Dear Ed-Tech list members,
Do you use an iPad? Want to learn how to create instructional videos using the "Explain Everything" application? Attend the Designated Learner Session on Friday, Nov. 6, 2015, 2pm EST. It is FREE! In a Designated Learner Session there is a teacher and a learner. The rest of us observe the process of learning about the subject, in this case "Explain Everything." So it is very painless.
Register now at
Explain Everything Designated Learner Session: Nov 6th. Login info will be sent to you via email. Try to login 20 minutes early, for an explanation of how to use the webinar system. Plan on staying after 3:00 to listen to more discussion or ask questions.
- Bill -
Begin forwarded message:
Date: November 2, 2015 at 2:06:12 PM EST
Subject: Explain Everything Designated Learner Session: Nov 6th, TLT Group Event Announcement
William Vilberg,
Explain Everything Designated Learner Session: Nov 6th
06 Nov 2015 2:00 PM EST
Explain Everything Designated Learner Session
Stephen Kaufman, Senior Instructional Designer,Quality Matters Coordinator / CRM Design & Development Services, The University of Akron
Patrick Tabatcher, Senior Multimedia Producer, The University of Akron
Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, and others
- Like a live TV cooking show!
Participants will learn how to create an Explain Everything. lesson through a focused demonstration, and what factors to consider when developing one. Explain Everything is a unique (why? mainly ability to use iPad - stylus?) Interactive screen casting whiteboard app. We'll provide examples that show several options within Explain Everything from different disciplines. If you want to emulate the steps of the demo yourself, you will need to purchase Explain Everything. However, you do not need to do so if you simply want an intro/demo.
Stephen Kaufman will be joined by Patrick Tabatcher, who has authored many of the faculty projects at The University of Akron and is very well versed in the design and technical side of this valuable App.
NOTE: Login instructions for the session will be sent in the Registration Confirmation Email. Please check your Junk folder as sometimes these emails get trapped there. We will also send an additional login reminder a few hours prior to the start of the event.
More information and online registration: Explain Everything Designated Learner Session: Nov 6th
We think you might be interested in this! Hope you can join us!
The TLT Group, A Non-Profit Organization
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