learn how to collect papers electronically and write comments on them with a virtual red pen.
  • Learn how to display the iPad on the projector and run your whole class from your iPad.
  • Learn about programs that allow students to experience a discipline in new ways.
  • Share with other attendees what you are doing and learn from them.
Go to to reserve a seat for the event. There is a class in this room before and after this session, so we will start and end promptly.

An Apple (iPad) for the Teacher: Using Your iPad to Enhance Your Teaching

Presented by Bill Vilberg

How can you use your iPad as part of your teaching activities? Learn about a number of ways to project your iPad through the projector in the classroom, control the computer in the classroom from your iPad, use the iPad to mark up electronic copies of papers, and more.

When Friday October 19, 2012 from 2:30pm to 3:20pm

Where Memorial, Room 115

Total Seats 30 (Reserve a seat at

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement Center
Information Technology
Richter Library, Room 325
8-3944 or 305-284-3944

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

[ED-TECH] Please use Reply, not Reply ALL, on this list.

Ed-Tech mailing list members,

Please be courteous and use Reply when you are replying to an email to a message on a mailing list, rather than Reply All. The Reply All option sends a copy of your message back to the list, which redistributes the message to everyone on the list. 

Today, it's as easy to copy practically anyone on your mail as it is not to. And we sometimes find ourselves copying people almost out of habit. In general, this is rude. People have less time than ever today, precisely because they have so much information to absorb. Before you copy people on your messages, ask yourself whether they really need to know. If the answer is no, don't waste their time. If the answer is maybe, think twice before you hit the send key.

If your email client is set to use Reply All as the default, or you select Reply All for a message, it is your responsibility to check the "To:" field of your message before clicking on Send. Don't send the message to unnecessary recipients, please. And if it happens by mistake, we all understand, since we all make mistakes sometimes. No need to send "Sorry" to everyone. Think about what would happen if everyone replied "That's Ok." to the whole list. :-)

Bill Vilberg,, 8-3944 or 786-250-2255

Re: [ED-TECH] Hot Topic: Student Response System reevaluation and recommendation

Hi Bill,


Would like to voice my strong support for i>clicker.


Sorry, I do not have the time to participate in your "Hot Topic" team.




KV Wong

Professor and Faculty Senator



From: UM Educational Technology List [ED-TECH@LISTSERV.MIAMI.EDU] on behalf of Vilberg, William R. [bill.vilberg@MIAMI.EDU]
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012 4:24 PM
Subject: [ED-TECH] Hot Topic: Student Response System reevaluation and recommendation

Would you like to review the current state of student response systems and make a recommendation of which system UM should use as a standard? UM decided to standardize on i>clicker a number of years ago. Smart phone and web based systems were not available then. With the shift in technology, it is time to review the options and make a recommendation as to how to proceed.

If you would like to serve on a "Hot Topic" team to make a recommendation on this important educational technology, please let me know. I will collect names and then set up the Hot Topic team. A Hot Topic is a timely area that should be looked at as part of Academic Technology. Sometimes a Hot Topic team may learn more about the topic and just share what they have learned. In this case the Hot Topic team will create a baseline and decision framework, do research including demonstrations, and generate a recommendation. 

If you would like to be part of this process, please let m know.

Bill Vilberg,, 8-3944 or 786-250-2255

Monday, October 08, 2012

Re: [ED-TECH] Hot Topic: Student Response System reevaluation and recommendation

HI Bill,

Count me in!

Lyndon Godsall Ed.D, Ed.S, M.Ed, B.Ed
Instructional Designer
305-284-2710 Office
954-647-4634 Cell

From: <Vilberg>, "William R." <bill.vilberg@MIAMI.EDU>
Reply-To: "Vilberg, William R." <>
Date: Monday, October 8, 2012 4:24 PM
Subject: [ED-TECH] Hot Topic: Student Response System reevaluation and recommendation

Would you like to review the current state of student response systems and make a recommendation of which system UM should use as a standard? UM decided to standardize on i>clicker a number of years ago. Smart phone and web based systems were not available then. With the shift in technology, it is time to review the options and make a recommendation as to how to proceed.

[ED-TECH] Hot Topic: Student Response System reevaluation and recommendation

Would you like to review the current state of student response systems and make a recommendation of which system UM should use as a standard? UM decided to standardize on i>clicker a number of years ago. Smart phone and web based systems were not available then. With the shift in technology, it is time to review the options and make a recommendation as to how to proceed.

If you would like to serve on a "Hot Topic" team to make a recommendation on this important educational technology, please let me know. I will collect names and then set up the Hot Topic team. A Hot Topic is a timely area that should be looked at as part of Academic Technology. Sometimes a Hot Topic team may learn more about the topic and just share what they have learned. In this case the Hot Topic team will create a baseline and decision framework, do research including demonstrations, and generate a recommendation. 

If you would like to be part of this process, please let m know.

Bill Vilberg,, 8-3944 or 786-250-2255

Friday, October 05, 2012

[ED-TECH] Steve jobs 1983 "lost" speech

Lost Steve Jobs speech from 1983. Towards the end of his speech he talks about how kids back then were starting to learn through video games. Very interesting...

Article link:


Link to download the entire talk, including the Q&A session after (about additional 30 mins):


Gersom Manresa
Manager, Information Technology
School of Nursing and Health Studies
University of Miami
305-284-2185 Office
305-815-6822 Cell


Thursday, October 04, 2012

[ED-TECH] Blackboard course design session - Friday @ 2:30 pm

Ed-Tech list members,

This Friday, Oct 5, we will have a fascinating session demonstrating some good practices for Blackboard course sites. Whether you are looking for some small ways to enhance learning or are thinking of creating a fully online program, you will benefit from this wonderful session.

Title:  An Exemplary Blackboard Course at UM
Presenter:  Lyndon Godsall, Instructional Designer, School of Nursing and Health Studies
Date:  Friday, October 5, 2012
Time:  2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Location:  Memorial Classroom Building, Room 218

To register (encouraged, but not required) please go to and click on "An Exemplary Blackboard Course at UM."

Bill Vilberg,, 8-3944 or 786-250-2255

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

[ED-TECH] Blackboard Manager position is open

Blackboard and Ed-Tech list members,

If you know anyone that you think would be a good fit, the Blackboard Application Manager position at the University of Miami is open. Applications will be taken through Sept 17 or, if not filled by then, until the position is filled. The position is posted at as position #030745. The official title for the position is "System Analyst (Blackboard)." 

UM is a Blackboard managed hosted school of 15,000 students, with 15,000 unique users per week on our Blackboard Learn 9.1 SP 8 system. We started with Blackboard in 1999 and have the Enterprise/Community system. We are looking at adding Collaborate and Content Management. We use Blackboard almost completely for web enhanced courses, not distance learning.

If someone is interested in providing excellent service to an amazing faculty and student body, this may be the opportunity that person is looking for. Thanks for sharing it with anyone you know who might be a good candidate.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement Center
Information Technology
University of Miami, FL

[ED-TECH] 9-11 and Relating what you learn to your life by journaling

Ed-Tech List Members,

Our first year students were entering first grade on this date in 2001, when the Twin Towers came down. Most of us lived it, moment by moment. They probably didn't understand what was happening back then, and now,, for many of them, it is history.

One rule of learning is that if something relates to you personally, you learn it better. Experiential learning permanently anchors things. I remember the lack of airplanes in the sky. I remember helping a faculty member from California, caught here with no way to teach his class back there. I remember our students gathering in the UC Lounge, staring at the TVs. I remember the images on TV of the disappearance of the buildings, the people running from the debris field, the posters of missing people, and the digging for survivors.

My brother, Dr. Vilberg, teaches Psychology in upstate Pennsylvania. At the end of every unit/chapter/topic he has his students write in a journal (electronic on Blackboard) "How does this material relate to me, my family, my life, or my experience?" That simple act, which takes no class time, entwines the material with the students' lives and experiences. The material has meaning to them that it would not have otherwise. Their learning is enhanced.

Try asking your students to relate the course material to their lives. Have them write about it. Have them share it with you, and you provide some brief feedback. You may be amazed at their ability to do this and how much it enhances their learning. You might think that this can only be done in a discipline like Psychology or Sociology, but you would be wrong. Whether you ask them or not, students are drawing associations between what you teach and what they have experienced. Getting them to write about that can help both you and them.

Want to use Blackboard for this Journaling activity? Here are some videos and handouts to get your started. 

How to Create a Journal (video with audio):
How to Comment on a Journal Entry (video with audio):

Other Uses for Journals (pdf handout):
Blackboard Interactive Tools, including Journals (pdf handout):

You can also call 305-284-3949 (8-3949 on campus) 9-5, M-F, for assistance from our Blackboard service desk.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement Center
Information Technology
Richter Library, Room 325
8-3944 or 305-284-3944

Friday, September 07, 2012

[ED-TECH] Capitol Steps on campus Wednesday Night

The Capital Steps is an amazing political satire group. They combine skits and songs that mock both the right and the left. You can check out their humor at to see if you enjoy it as much as I do.

I first heard them live in 1999 in Washington, D.C. Since they will be here at UM, and tickets are FREE, I encourage everyone to attend their concert on Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 7:30 pm, Gusman Concert Hall, University of Miami. 

Tickets are available at the ticket window at the University Center. Show your Cane Card for a free ticket. 

Bill Vilberg

Monday, August 27, 2012

[ED-TECH] What is in your syllabus? What does it look like?

Ed-Tech mailing list people,

I hope everyone has made it through Isaac well. With classes off today, I thought you might like to look at some fascinating examples of syllabi from a variety of disciplines. The link below takes you to a Chonicle of Higher Ed post with links to about eight examples. Maybe this is a good time to consider reworking your spring syllabi?

Chronicle of Higher Ed article:

Sent from my iPad

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Re: [ED-TECH] Classroom Technology Training session in Memorial room 115 from 2:20pm - 3:20 pm On Friday August 24th

Dear Blackboard Users:


The general purpose classrooms in Memorial, the Learning Center, and the Residential College Classrooms feature some wonderful technology that can be used to enhance teaching. This session will demonstrate the features of the rooms, from the lights and telephone system to the writing tablet and video cameras. All teachers using these rooms are encouraged to attend the scheduled demonstrations.


The training session will be in the Dooley Memorial Classroom 115 from 2:20 pm to 3:20 pm, Friday August 24th. For additional information please contact Dale Deas 305-284-3263 or Marie White 305-284-6239.


We hope to see you there!


Instructional Advancement Center

Blackboard Course Management System



Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ed-Tech List Information

Sat, 18 Aug 2012 06:00:32

You are subscribed to the Ed-Tech list at the University of Miami. I
created this list to distribute information about Educational Technology.

Here are a few reminders.

1. If you want to unsubscribe you can do it a number of ways. A. Send me
an e-mail and I will remove you from the list. B. Go to, click on the "Join or
leave the list" link, and follow the instructions. C. Send the message
"UNSUBSCRIBE ED-TECH" (in the body of the list, not the subject) to (This will only work if sent from the
address that you are subscribed as.)

2. If you know someone who would like to subscribe tell them to do one of
the following. A. Send me an e-mail and I will add them to the list. Tell
me if they want to be on this list (Ed-Tech) and/or the Blackboard
Announcements list (Bb). B. Go to and fill
out the "Mailing List" form. B. Go to, click on the "Join or
leave the list" link, and follow the instructions. C. Send the message
"SUBSCRIBE ED-TECH" (in the body of the list, not the subject) to

3. Searchable archives of the list are available at

Bill Vilberg Home: 305-255-9138 Work: 305-284-3949
Cell: 786-218-3052

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

[ED-TECH] FW: Beyond Basic Metrics: What Analytics Can Do for Your Campus

FYI -  I've registered for this EDUCAUSE series, which will run from 2-3:30  in the Richter Library Information Literacy Lab [3rd Fl, Rm 344] for the three days [ July 24-26].    Recordings of the webinars should be available after each session.


You might be particularly interested in Wednesday's topic, "Analytics for Teaching, Learning, and Student Success".    A special website is released the morning of each day's webinar containing additional materials, polls, discussions, etc. on that day's topic.    You can access these sites and find more information about the series at:


Regards, cheryl


Cheryl Gowing

Director, Information Mgmt & Systems

University of Miami Richter Library

Coral Gables, FL  33124-0320


(305) 284-6018                 (305) 505-2898 (cell)

(305) 284-4721 (fax)



Analytics for Teaching, Learning, and Student Success

How does analytics affect faculty and students? Explore early warning systems, educational pathways, and use of student data to improve courses.

Marsha Lovett, Director, Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Teaching Professor of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University
Ellen Wagner, Executive Director, WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies (WCET)

Hosted by
Diana Oblinger, EDUCAUSE President and CEO

Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 2:23 PM
To: Gowing, Cheryl A.
Subject: Beyond Basic Metrics: What Analytics Can Do for Your Campus


If this e-mail message does not display correctly or hyperlinks are missing, please view our online version.

EDUCAUSE Analytics 3-Day Sprint



What's Possible with Analytics?

90 percent of our community believes analytics will be more important in 2 years.

Presidents, provosts, trustees, students and the federal government are looking to analytics as a solution for complex problems. If you haven't already become involved with analytics, it may soon be knocking at your door.

To bring the community together on this topic, EDUCAUSE will hold an Analytics Sprint, July 24–26. Over three days, we'll explore the many ways analytics is impacting IT.


90 percent of our community believes   analytics will be more important in 2 years.


The 3-Day Sprint: July 24–26

Join us for this free, online experience for a discussion about analytics. The Sprint is a build-your-own experience—you choose which activities to participate in, based on your interests. Each day we will reveal a new web page with links to articles, videos, daily webinars, and online discussions.



Daily Themes

The 3-Day Sprint: Daily Themes

Tuesday, July 24:
What Does Analytics Mean for Higher Education and IT?

Learn about the "big questions" analytics raises.

Wednesday, July 25:
Analytics for Teaching, Learning, and Student Success

How does analytics affect faculty and students?

Thursday, July 26:
Analytics for Enterprise Effectiveness

What kinds of data governance, policies, and infrastructure need to be in place to ensure effective institutional use of analytics?


How to Participate


Save the Date
Add the Sprint to your calendar and make plans to visit the site throughout the event.


Sign Up for the Webinars
Virtual seating is limited—register early. Sign up for any or all of the daily webinars.


Join Us on Twitter
Interact with us and your peers before, during, and after the event using the hashtag #EDUSprint.


This project is made possible through a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.





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