Wednesday, February 26, 2014

[ED-TECH] Virtual Office Hours recordings

Ed-Tech people,

We are recording the Virtual Office Hours each Wednesday, 3:30pm-4:30pm ET, and making them available from the web page. If you want to attend live, go to or go to to watch the videos.

- Bill -

William (Bill) Vilberg
Assistant Director in Academic Technologies
Information Technology
University of Miami
305-284-3944 (desk)
786-250-2255 (cell)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

[ED-TECH] Flipped classrooms Virtual Office Hour today at 3:30 pm

Our Virtual Office Hours today will have two presentations:
- Flipping with Bloom: Flipping a Lesson Using Bloom's Taxonomy
- Using Kaltura Screen Recorder: Adding Screen Recordings in Blackboard Learn

If you are at all interested in flipped classrooms, or don't know what flipping is, both presentations will help you understand more about this trending topic.

To join the webinar, go to before 3:30 pm. You can do it now if you want to make sure your computer is all set up. It may take a few minutes to get things set up properly the first time.

The Learning Platforms team at UM hosts the virtual office hours every Wednesday, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm ET, at . They are open to everyone, and specifically designed for faculty at the University of Miami. Please join us!

- Bill -
Sent from my iPad

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Re: [ED-TECH] Ed-Tech is moving to a Yammer group

Hi Bill


I would love to join the Learning Design group but I have a umiami account and not a account.  Do you know how I can be added to the Miami group instead of the umiami?




From: UM Educational Technology List [mailto:ED-TECH@LISTSERV.MIAMI.EDU] On Behalf Of Vilberg, William R.
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 8:56 AM
Subject: [ED-TECH] Ed-Tech is moving to a Yammer group


I am shutting down the Ed-Tech mailing list and moving to a Yammer group. If you have an email address, please join the Yammer group if you want to continue to get and discuss educational technology information. You can continue to receive messages via email, if you so choose. (If you are not part of the UM email system, you will not be able to join this group.)

To join the Yammer group, please follow these simple steps.


1. Go to and create an account, using your (or email address.

2. Once you have created the account and logged in, join the "ed-tech (public)" group. (Details below, if you can't see how to do it immediately.)

3. If you want to follow the group via email, so you don't have to login to Yammer to see if there is anything new, enter the group and click on the "Subscribe to this group by email" check box in the right hand column.

I don't remember exactly what happens when you create a new account. I think you get to join groups automatically. If not, you should be able to join the ed-tech group by following these steps.


1. Click on the "Groups" link in the menu bar on the left of the Yammer page.


2. If the group does not appear in the list of "Groups that may interest you," click on the "View more groups" link at the bottom of the selection box.

3. Click on the "All Groups" tab on the next page that appears.

4. Find the "ed-tech (public)" group and click on the "+ Join" button to the right of the name.

The ed-tech group is public, so anyone with a Yammer account in our network ( can join it. Many of the groups listed a private groups. They have a padlock after their names and, if you click on the "+ Join" button a request will be sent to the administrator of the group for approval. 

You are able to join any of the public (no padlock) groups. I recommend the "Learning Design" group if you are interested in improving your teaching or designing on-line materials for your students.


- Bill -

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

[ED-TECH] Join Yammer "Learning Design Community," not "ed-tech (open)"

In thinking about the Yammer groups that already exist, we decided that it would be better for the ed-tech list members to just join the Learning Design Community group, rather than creating a separate ed-tech group.

If join the ed-tech group, I will move you to the Learning Design Community group and then remove you from the ed-tech group. I have admin rights to both.

If you have not yet joined the ed-tech group, please join the Learning Design Community group instead.

- Bill -

[ED-TECH] Ed-Tech is moving to a Yammer group

I am shutting down the Ed-Tech mailing list and moving to a Yammer group. If you have an email address, please join the Yammer group if you want to continue to get and discuss educational technology information. You can continue to receive messages via email, if you so choose. (If you are not part of the UM email system, you will not be able to join this group.)

To join the Yammer group, please follow these simple steps.


1. Go to and create an account, using your (or email address.

2. Once you have created the account and logged in, join the "ed-tech (public)" group. (Details below, if you can't see how to do it immediately.)

3. If you want to follow the group via email, so you don't have to login to Yammer to see if there is anything new, enter the group and click on the "Subscribe to this group by email" check box in the right hand column.

I don't remember exactly what happens when you create a new account. I think you get to join groups automatically. If not, you should be able to join the ed-tech group by following these steps.


1. Click on the "Groups" link in the menu bar on the left of the Yammer page.

2. If the group does not appear in the list of "Groups that may interest you," click on the "View more groups" link at the bottom of the selection box.

3. Click on the "All Groups" tab on the next page that appears.

4. Find the "ed-tech (public)" group and click on the "+ Join" button to the right of the name.

The ed-tech group is public, so anyone with a Yammer account in our network ( can join it. Many of the groups listed a private groups. They have a padlock after their names and, if you click on the "+ Join" button a request will be sent to the administrator of the group for approval. 

You are able to join any of the public (no padlock) groups. I recommend the "Learning Design" group if you are interested in improving your teaching or designing on-line materials for your students.

- Bill -

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Ed-Tech List Information

Wed, 5 Feb 2014 06:02:31

You are subscribed to the Ed-Tech list at the University of Miami. I
created this list to distribute information about Educational Technology.

Here are a few reminders.

1. If you want to unsubscribe you can do it a number of ways. A. Send me
an e-mail and I will remove you from the list. B. Go to, click on the "Join or
leave the list" link, and follow the instructions. C. Send the message
"UNSUBSCRIBE ED-TECH" (in the body of the list, not the subject) to (This will only work if sent from the
address that you are subscribed as.)

2. If you know someone who would like to subscribe tell them to do one of
the following. A. Send me an e-mail and I will add them to the list. Tell
me if they want to be on this list (Ed-Tech) and/or the Blackboard
Announcements list (Bb). B. Go to and fill
out the "Mailing List" form. B. Go to, click on the "Join or
leave the list" link, and follow the instructions. C. Send the message
"SUBSCRIBE ED-TECH" (in the body of the list, not the subject) to

3. Searchable archives of the list are available at

Bill Vilberg Home: 305-255-9138 Work: 305-284-3949
Cell: 786-218-3052