Friday, November 16, 2012

[ED-TECH] Sound Booths for Recording

Hi everyone,


I am looking for a good vendor for ordering a sound proof booth for recording audio. At this time, the audio we are thinking about is something like voiceovers for teaching and learning materials, but also a quiet space to conduct webinars.


I’ve seen specs from the company Vocal Booth ( but was wondering if anyone has any other company or solution.


Thank you!




Bryanna V. Herzog

Educational Technology Specialist

University of Miami Libraries



Thursday, November 15, 2012

[ED-TECH] FridayLive! SPECIAL SESSION from Lilly Conference: Cell Phones as Clickers; Clickers in Classroom; Facebook for Profs:

Ed-Tech list members,

Three sessions from the Lilly International Conference on University and College Teaching (see for more details) are being simulcast as webinars on Friday afternoon (tomorrow). They all look interesting. Go to now to register. You will be sent the link via email before event. You can access the full session papers for all three sessions, and the PowerPoint for one of the sessions, from the email, below.


From: "<The TLT Group>", A Non-Profit Organization <>
Reply-To: Sally Gilbert <>
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 11:02 PM
To: William Vilberg <>
Subject: FridayLive! SPECIAL SESSION from Lilly Conference: Cell Phones as Clickers; Clickers in Classroom; Facebook for Profs:

Dear William Vilberg,

Cell Phones as Clickers;  Clickers in Classroom;  Facebook for Profs:  Experimental 3 session simulcast (Lilly Conf/FridayLive!) 
BEGINS 1:45PM ET Friday November 16, 2012
Register free for online participation:
3 Sessions in a row.  Register, free, once and participate in any/all 3.  

  • Live from Lilly International Conf 2012, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 
    Room: Marcum 186 (Conference session codes: 11f, 12i, 13h)
  • Live Online from FridayLive! the TLT Group's weekly free online interactive Webinar series Fridays, 2:00PM ET
For more info, registration:  
Participants - onsite or online:  You are welcome to enter (login), depart (logout), or actively participate, or merely "lurk" in any or all of these 3 sessions as you wish.  Each of these Lilly International 2012 sessions will be offered live, online (and by recording thereafter) thanks to the Lilly Conference's generosity, but  if (and only if) each presenter also agrees to this experimental step.  

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

[ED-TECH] Dropbox Space Race

Hello everyone,


If you are a user of dropbox, this may interest you. They are promoting a Space Race:


“Space Race is a chance for you to fight for your school and compete against other schools for free Dropbox space. Join now to get 3 GB of free space for two years! Then, earn points for your school to unlock even more space.”


Currently, University of Miami is 10th in the ACC Leaderboard, 99th in the United States Leaderboard, and 461 in the Global Leaderboard.


Click on the link below and register with your Dropbox account. You can use an account associated with a non-UM email, then add your email when prompted to get the free space.


If you’ve never signed up for a Dropbox account, I suggest reviewing this link for a tour about the service:





Bryanna V. Herzog

University of Miami Libraries




[ED-TECH] Educause sessions available on-demand - Two MUST WATCH sessions!

Watch the publicly streamed sessions of Educause ON-DEMAND! These are primarily presentations of 50 minutes, with a few general sessions that lasted 60 or 90 minutes. If you can set aside the time, please take a look at the list of sessions at and see if any interest you. If you can set aside the time, please watch them and think about how the information can be used by us, at UM.

I highly recommend the first two sessions on the list: IT as a Course Academic Competence by Clay Shirky (ignore the title – this talk is for everyone, not IT people), and Disrupting College by Michael B. Horn. They both talk about on-line learning and how it is changing higher education. I consider both of these MUST WATCH sessions as we think about how UM might adjust because of the wide available of on-line learning. 

Monday, November 05, 2012

[ED-TECH] Educause events AT YOUR DESK

Ed-Tech mailing list members,

On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week you can watch a number of the EDUCAUSE sessions right from your desk. If you are interested in technology in higher education, you should try to find time in your crowded schedule to take advantage of this incredible resource. The conference is in Denver, so ADD TWO HOURS to all Agenda times to get Miami times.

A set of sessions will also be shown in the Faculty Exploratory of the Richter Library. That is Richter, Room 305. Go to for the list of sessions that will be shown here.

View following schedule as a web page: 

Public Webcasts

The selected sessions below give you a taste of the best thinking in higher ed IT that's taking place at this year's EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. You can view these sessions live, or in recorded format, by clicking on the session titles below and going to the "VIDEO" tab.

Webcasting sponsored by Sonic Foundry, A Platinum Partner.

All times are listed in Mountain Time. Convert to your time zone.

Wednesday, November 7
8:00–9:30 a.m. IT as a Core Academic Competence
Speaker: Clay Shirky
Sponsored by Pearson, Platinum Partner
General Session
10:30–11:20 a.m. Disrupting College
Speaker: Michael B. Horn
Sponsored by IHD ServiceDesk
Featured Session
11:40 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Using Predictive Analytics to Improve Student Success
Speaker: Tristan Denley
Sponsored by IHD ServiceDesk
Featured Session
2:30–3:20 p.m. The "New Normal" and the Need for Adaptation in Higher Education
Speaker: Kimberly Tuby
Sponsored by IHD ServiceDesk
Featured Session
3:40–4:30 p.m. Student Success at Scale: What Have We Learned from Applying Technology to Persistent Challenges?
Speaker: Josh Jarrett
Sponsored by IHD ServiceDesk
Featured Session
Thursday, November 8
8:00–8:50 a.m. The Digital Preservation Network
Speaker: James L. Hilton
Sponsored by Presidio
Featured Session
9:10–10:00 a.m. When Learning Analytics Meet Big Data: The PAR Framework
Speakers: Pearl Imada Iboshi, Mike Sharkey, Jonathan Sherrill, & Ellen Wagner
Sponsored by Presidio
Featured Session
10:30–11:30 a.m. Blueprint for Change in an Era of Rapid Reinvention
Speakers: Christine Flanagan & Elliot Masie
Sponsored by Higher One
General Session
1:30–2:20 p.m. Building and Scaling Analytics: Lessons Learned from a Multi-Institutional Collaborative Effort
Speaker: John P. Campbell & Matthew D. Pistilli
Concurrent Session
1:30–2:20 p.m. edX: A Breakthrough in Online Learning
Speaker: Anne Margulies
Sponsored by Presidio
Featured Session
4:30–5:20 p.m. Restructuring Your Application Portfolio for Speed
Speaker: Bill Swanton
Sponsored by Presidio
Featured Session
5:30–6:20 p.m. MOOCs: The Coming Revolution?
Speakers: Daphne Koller & Brian D. Voss
Sponsored by Presidio
Featured Session
Friday, November 9
8:00–8:50 a.m. Teaching in an Age of Plenty
Speaker: Theodore Gray
Featured Session
9:10–10:00 a.m. Academic Completion in a Lifelong Learning Universe: What's That?
Speakers: Peter Smith
Featured Session
10:15 a.m.–11:15 a.m. Discovery in a Digital World
Speakers: Edward L. Ayers
General Session


Thursday, November 01, 2012

[ED-TECH] Technology Enhanced Learning (including on-line/distance learning) events

Ed-Tech mailing list members,

Next week on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, there will be a series of on-line presentations about technology in higher education. I will send out more details later, but I wanted to let you know that this will be happening and give you the titles of the sessions that will be available in Richter Library, Room 305 (the Faculty Exploratory). There will also be other locations, including one a Medical. The sessions being shown at the other locations may vary. I will get that information to you as soon as I receive it.

I am attaching the picture of the schedule, showing the sessions that will be in the Faculty Exploratory. It will be great if we can gather together to view these and talk about them. The sessions are being streamed live from EDUCAUSE, the very large conference being held in Denver this year. Because Denver is on Mountain time, the first session is 10:00 am EST and the final session ends around 8:00 pm EST. EST = Eastern Standard Time. Remember, daylight savings time ends this Sunday at 2:00 am. You get an extra hour of sleep.

There is no need to register or anything. Just show up, watch, discuss, and leave, as desired.

If you cannot read the schedule below, (or it was removed when distributed to the mailing list, you can see it at the web page.

Bill Vilberg,, 305-284-3944 or 786-250-2255