If you are interested in exploring how you can use technology to improve student learning in your classes, apply for the 2014 faculty learning community (FLC) at UM. You will explore Information and Communication Technology and then make some design changes in your courses based on what you have, personally, learned. For that you get money, release time, and (best of all) a chance to reflect on and improve teaching and learning with a group of your fellow faculty members.
The application and complete details can be found at http://tinyurl.com/flc2014
The application is extremely short, so fill it out now. It is due by December 7th, but DON'T WAIT. This is a valuable opportunity that I encourage you to take. You can see the list of FLC Fellows, 2009-2013, on the http://scholar.library.miami.edu/flc/ web site. Talk to one of them and see if this is something that you would like to be part of.
- Bill -