Thursday, September 10, 2009

[ED-TECH] Memorial/LC/Res. Coll. Technology Classrooms

Ed-Tech list members,

If you are teaching in Memorial, the Learning Center, or any of the Residential College Classrooms, you know that there is an incredibly wonderful amount of technology in each of those rooms. This Friday, TOMORROW, Ken Gamber will be demonstrating how to use that technology in Memorial 212, 11:15 am - 12:05 pm. Ken manages the technology in those 65 classrooms, so he really knows all about how to use it to advantage. You will learn about the computer, document camera, writing tablet, and more. I urge anyone using these rooms to attend, either as an initial training or a refresher course.

To register, please go to the page.

If you are unable to attend, Ken is happy to make appointments to work with you individually. You can reach him at 305-284-6239 (8-6239 on campus) or at via e-mail. We know how busy you are and how many demands are made of you. We want to do everything we can to support your teaching activities, so that you can show your passion for your subjects and your students can become fully engaged in learning.

Bill Vilberg