Wednesday, April 14, 2010

[ED-TECH] Fwd: Twitter Case Study

Chase Fitzgerald would like to work with some faculty members to try out a new way of generating student engagement, using Twitter. He will show you everything, so it is no problem if you don't have a Twitter account or have never used Twitter. If you are willing to work with him, please get in tough with him directly by calling 561-602-3052 or sending email to<>.

Bill Vilberg -<>, 786-250-2255

Begin forwarded message:

From: Chase Fitzgerald <<>>
Date: April 13, 2010 12:29:10 PM EDT
To: "Vilberg, William R." <<>>
Subject: Twitter Case Study

Mr. Vilberg,

I hear you're the man I need to speak with if I need to find a progressive instructor at the University of Miami.

I'm working on a case study on the use of Twitter in the classroom. In brief, using Twitter's "hashtags" to invoke conversation, group discussion leaders can allow participants to immediately join in a message-board format so no voice goes unheard. I actually found you on Twitter (I'm a new follower) so I know you know how it works. I want to test the effectiveness of using #hastags on an in-class lecture setting.

This method could be doubled in a corporate setting, but as far instructors of lecture halls go, it would allow students to take discussion materials home with them for their studies. Additionally, those who are less likely to speak up will have their points or questions addressed. Using Twitter, students are restricted to express their point or question in 140 characters.

If given the opportunity to work with some of your instructors, I could come to the University of Miami to help them set up a hashtag – for free, of course. Used correctly, this could be a great way to enhance lectures and engage students.

Please let me know if you find this useful and let me know where I can help out! Thank you in advanced!

Chase (@chase_f)

Chase Fitzgerald
Director of Social Media & Public Relations
C: 561.602.3052 | F: 866.542.7561
