Hello everyone,
If you are a user of dropbox, this may interest you. They are promoting a Space Race:
“Space Race is a chance for you to fight for your school and compete against other schools for free Dropbox space. Join now to get 3 GB of free space for two years! Then, earn points for your school to unlock even more space.”
Currently, University of Miami is 10th in the ACC Leaderboard, 99th in the United States Leaderboard, and 461 in the Global Leaderboard.
Click on the link below and register with your Dropbox account. You can use an account associated with a non-UM email, then add your miami.edu email when prompted to get the free space.
If you’ve never signed up for a Dropbox account, I suggest reviewing this link for a tour about the service: https://www.dropbox.com/tour
Bryanna V. Herzog
University of Miami Libraries