Ed-Tech list members,
Three new Lunch and Learn sessions are open for registration. I know it is the end of the semester, and everyone is VERY busy helping our students successfully complete the year. If you think any of these topics would be of use/interest to you, I hope that you will be able to find time to join us for our Lunch and Learn sessions. Registration is required and can be completed quickly on-line at the http://iac.miami.edu web site. If you have food preferences (we get the lunch from Subways) please include the information in the Comments section of the form.
Wikis, Blogs, and Discussion Boards: When to Use What – (Friday, April 4, 11:30 AM, Memorial 203)
These are three different forms of writing, supported by the Blackboard system. What are the differences? Why/when would you use one instead of another. If you haven’t seen the wiki and blog capabilities of Blackboard, this will be a very gentle introduction to what they can do for you as you design learning activities for your students.
Moodle: An Alternative to Blackboard? – (Friday, April 11, 11:30 AM, Memorial 203)
Moodle is a learning management system, like Blackboard. It was designed by a teacher, so it has some features not found in Blackboard. It is being adopted by some major schools, such as UCLA and LSU. And it costs far less than Blackboard. Come see a brief demonstration of Moodle, as the first step in an evaluation of a possible change.
Copyrights: What’s Fair? – (Friday, April 18, 11:30 AM, Memorial 203)
Scott Britton has been attending workshops on Copyright law. Come here him tell what he has learned about what we can and cannot (should not?) do as teachers. The laws are changing, so even if you have learned about copyright before, I encourage you to attend this session and find out what is new.
Bill Vilberg
Dir. of Instructional Advancement