Thursday, March 19, 2015

Re: [ED-TECH] Teaching with Technology Faculty Showcase Event

Apologies, the “Save the Date” image associated with the event does not look like it emailed correctly.  Please refer to the attached document for additional details. 

Thank you!



Cheyne A. Murray, Instructional Designer

UMIT | Department of Academic Technologies

Learning, Innovation and Faculty Engagement  
Ungar 139 | Coral Gables FL 33146 

Telephone: 305.284.9031 | Twitter: @cmurrayedu

“Learning results from what the student does and thinks and only from what the student does and thinks. The teacher can advance learning only by influencing what the student does to learn” - Herbert Simon

From: <Murray>, Admin <>
Date: Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 3:14 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: Teaching with Technology Faculty Showcase Event

Dear all Faculty and Staff, 

I hope you are all well on this Thursday. Please disregard if you have already received a notification for this event.  




Come join us in the first annual University of Miami Faculty Showcase. This event will take place on Friday, April 10th in the Student Center Complex, East Ballroom and will showcase ways that technology can be used to enhance teaching and learning. Our intent is to give faculty and staff the opportunity to share how they are using technology in unique ways, network with other colleagues, and generate new project ideas. 


The Showcase is intended to be a for-faculty, by-faculty. The event is designed with a faculty audience in mind, but staff and students who are interested in technology-enhanced course design are also welcome to attend. At this time, the Showcase is not open to people outside of the University of Miami. 


You can find the links below to register and discover more about the University of Miami Faculty Showcase. Breakfast starts at 8:00am., followed by a morning of faculty-led sessions, networking opportunities, and finishing with a technology demonstrations and consultations with design staff after lunch. See the full agenda


Space is limited so register now to reserve your place! For more information, see the event website


Let me know if you have any questions.  

Cheyne A. Murray, Instructional Designer

UMIT | Department of Academic Technologies

Learning, Innovation and Faculty Engagement  
Ungar 139 | Coral Gables FL 33146 

Telephone: 305.284.9031 | Twitter: @cmurrayedu

“Learning results from what the student does and thinks and only from what the student does and thinks. The teacher can advance learning only by influencing what the student does to learn” - Herbert Simon