Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[ED-TECH] I voted!

Ed-Tech mailing list,

[This is a non-education non-technology note. I hope it does not offend anyone. Remember to change the "To:" address to bill.vilberg@miami.edu if you choose to reply.]

It took me 2.5 hours, but I cast my vote yesterday after work. Early voting is available from 7 am – 7 pm, today through this Saturday. If you are interested in taking part in early voting, or voting on election day, consider the following.

1. Check your registration status and print out your sample ballot.

The ballots are different for each precinct, but this will pull up your information based on your address.

2. Look at the various early voting locations and check the wait time at each one to decide where you are going to go.

The wait time page is extremely valuable. At 10:15 the morning the wait time at the Coral Gables Public Library was 37 minutes. At other locations it was as long as 3 hours. You can vote at ANY early voting location, no matter what precinct you are in. You could run out to the Library and back in about an hour, or you could go somewhere after work and wait three hours. Note that anyone IN LINE at 7 pm is allowed to vote. 

3. Research the items on the ballot. Mark your sample ballot so you will know how to cast your votes, especially in all the constitutional and charter amendments. The ballot is 10 pages (5 sheets, front and back) so deciding in advance is a real benefit.

Miami Herald "Naked Politics" site: http://goo.gl/JSws4 (This site links to information about the various contests, it does not list recommendations directly.)

League of Women Voters site: http://www.lwvmiamidade.org/ (The "Local Ballot Issues" link does a nice job, I think, of summarizing the various Charter Amendments.)

There are lots of other groups with recommendations. Just Google "Miami Dade 2012 Voter Guide" to find them.

4. VOTE! Whether you go early or vote on election day, I hope you will cast your ballot.

Bill Vilberg

[ED-TECH] Apply NOW for the faculty learning community

Ed-Tech Mailing List Members,

You have until end-of-bussiness on Monday, Nov. 5, to apply for membership in the faculty learning community (FLC) on information, communication, and technology (ITC) literacy. 

Go to http://goo.gl/ttSgJ to for the news item. Go to http://www.miami.edu/flc for additional details and the application form. 

The application form is very brief. This is a professional development process that I wish every full-time faculty member would experience. The FLC is an opportunity to work with your colleagues to explore ways to improve your teaching and enhance the learning environments you create for your students. In addition, you get a one-course teaching reduction in fall 2013 and receive a $1,500 research and educational stipend to support your FLC work. 

Still not sure if this is for you? Talk with some of the people who have participated in the program to learn about their experiences.

2009: Rebecca Brienan, Shannon Campbell, Murat Erkoc, Bruce Garrison, Vaidyanathan Jayaraman, Richard John, and Kaufui Wong

2010: Blaine Fowers, Michael Milakovich, John Mezias, Dimitris Papamichail, and Akmal Younis

2011:  Leonardo Ferreira, Mark Friedman, Sallie Hughes, Lillian Manzor, Pamela Reid, and Sara Rushinek

2012: Ivan Albreht, Joy Beverly, KC Culver, Andrew Green, Keven Huffenberger, Gina Maranto, Mary McKay, Bryan Moore, John Onyango, Burton Rosenberg, Frank Samson, Jeffrey Shoulson, Steve Stein, Hasmet Uluorta, Keither Waddington, Daniel Wang, and Weizhao Zhao

The FLC on ICT Literacy is a part of UM's SACS accreditation process. Our quality enhancement plan (QEP) was designed to try using faculty learning communities for faculty development in this important area. Full details, including the complete QEP document, can be found at http://www.miami.edu/flc.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement Center
Information Technology

Friday, October 19, 2012

[ED-TECH] An Apple (iPad) for the Teacher

Here is a 30 second promo, created with xtranormal, for the iPad event this afternoon at 2:30 pm in Memorial 115.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

[ED-TECH] Two Events: NBC Learn & An iPad for the Teacher

Ed-Tech list members,

Linked below is a one minute video promo of two events we have coming up. One event is today at 1:30 pm and one is on Friday at 2:30 pm. 

Watch the video:  http://goo.gl/HmQid

You can go to http://iacevents.org to view and register for these or any of our other upcoming events.

Bill Vilberg, bill.vilberg@miami.edu, 8-3944 or 786-250-2255

Friday, October 12, 2012

[ED-TECH] Workshop - An Apple (iPad) for the Teacher: Using Your iPad to Enhance Your Teaching

Ed-Tech mailing list,

There are some great ways that iPad can enhance teaching and learning. Bill Vilberg will demonstrate some of these ways on Friday, October 19, 2012, 2:30 pm – 3:20 pm, in Memorial Classroom Building, Room 115. 
  • Learn how to connect to and control the computer in the classroom wirelessly from your iPad so you can walk around the classroom as you project material and even mark it up with a virtual marker. 
  • Learn how to collect papers electronically and write comments on them with a virtual red pen.
  • Learn how to display the iPad on the projector and run your whole class from your iPad.
  • Learn about programs that allow students to experience a discipline in new ways.
  • Share with other attendees what you are doing and learn from them.
Go to http://iacevents.org to reserve a seat for the event. There is a class in this room before and after this session, so we will start and end promptly.

An Apple (iPad) for the Teacher: Using Your iPad to Enhance Your Teaching

Presented by Bill Vilberg

How can you use your iPad as part of your teaching activities? Learn about a number of ways to project your iPad through the projector in the classroom, control the computer in the classroom from your iPad, use the iPad to mark up electronic copies of papers, and more.

When Friday October 19, 2012 from 2:30pm to 3:20pm

Where Memorial, Room 115

Total Seats 30 (Reserve a seat at http://iacevents.org

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement Center
Information Technology
Richter Library, Room 325
8-3944 or 305-284-3944

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

[ED-TECH] Please use Reply, not Reply ALL, on this list.

Ed-Tech mailing list members,

Please be courteous and use Reply when you are replying to an email to a message on a mailing list, rather than Reply All. The Reply All option sends a copy of your message back to the list, which redistributes the message to everyone on the list. 

Today, it's as easy to copy practically anyone on your mail as it is not to. And we sometimes find ourselves copying people almost out of habit. In general, this is rude. People have less time than ever today, precisely because they have so much information to absorb. Before you copy people on your messages, ask yourself whether they really need to know. If the answer is no, don't waste their time. If the answer is maybe, think twice before you hit the send key.

If your email client is set to use Reply All as the default, or you select Reply All for a message, it is your responsibility to check the "To:" field of your message before clicking on Send. Don't send the message to unnecessary recipients, please. And if it happens by mistake, we all understand, since we all make mistakes sometimes. No need to send "Sorry" to everyone. Think about what would happen if everyone replied "That's Ok." to the whole list. :-)

Bill Vilberg, bill.vilberg@miami.edu, 8-3944 or 786-250-2255

Re: [ED-TECH] Hot Topic: Student Response System reevaluation and recommendation

Hi Bill,


Would like to voice my strong support for i>clicker.


Sorry, I do not have the time to participate in your "Hot Topic" team.




KV Wong

Professor and Faculty Senator



From: UM Educational Technology List [ED-TECH@LISTSERV.MIAMI.EDU] on behalf of Vilberg, William R. [bill.vilberg@MIAMI.EDU]
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012 4:24 PM
Subject: [ED-TECH] Hot Topic: Student Response System reevaluation and recommendation

Would you like to review the current state of student response systems and make a recommendation of which system UM should use as a standard? UM decided to standardize on i>clicker a number of years ago. Smart phone and web based systems were not available then. With the shift in technology, it is time to review the options and make a recommendation as to how to proceed.

If you would like to serve on a "Hot Topic" team to make a recommendation on this important educational technology, please let me know. I will collect names and then set up the Hot Topic team. A Hot Topic is a timely area that should be looked at as part of Academic Technology. Sometimes a Hot Topic team may learn more about the topic and just share what they have learned. In this case the Hot Topic team will create a baseline and decision framework, do research including demonstrations, and generate a recommendation. 

If you would like to be part of this process, please let m know.

Bill Vilberg, bill.vilberg@miami.edu, 8-3944 or 786-250-2255

Monday, October 08, 2012

Re: [ED-TECH] Hot Topic: Student Response System reevaluation and recommendation

HI Bill,

Count me in!

Lyndon Godsall Ed.D, Ed.S, M.Ed, B.Ed
Instructional Designer
305-284-2710 Office
954-647-4634 Cell

From: <Vilberg>, "William R." <bill.vilberg@MIAMI.EDU>
Reply-To: "Vilberg, William R." <bill.vilberg@miami.edu>
Date: Monday, October 8, 2012 4:24 PM
Subject: [ED-TECH] Hot Topic: Student Response System reevaluation and recommendation

Would you like to review the current state of student response systems and make a recommendation of which system UM should use as a standard? UM decided to standardize on i>clicker a number of years ago. Smart phone and web based systems were not available then. With the shift in technology, it is time to review the options and make a recommendation as to how to proceed.

[ED-TECH] Hot Topic: Student Response System reevaluation and recommendation

Would you like to review the current state of student response systems and make a recommendation of which system UM should use as a standard? UM decided to standardize on i>clicker a number of years ago. Smart phone and web based systems were not available then. With the shift in technology, it is time to review the options and make a recommendation as to how to proceed.

If you would like to serve on a "Hot Topic" team to make a recommendation on this important educational technology, please let me know. I will collect names and then set up the Hot Topic team. A Hot Topic is a timely area that should be looked at as part of Academic Technology. Sometimes a Hot Topic team may learn more about the topic and just share what they have learned. In this case the Hot Topic team will create a baseline and decision framework, do research including demonstrations, and generate a recommendation. 

If you would like to be part of this process, please let m know.

Bill Vilberg, bill.vilberg@miami.edu, 8-3944 or 786-250-2255

Friday, October 05, 2012

[ED-TECH] Steve jobs 1983 "lost" speech

Lost Steve Jobs speech from 1983. Towards the end of his speech he talks about how kids back then were starting to learn through video games. Very interesting...

Article link:



Link to download the entire talk, including the Q&A session after (about additional 30 mins):



Gersom Manresa
Manager, Information Technology
School of Nursing and Health Studies
University of Miami
305-284-2185 Office
305-815-6822 Cell


Thursday, October 04, 2012

[ED-TECH] Blackboard course design session - Friday @ 2:30 pm

Ed-Tech list members,

This Friday, Oct 5, we will have a fascinating session demonstrating some good practices for Blackboard course sites. Whether you are looking for some small ways to enhance learning or are thinking of creating a fully online program, you will benefit from this wonderful session.

Title:  An Exemplary Blackboard Course at UM
Presenter:  Lyndon Godsall, Instructional Designer, School of Nursing and Health Studies
Date:  Friday, October 5, 2012
Time:  2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Location:  Memorial Classroom Building, Room 218

To register (encouraged, but not required) please go to http://iacevents.org and click on "An Exemplary Blackboard Course at UM."

Bill Vilberg, bill.vilberg@miami.edu, 8-3944 or 786-250-2255