I apologize for my last message; it was insensitive. I have been so busy with other things that I wasn't thinking of the trauma being felt by the lay offs at the medical campus. Obviously the urgency level there is at its highest level. This is not a quiet, restful time to reflect, for people affected either directly or indirectly. I am sorry for not recognizing that on my own. Thank you to those who kindly pointed it out.
I am working hard to align myself to the new reality, to me, that we are not a university with a medical school attached but a medical school with a university attached. I was told that 2/3 of our income and 2/3 of our expenses are based on our medical school, including our clinical services. I didn't know that.
Changing this mindset is important for me. I think of the story of President Kennedy and the janitor at NASA. See http://goo.gl/i8MQ9 to read the story, if you don't know it. I want to know that instead of just helping the faculty at UM use technology to enhance learning, _I_ am working to cure cancer and do all the other amazing things happening at this institution.
When people ask me how I am I always answer "Excellent!" with emphasis. It is just as easy as saying "Ok" or "Fine" or "Getting by". It reminds me that I am doing important things and it is an honor and a calling. When people ask me what I do, I sometimes falter. I need to work on that and have some things that make me proud(er) when I say what I do.
- I am changing our future generations.
- I am helping to cure cancer.
- I am increasing the well-being of Miami.
- I am discovering new knowledge.
I will work on this list and, in the process, hopefully be more sensitive to the many associated parts of this wonderful organization, as I reframe my role and join with them.
Bill Vilberg - bill.vilberg@miami.edu, 786-250-2255
http://vilberg.com - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more