Wednesday, February 19, 2014

[ED-TECH] Flipped classrooms Virtual Office Hour today at 3:30 pm

Our Virtual Office Hours today will have two presentations:
- Flipping with Bloom: Flipping a Lesson Using Bloom's Taxonomy
- Using Kaltura Screen Recorder: Adding Screen Recordings in Blackboard Learn

If you are at all interested in flipped classrooms, or don't know what flipping is, both presentations will help you understand more about this trending topic.

To join the webinar, go to before 3:30 pm. You can do it now if you want to make sure your computer is all set up. It may take a few minutes to get things set up properly the first time.

The Learning Platforms team at UM hosts the virtual office hours every Wednesday, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm ET, at . They are open to everyone, and specifically designed for faculty at the University of Miami. Please join us!

- Bill -
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