Thursday, September 23, 2010

[ED-TECH] Webinar on clicker use for college faculty - Sept 28th

Ed-Tech List Members,

This looks like an excellent webinar on clickers. You should be able to sit at your computer, either in your office or at home, and watch+listen. If it isn't good, just turn it off.

We have lots of classes at UM using clickers (student response systems) now. If you are using clickers, this might give you some ideas for new ways to take advantage of the technology. If you are not using clickers yet, you might want to listen in and see what they can do for you and your classes.

Bill Vilberg

On Sep 17, 2010, at 2:48 pm, Stephanie Chasteen wrote:

I'm going to be offering a one-hour free webinar on September 28th at 1pm US Eastern Time on effective use of personal response systems (clickers). This will be targeted to college faculty teaching all disciplines, with a slight focus on STEM. Please consider joining us! This webinar is sponsored by i>clicker (, but will be focused on the research-based best practices of using clickers that can be used with any technology (e.g., smartboards, pollanywhere, etc.). Read more here. <>
Register here<> (

Full description:
In this interactive webinar, we'll explore tips and ideas for incorporating clickers into your particular class. Clickers offer a powerful way to increasing student engagement and improve learning. At the University of Colorado, we have transformed our classrooms by using clickers to promote peer instruction. We'll show research results on the most effective use of clickers, and discuss common challenges. In particular, we'll focus on the attributes of "great" clicker questions, discuss example questions, and share ideas on facilitating effective wrap-up discussions once all the votes are in.

I am a Science Teaching Fellow at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and have been working with faculty and K12 instructors for the past several years on effective use of clickers. See my other workshops<>, and the videos we've produced on clickers in the classroom.<>
- Stephanie


Stephanie V. Chasteen, Ph.D.
Science Teaching Fellow - Physics
Science Education Initiative -

Website and blog:


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

[ED-TECH] New ACE format in myUM and UMApps

Ed-Tech list members,

Hooray! The new ACE format is available in myUM and UMApps. The myUM ACE is fine but the UMApps ACE has an alignment issue. The course work is not properly aligned under the headers. The attachment shows the problem. IT is working to correct this issue and should have the fix in UMApps Thursday evening.

I am just the reporter of this event. The people who did the work to make this better are in IT.

The next project is to improve the search capabilities for courses. The details are being worked on, but students need to be able to search by day of the week, time, instructor, and so on. The process is to take one thing at a time and improve it. The format of the ACE report was first. The search/filter options will be next.

Bill Vilberg,<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

[ED-TECH] FW: Last chance to participate in the Slamdance/Adobe Re-cut Competition

Another great opportunity for students.  Pass it along.

Thanks! --Bryanna


From: Adobe Systems Incorporated []
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 12:04 PM
To: Richter Library - DMedia Lab
Subject: Last chance to participate in the Slamdance/Adobe Re-cut Competition


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First Annual Slamdance/Adobe Re-cut Competition

Slamdance Re-cut Competition

Showcase Your Film Editing Talent

Film production students in higher education worldwide are invited to enter the First Annual Slamdance/Adobe Re-cut Competition for emerging editing talent. Entrants will have the opportunity to re-edit a scene from the indie classic MALL COP by Palm d'Or winning filmmaker and GREY's ANATOMY editor David Greenspan.

Participants will re-cut a selected scene using Adobe Premiere® Pro CS5 trial software. All submissions will receive education copies of Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, so everybody wins! Three talented finalists will be rewarded with their own Adobe CS5 Production Premium education software and the Grand Prize winner will also earn round-trip transportation and four days of accommodations to attend the 2011 Slamdance to experience seeing their winning work screened at the Festival. Registrations to participate now open through Oct. 1, 2010. Final submissions must to be received by Slamdance by Oct. 31, 2010.

Register Now

Register now to participate in the First Annual Slamdance/Adobe Re-cut Competition


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[ED-TECH] Videoconference TODAY (Tuesday) at 2:00 pm on Campus Media Management

Ed-Tech list members,

There is a videoconference today, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, on campus media management. As support people, we are often asked whether we have a solution to upload, transcode, tag, search, stream and embed curricular media so that professors can easily publish video to their courses, find video that has already been used in other classes, and control access to who is able to view individual pieces of media. The webinar will discuss the issues, and is sponsored by Kaltura, one of the open source platforms in this space.

You can sign up and "attend" at your desk, or come to Richter Library to watch it with the staff from the library. I think this is an important service that we need to provide, promote, and support, so getting together with others to talk about is worth your while.

For more information on the session go to

To register for the sesion go to

If you will be attending in the Faculty Exploratory, Room 305, in the Richter Library, please let Bryanna Herzog know, so she will have enough chairs available.

I hope to see you there.

Bill Vilberg,<>, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

[ED-TECH] New ACE Report format starting next Wednesday

Ed-Tech list members,

Next week (on Wednesday) the UM ACE (Academic Evaluation) report will change its format and gain a new feature. I wanted to warn you so you won't be surprised. I also wanted to tell you about the new feature so you can take advantage of it. A sample of the report is attached.

The new format makes excellent use of fonts, layout, and design elements to improve the readability of the ACE report. Colors are used to indicate whether a section is completed or not. Completed sections have a gray background, to make the sections with requirements remaining stand out. Fixed width fonts (typewriter fonts) are only used where necessary to provide accurate formatting; all other fonts are variable width fonts. The size of the fonts is larger for the headings of each section. Boxes are drawn around each section. And so on. The goal was to make it easier to read and understand and a number of techniques have been used to do that.

The new feature is a checkbox at the top of the requirements boxes, that lets the student (1) show all the requirements, including those already completed, the default, or (2) only show those sections that still have requirements remaining to be completed. Again, this should help assure that the student can focus on those sections still remaining, rather than accidentally missing something.

Thanks to everyone who made this change possible, especially the people in IT and the Office of the Registrar. Finally, I want to point out that our current Student Government leaders were elected on a "technology" platform. Improving the ACE report was one of the things they wanted to accomplish. While the process had begun long before they even ran for office, their drive and desire made sure it was completed. They have a number of changes they would like to see put into place regarding the registration system and the use of technology in the classrooms. I will continue to work closely with them, and hopefully we will be successful in advancing a number of additional changes in the coming year.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more


Friday, September 10, 2010

[ED-TECH] FW: 4th Annual Sparky Awards - Video Contest for Students

FYI.  I think this would be a great thing for our students to know about.



Bryanna V. Herzog

Digital Media Services Manager

University of Miami Libraries

1300 Memorial Drive Rm. 120

Coral Gables, FL  33124

Phone: 305-284-2548 .:. Fax: 305-284-4027




From: NMC Subscribers List [mailto:NMCSubscribers@Princeton.EDU] On Behalf Of Nancy Reeves
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 11:00 AM
To: NMCSubscribers@Princeton.EDU
Subject: 4th Annual Sparky Awards - Video Contest for Students


September 9, 2010

Contact: Jennifer McLennan
(202) 296-2296 x 121
jennifer [at] arl [dot] org

Entries invited for the 4th Annual Sparky Awards

Washington, DC – The importance of the student stake in opening up access to scholarly research will be highlighted in Open Up! – the fourth installment of the annual Sparky Awards student video contest, announced today. Calling on students to articulate their views in a two-minute video, the contest has been embraced by campuses all over the world and has inspired imaginative expressions of student support for the potential of Open Access to foster creativity, innovation, and problem solving.

Open Access is free, immediate, online access to the published results of scholarly research, combined with the rights we need to be able to use and re-use them in the ways we want in the digital space. Students have been leaders in the creative re-use, remix, and mash-up of material across the digital realm, and have a fair expectation that scholarly research should be equally, legally accessible to help advance their scholarship and ensure the quality of their education.

Students are uniquely positioned to advance Open Access. Through their publishing, copyright, and policy choices, students – along with faculty and administrators – can make Open Access to institutional research outputs and wider access to the whole scholarly record a reality – today.

Open Up! calls on students to let the world know they support Open Access and to say why. This year, entries are invited to four categories:

1. Animation – Drop into the media lab and master that illustration software!
2. Speech – Just say how it is. Skip the fancy editing and use your 120 seconds to tell campus viewers in your own eloquent words why Open Access matters to you.

3. Remix – Mix it up. Re-use video, music, images and remix with your own content to create your unique vision of the importance of Open Access. Content must be re-used legally.

4. People’s Choice – The People choose! Sparky Award entries are opened up for public vote.
Winners will receive an iPad, iPhone, or iPod and a fabulous "Sparky Award" statuette. The award-winning videos will be announced in conjunction with the American Library Association Annual Conference and a Campus MovieFest Regional Finale, and will be widely publicized by the sponsoring organizations at public events across North America throughout the year.

The Sparky Awards are an opportunity for faculty to enhance fall and spring classes, as well as for libraries to promote services -- including media services or information commons, where students can edit video, browse media, work collaboratively, and develop a good understanding of copyright. Libraries everywhere are encouraged to host local installments of the contest.

Entries in the international Sparky Awards competition are now being accepted and must be received by 12:00AM Eastern time on May 27, 2011. To be eligible, videos must be freely available on the Internet and available for use under a Creative Commons License.

The Sparky Awards are organized by SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) and co-sponsored by: the Association of College and Research Libraries, the Association of Research Libraries, Campus MovieFest, the Center for Social Media, the New Media Consortium (NMC), the Open Video Alliance, Penn Libraries, Students for Free Culture, the Student PIRGs, and SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition).

For full details, visit the Sparky Awards Web site at

# # #

THE SPARKY AWARDS are organized and sponsored by SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition), an alliance of academic libraries and research institutions working to build on the opportunities created by the networked digital environment to advance the conduct of scholarship. Membership in SPARC is open to libraries of all sizes. For more information, visit

Nancy E. Reeves, CMP
Director, Member Services

The New Media Consortium
6101 West Courtyard Dr.
Building One, Suite 100
Austin, TX  78730
512-445-4205 fax

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Thursday, September 09, 2010

[ED-TECH] Signup Now: "How Do Students Learn?"

Ed-Tech Mailing List,

How do students learn? At this session of the "Learning Emporium: Tools and Rules for Teaching," a group of students will talk about how they actually learn the material in their courses. This provides a look at the educational experience from the student's seat in the classroom. Discussion and questioning will be a major component of the 50 minute session.

Assorted bagels, sweet rolls, juice, and coffee will be provided and available before the meeting, courtesy of The Bagel Emporium. The session will start promptly at 8:00 am and end at 8:50 am.

The "Learning Emporium: Tools and Rules for Teaching" series, for teachers at UM, will meet the third Tuesday or Wednesday of the month (alternating) and cover a range of topics related to education, technology, and more. This series is cosponsored by the Student Government Association, Instructional Advancement, and The Bagel Emporium.

When - Wednesday, September 22, 2010 from 8:00 am to 8:50 am

Where - Learning Center 140

Registration -

Refreshments - Assorted bagels, sweet rolls, juice, and coffee will be provided and available before the meeting, courtesy of The Bagel Emporium

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

[ED-TECH] Interesting items about education, technology, and more

Ed-Tech list members,

I am posting UM specific items to the Ed-Tech mailing list. I run across a lot of interesting material, but I don't want to clutter up everyone's mailboxes. If you would like to see the other material go to There is a subscription box there to get an email summary of new posts every day. You can unsubscribe from any of the emails, so there is no risk in giving it a try. Below is a recent email summary.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more<>


* Cell phone cameras don't take the picture all at once....<x-msg://237/#1>
* How schools are putting the iPad to work<x-msg://237/#2>
* Nurture or nature? Here is some evidence for nature. How much...<x-msg://237/#3>

Cell phone cameras don't take the picture all at once....<>

Posted: 31 Aug 2010 11:32 AM PDT


Cell phone cameras don't take the picture all at once. They process the pixels from one side of the sensor to the other. If you are taking a picture of something moving rapidly, at right angle to your camera, you can get some strange pictures. It looks like these propellers are melting, but it is just the effect of the cell phone camera. Search Google Images (<>) for "rolling shutter effect" to see more examples. Your cell phone camera's unintended "rolling shutter" effect<>

How schools are putting the iPad to work<>

Posted: 31 Aug 2010 09:30 AM PDT

How schools are putting the iPad to work: Another new technology, another wave of grants to try to...

Nurture or nature? Here is some evidence for nature. How much...<>

Posted: 31 Aug 2010 06:43 AM PDT


Nurture or nature? Here is some evidence for nature. How much are we what we are because of what we are and how much because of what we do? Flexibility in decision-making is dependent on structural features of the brain. "Brain's 'Hardware' Key to Decision-Making<> "The underlying finding that a purely physical measurement could predict behavior is very surprising."

You are subscribed to email updates from<>
To stop receiving these emails, you may unsubscribe now<>. Email delivery powered by Google
Google Inc., 20 West Kinzie, Chicago IL USA 60610

[ED-TECH] New UM Web Search

Ed-Tech list members,

The University is changing from the Ultraseek web search system to the Google web search system. If there is information that you have tried to find before, using the search box on the UM web site, and failed, try the new search box and see if it is better.

The new search is scheduled to replace the old search today, Sept. 7. As I write this, a search from the home page uses the Ultraseek system, but provides a link to the new Google search system. At some point today a search from is scheduled to begin using the Google system.

You can tell if you are using the old search or the new search by the results page. Here is the old page. Notice the "Powered by Ultraseek" logo on the right side.


Here is the new results page. No more "Powered by..." notice.


While the new search is a subtle change for most users, the IT people who manage our UM web server have spent a great deal of time setting this up and, in my opinion, done a great job. Go to and give it a try.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>
786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Sunday, September 05, 2010

[ED-TECH] Fwd: Writing Center Workshop: Personal Statements

Ed-Tech list members,

The Writing Center has a wonderful series of writing workshops for students. I hope you will encourage ALL of your students to take part in these excellent opportunities to develop their writing skills. The rule of advertising is that you have to hear or see something three times before you take notice of it, so if everyone mentions it, perhaps more students will take notice and make use of the valuable opportunity.

The next session is on Tuesday and the topic is Personal Statements. It will be held 6:30-7:30 pm in Hecht Residential College, Room 101. A flyer is attached.

The writing center and I would appreciate you letting your students know about this. Perhaps you could send it to them through Blackboard's email announcement feature if you don't have class on Tuesday?

Bill Vilberg -, 786-250-2255 - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

[ED-TECH] Mother Pelican ~ Vol 6 No 9 September 2010

The PelicanWeb's Journal of Sustainable Development has been renamed
*Mother Pelican* in honor of the Human Being she represents.

The September 2010 issue has been posted, and this is the link to the
front page:

*The UN MDG Review Summit*
1. The UN MDG Review Summit
2. Review of the "Keeping the Promise" Report
3. Opportunities for Collaboration/Participation
4. Key References and Workings Documents
5. Planned MDG Summit Meeting Agenda

The main focus of the September issue is an analysis of the main
obstacles to sustainable development with specific focus on MDG3 (gender
equality) and MDG8 (partnerships for development).

Supplements (September Updates):

Supplement 1: Advances in Sustainable Development
Supplement 2: Directory of Sustainable Development Resources
Supplement 3: Sustainable Development Simulation (SDSIM)

The basic objective of this web-based simulation model is to stimulate
discussion on policy priorities. Specifically, what is the top priority
.... economic development or human development? In other words, what
are the trade-offs between pursuing further economic growth and
investing in human well-being?


Declaration of Independence from Wall Street, by David Korten
Seizing the Moment for Clean Energy, by Ann Florini
Towards a New Economy and a New Politics, by Gus Speth

Feedback to the editor is always welcome!


Luis T. Gutierrez, Ph.D.
The Pelican Web (
Editor, PelicanWeb's Journal of Sustainable Development
A monthly, CC license, free subscription, open access e-journal