Ed-Tech Mailing List Members,
You have until end-of-bussiness on Monday, Nov. 5, to apply for membership in the faculty learning community (FLC) on information, communication, and technology (ITC) literacy.
Go to http://goo.gl/ttSgJ to for the news item. Go to http://www.miami.edu/flc for additional details and the application form.
The application form is very brief. This is a professional development process that I wish every full-time faculty member would experience. The FLC is an opportunity to work with your colleagues to explore ways to improve your teaching and enhance the learning environments you create for your students. In addition, you get a one-course teaching reduction in fall 2013 and receive a $1,500 research and educational stipend to support your FLC work.
Still not sure if this is for you? Talk with some of the people who have participated in the program to learn about their experiences.
2009: Rebecca Brienan, Shannon Campbell, Murat Erkoc, Bruce Garrison, Vaidyanathan Jayaraman, Richard John, and Kaufui Wong
2010: Blaine Fowers, Michael Milakovich, John Mezias, Dimitris Papamichail, and Akmal Younis
2011: Leonardo Ferreira, Mark Friedman, Sallie Hughes, Lillian Manzor, Pamela Reid, and Sara Rushinek
2012: Ivan Albreht, Joy Beverly, KC Culver, Andrew Green, Keven Huffenberger, Gina Maranto, Mary McKay, Bryan Moore, John Onyango, Burton Rosenberg, Frank Samson, Jeffrey Shoulson, Steve Stein, Hasmet Uluorta, Keither Waddington, Daniel Wang, and Weizhao Zhao
The FLC on ICT Literacy is a part of UM's SACS accreditation process. Our quality enhancement plan (QEP) was designed to try using faculty learning communities for faculty development in this important area. Full details, including the complete QEP document, can be found at http://www.miami.edu/flc.
Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement Center
Information Technology