Wednesday, April 07, 2010

[ED-TECH] Visual Literacy presentation, Tuesday, 4/20/2010 - DON'T MISS IT!

Ed-Tech List Members,

You are getting the first notice of an exciting presentation at UM, Tuesday, April 20, 2010, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, in the University Center, Ballroom A (226 A). Diana George is Professor of Rhetoric and Writing and Director of Composition and the Writing Center at Virginia Tech. We are bringing her to UM, using funds provided by the ACC, to work with us on how and where visual literacy might intersect with our work—not as an entirely separate kind of literacy skill but, instead, as a continuum of what we do when we teach writing, reading, thinking, composing, design, presentation, and more. This presentation will be for faculty and teaching assistants across disciplines, especially anyone attempting to incorporate uses of the visual in student work. Please come. Please invite your cohorts. This is certain to be an exciting event.

Tuesday, 4/20/2010
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm
University Center, Ballroom A (226A)

Refreshments will be served.
Please register by going to<> and selecting the "Events" link.
A more complete description of the event is available from the event registration page.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement<>